Q&A for How to Make Moss Graffiti

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  • Question
    How often should I check on the moss?
    Community Answer
    You should check on it about once or twice a week to see whether it needs more water or patching up with more moss.
  • Question
    What would be the ideal weather to make the moss grow?
    Community Answer
    There is no specific, ideal weather, as there are many different types of moss through out the world. Whatever moss you find growing outside should work for the graffiti, as it is already growing in your climate. If it is very dry, however, you may need to water your moss more often. Similarly, if it is very rainy, you might not need to water your moss as often.
  • Question
    Which type of moss should I use for moss graffiti?
    Community Answer
    Whatever surface you will be painting on ( i.e., brick, wood etc.), use that as the medium for the moss, so that when you look outside, you look for moss growing on that medium. If there is moss outside growing on brick and you are going to be painting it into brick, then use that, as the moss is already growing in your climate on the surface you want, so it is therefore a match.
  • Question
    Can I make colors other than green?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you have to use moss that isn't green.
  • Question
    Is moss graffiti a mold hazard?
    Top Answerer
    No, it is not.
  • Question
    How long does it take to grow?
    Community Answer
    It should take about a month or two in total, but this can depend on your local environment and climate conditions.
  • Question
    Can I mix in food coloring to add different colors?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but be careful using food coloring as it may kill the moss cells.
  • Question
    Is Scotch/Irish moss all right to use?
    Community Answer
    Irish moss is pretty hardy stuff as it is sun-tolerant and, unlike other mosses, can grow on most surfaces from walls to trees. For this reason, it can be used to make 'moss graffiti'. Of course, its success can't be guaranteed as it depends completely on your specific environment and climate.
  • Question
    Can I do this in my house?
    Top Answerer
    Not inside, but outside, yes.
  • Question
    Can I grow moss graffiti on a painted wall that's indoors?
    Community Answer
    Moss, like other plants, needs sunlight and moisture to grow, so make sure to do it in a well-lit and humid area. You could also use a humidifier to make it easier.
  • Question
    How long will the graffiti remain?
    Community Answer
    As long as the moss is taken care of, it should last a long time. It does range though, based on different moss species, and may last up to 10 years for some.
  • Question
    Can I grow moss on objects that are painted with outdoor paint?
    Community Answer
    You can, but some outdoor painted surfaces are treated with chemicals to specifically prevent the growth of moss or mold.
  • Question
    Will this technique work all the time or should I expect some failures?
    Top Answerer
    Success will vary depending on what kind of wall you put it on, how much sun it gets, how much water, any disturbances. Also, some mosses are hardier than others and grow faster. Pick a wall without paint that has a rough surface. Don't put it on a wall with direct sun. Moisten it frequently. You'll then have a higher success rate!
  • Question
    Can I use the moss at Hobby Lobby?
    AG May
    Community Answer
    No, that moss is dead. You could mimic the end results but it wouldn't be living art.
  • Question
    Will growing moss on my wall produce any kind of bad odor inside the room?
    Community Answer
    It may smell slightly damp, but otherwise, no.
  • Question
    Can I blend Java Moss or Christmas moss as a milkshake?
    Community Answer
    No. You should only use moss that grows wild in your area on the same type of surface you're trying to graffiti. Java moss and Christmas moss will only work if you're in a warm, very wet tropical climate. Also, they're from southeast Asia and South America respectively, so even if they'd survive in your area, you shouldn't try to use them as graffiti outside their native range.
  • Question
    Can I use very thick and fluffy moss for this?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Just be aware of where you are planting your wall moss, as it can encourage dampness. Thick and fluffy moss generally requires more water to look its best, but can have an impact on the base wall.
  • Question
    Does the wall have to be in full sunlight?
    Community Answer
    The wall should get some sunlight, but it's best if it's mostly shady.
  • Question
    Is moss graffiti illegal?
    Community Answer
    Like other graffiti, it is only illegal if you do it on someone else's property, or on publicly owned property. If you do it on your own property, it is perfectly legal.
  • Question
    Can I grow it in a pitch black but damp and cold tunnel?
    Community Answer
    No, because they are plants, and they need sunlight to live.
  • Question
    Can I use this technique in a terrarium?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Using this technique in a terrarium would be awesome.
  • Question
    Can I use moss from a moss milkshake?
    Community Answer
    You can, but it's likely to attract all types of critters, and it will look ugly when it's growing. It's better to stick with this method.
  • Question
    Will the moss graffiti spread?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but very slowly.
  • Question
    Does moss graffiti have a lifespan? How long is the lifespan?
    Community Answer
    It will live as long as you maintain it! Make sure to return to patch it up and spritz it every week or so.
  • Question
    Can the moss be dead while doing moss graffiti?
    Community Answer
    Definitely not. It would be unable to spread if it wasn't living.
  • Question
    Can this moss graffiti absorb the water from seepage/damp walls?
    Community Answer
    That's probably why it's growing well there. Rain aside, any extra moisture would be good for it.
  • Question
    Can I use an electric hand held mixer instead of ruining my blender?
    Community Answer
    As long as you use it in a pulse mode, it should be fine. The key is to blend to a barely "paintable" consistency (a bit lumpy) to ensure the moss being blended is not being liquefied.
  • Question
    Can I mix 3 or 4 different types of moss together?
    Community Answer
    Probably, if they all match the same medium. It would look pretty random when it grew, but you could always make 3 mixes of types of mosses if you want bigger areas of different types.
  • Question
    Can you tint or color the moss?
    Community Answer
    You can try! You could either add food coloring to the moss, or wait for it to dry and then paint it.
  • Question
    Isn't this somewhat illegal, like regular graffiti?
    Top Answerer
    If you are doing this to someone's property, then yes. It is best to do so on objects like rocks. Check with your community rules to make sure it is allowed.
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