Q&A for How to Make French Toast

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    Is it okay to cook it on low?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it will take a little longer, but you are less likely to burn your toast.
  • Question
    Do you have to use eggs?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Eggs are the entire point of French toast.
  • Question
    Do I have to use vanilla in the recipe?
    Community Answer
    No, you do not. Vanilla simply adds a subtle flavor that many people find tasty. You can omit the vanilla entirely.
  • Question
    Can you make it without milk or vanilla?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The vanilla is just for flavoring and milk just makes it fluffy. I've made it without milk because I'm allergic. It tastes fine; it's just not as fluffy.
  • Question
    Can someone with a cinnamon allergy eat this French toast?
    Community Answer
    Not if they cannot eat cinnamon. In that case, simply make the French toast without cinnamon. It still tastes fantastic.
  • Question
    Can I use powdered milk instead of normal milk?
    Nathaniel De Leon
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can, you just need to add water. Also, if you're allergic to dairy you can always use soy or almond milk. It still tastes wonderful and it's healthier.
  • Question
    Is the measuring good for only 2 slices of bread?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you can easily increase the proportions if you'd like to make more slices. For example, you will need 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of milk for every 2 slices of French toast.
  • Question
    Can I use food coloring to change the color?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If you have kids, that would be a fun way to spice up this simple breakfast dish.
  • Question
    Can I use cinnamon sugar?
    Community Answer
    Of course, it just makes it easier on you instead of using sugar and cinnamon separately.
  • Question
    Can the french toast be made in an oven?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it can be made in the oven.
  • Question
    How do I measure what to use while making french toast?
    Community Answer
    Use a regular measuring spoons and if you don't have one then just simply use a regular teaspoon.
  • Question
    What happens if the egg just scrambles and gets soggy?
    Community Answer
    You have to allow it to brown nicely before flipping it to the other side. If it seems soggy, just let it cook a bit longer.
  • Question
    Can I use homemade bread?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but keep in mind that the type of bread will influence the taste of your french toast. Also, thicker slices will need to soak longer in the mixture and cook longer to cook through.
  • Question
    How much sugar should I add?
    Community Answer
    You do not need to add sugar to this recipe.
  • Question
    My French toast is still not cooked on the inside. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Try reducing the time you let your bread soak in the egg mixture or lowering your cooking temperature.
  • Question
    How much cinnamon is needed to make french toast?
    Community Answer
    There is no required amount. Sprinkle on as much as you like, as you would with salt or any other seasoning.
  • Question
    Can I use just one piece of bread?
    Community Answer
    Sure, though it could be tricky to scale down the measurements for such a small amount. You'll likely end up with some waste.
  • Question
    Do I have to use cinnamon?
    Community Answer
    Cinnamon just adds a bit of flavor, but it is totally optional. Without cinnamon, the flavor is still delicious.
  • Question
    How much vanilla extract should be used per egg?
    Community Answer
    The amount of eggs doesn't affect the amount of vanilla extract, you need 1/2 tsp in your mix.
  • Question
    What else could I mix into the egg mixture other than cinnamon and vanilla?
    Community Answer
    I use coffee creamer sometimes! It helps with the fluffiness, being a dairy product, and adds flavor. If you don't want to use vanilla or cinnamon coffee creamer, try hazelnut or caramel.
  • Question
    Can I mix the eggs with carrots, and green beans?
    Community Answer
    Yes, just crack the eggs, and then put in the veggies before the egg is cooked or fried.
  • Question
    Can I use only milk, bread, and eggs when making French Toast?
    mohamed mousa
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can, vanilla and cinnamon are just for flavor.
  • Question
    How many eggs do I need when making French toast?
    Community Answer
    You need one egg for every two slices of bread in order to make French toast.
  • Question
    How much milk do I have to add when making french toast?
    Community Answer
    Use one tablespoon of milk per egg.
  • Question
    Can cinnamon raisin bread be used?
    Community Answer
    Of course! Any bread is perfectly fine to use, and the best bread is a day old.
  • Question
    Can I use waffles instead of bread?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    What if you're allergic to dairy?
    Community Answer
    If you're allergic to dairy, you can simply use soy or almond milk. You'll still get the same fluffy French toast.
  • Question
    Why do I have to serve the toast immediately?
    Community Answer
    French toast can quickly become soggy and gross, so it's best to serve and eat it immediately.
  • Question
    How much vanilla should I add with one egg when making french toast?
    Community Answer
    That's a matter of taste, but 1/2-1 teaspoon should be sufficient for one egg.
  • Question
    Could I get food poisoning from the eggs if my microwave does not work well?
    Community Answer
    Maybe. I wouldn't risk using a faulty microwave at all. You risk food poisoning and also burning your house down, depending on exactly what the microwave's problem is.
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