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Q&A for How to Make Your Boyfriend Jealous
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QuestionHow do I stop my boyfriend from cheating on me and also making me jealous about it?Community AnswerIf he cheats, he isn't worth your time, effort or love. Remove yourself from the negativity.
QuestionWhat should I do if my boyfriend cheats on me?Community AnswerRespect yourself and break up with him.
QuestionMy boyfriend and I love each other but sometimes I don't feel that he loves me. Why is that?Community AnswerPeople don't always express love in ways that we want them to. You might feel most loved when he is kind or protective of you, while he expresses love in another way. Let him know what makes you feel loved and ask him the same question.
QuestionWhat do I do if my spouse suddenly starts acting different?Community AnswerAsk him/her about It! If they truly love you and care about how you feel, they'll tell you what's going on. If that doesn't work, try talking to their friends and look for inconsistencies in what they tell you and what your spouse is telling you.
QuestionMy boyfriend is acting weird and selfish lately. What can I do?Community AnswerTalk to him about it, he might be facing a problem or stressed out about something. Sit him down someplace quiet where it's just the two of you, and calmly say, "I've noticed that you've been acting different lately, is anything wrong?"
QuestionWhat should I do if my boyfriend doesn't really pay attention to me or care about me?Community AnswerThen he's not much of a boyfriend, and you would be best off ending that relationship. Tell him how you feel. If he doesn't care, and doesn't change his behavior, then he's not worth it. You can't change a person. Either he's a good, caring person or he isn't, and likely never will be.
QuestionWhat do I do if my boyfriend flirts with other girls?Community AnswerIf he's doing it intentionally, he's trying to get a rise out of you. You should talk to him and tell him that he shouldn't flirt with other girls, since he's already in a relationship with you. If he's doing it unintentionally, sit him down and tell him what you're feeling. If he truly loves you, he will understand completely.
QuestionHow do I make my boyfriend realize that he has hurt me?Community AnswerTell him. Walk up to him and tell him that you need to talk. Start the conversation with something like, "Look, I know that you might not want to talk to me. But I wanted to tell you that what you did to me hurt me. I want to get past this, so can we talk about it?"
QuestionHow do I make my boyfriend jealous to punish him for lying to me?Community AnswerDon't do this. Instead, talk to him about it. Tell him what hurt you, and leave him with something to think about. Making him jealous will make your relationship worse than it already is.
QuestionHow do I convince my boyfriend that I'm not cheating?Community AnswerIf you have to convince him that you are not cheating, then you do not need each other. A relationship is built on trust on either side. If you haven't give him cause to feel this way, then he may have a suspicious mind and it can be very hard having a relationship with the jealous type -- it's neither sexy nor caring, it's controlling and mean.
QuestionMy boyfriend puts his friends before me and spends too much time with them. What can I do to make him jealous?Community AnswerMaking him jealous is not a good idea because he is not going to notice it and might tell his friends. They might convince him that you are cheating, so just try to show him more love and if that doesn't work, talk to him about how you feel.
QuestionHow can I seem less boring to my boyfriend?Community AnswerSurprise him, be romantic, make some gifts, talk to him crazy and funny, go for a road trip, do some things together like cooking together, playing games together and watching movies. Just make every day special.
QuestionHow can I ask my boyfriend to take our relationship to the next level?Community AnswerExplain how you're feelings have evolved, and tell him what you picture the "next level" to look like. Ask him what he thinks. If he is not ready, be a good person and don't pressure your man.
QuestionHow can I interpret my boyfriend's behavior?Community AnswerYour boyfriend may be the type of person who conceals his feelings. He may show little signs when you are walking with someone else, doing something for him or even bringing up something that is upsetting you. These can show you if he reacts in a certain way, such as jealously, happiness and sadness and indicate that he can show emotion to you when he feels it is necessary.
QuestionWhat if I no longer want my boyfriend to be jealous?Community AnswerLet him look through your phone, computer, etc. If he doesn't find any reason to feel jealous, hopefully he won't feel that way anymore.
QuestionMy boyfriend loves me a lot and we never fight. But it's boring. How do I get him to start cute little arguments and bring spice to our relationship?Community AnswerFights are never a solution to a dull relationship -- to think this is needed is to reveal that you may be primed to viewing anger and fighting as necessary forms of relating to people, from family experiences. It is far more productive to suggest that the two of you find more exciting things to do and from that, more exciting conversations will arise. For example, get out on the weekends and discover your local area, go for a drive somewhere, watch shows that you've never seen before together, start a hobby or sport together or try something completely new that challenge both of you. Ask him what he'd like to do to spice up your relationship.
QuestionHow do I accept that he is no longer interested?Community AnswerCheck out the helpful suggestions in How to Move on from a Lost Relationship or a Crush Gone Wrong .
QuestionMy boyfriend loved me, but I wanted him to love me more, so I started to make him jealous with these steps and he wasn't interested in me anymore. How can I get him interested in me again?Community AnswerApologize for the annoying behavior and tell him you were just looking for more love/affection - but you shouldn't have been, because he already gave you enough. Be yourself, be good to your boyfriend, and don't try to manipulate his feelings again. If you're dissatisfied with something about the relationship, just discuss it openly.
QuestionHow do I talk to someone when I'm shy?Community AnswerJust be brave and talk to them, even if you only text or call.
QuestionHow do I know that my boyfriend really loves me?Community Answer
QuestionMy relationship with my boyfriend is nice, but boring and I think he is losing interest. Should I try to make him jealous or should I do something else?Community AnswerJealousy isn't the answer. Check out the tips in this article about keeping your relationship fresh instead on wikiHow.
QuestionWhat do I do if my boyfriend wants to kick me out of his apartment?Community AnswerStart looking for a new place to live. It sounds as though your living environment is hostile. Leave before he has the chance to force you out.
QuestionWhat should I do if my boyfriend seems to love another girl?Community AnswerIf your boyfriend seems to love another girl, you can either try to make him jealous, ignore the issue or break up with him.
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