Q&A for How to Make Your Friends Miss You

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    My friend texted me and said she didn't want to be friends anymore. She was my role model and my friend when I thought no one else liked me. How do I get her back?
    Community Answer
    It sounds like she is not a very good friend if she just texted you out of the blue end ended the friendship. It's tough when you have a history with someone, but you will probably just have to move on. Try to focus on other things, your work, school, hobbies, extra-curricular activities, etc. Try to talk to new people and make new friends. If this friendship was meant to be, maybe you two will be friends again, but for now try to just let it go.
  • Question
    How can I make my friend miss having fun with me?
    Community Answer
    Have fun with others in the same way you had fun with the person you want to miss you. Make him/her jealous, so he/she wants to come back.
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    How do I make my best friend tell me secrets?
    Community Answer
    There is no way to make your friend give you secrets, but if you want her to start telling you things more, show her that you are a trustworthy, responsible friend, and be open with her.
  • Question
    How should I make my friend miss me as she always hangs out and prefers when I'm not around?
    Community Answer
    Try posting selfies of you hanging out with other people or pictures of you having fun with others. Avoid posting pictures where you are alone; they might make you look lonely, and that's exactly what she wants.
  • Question
    I used to be friends with 5 girls, but only one is my friend now, and she moved to another school. Whenever I say that I miss her, she just changes the subject. I feel so unwanted sometimes.
    Community Answer
    Sorry to say, but it sounds like she's a fake friend. Maybe take a look around you and see if you can make some new friendships. Get yourself in the mindset of "starting fresh." There are probably tons of people that would be happy to be your friend.
  • Question
    My friends says I'm rude to her and embarrass her in front of her other friends. I think I might have hurt her, how do I get my friend back?
    Community Answer
    This is very common with friendships. First, try to apologize by saying something like, "I'm so sorry. It wasn't my intention to hurt you or embarrass you. I'll try to be more careful about what I say and do in the future." If that doesn't work, just give her some space. Sometimes people need a little time to get over their hurt feelings.
  • Question
    I'm the one who almost always texts my friends first or invites them over. Now that school is out, I don't really see them. How to I make them miss me?
    Hector Kennedy
    Community Answer
    Don't try to make them miss you. Just tell them that you miss them and want to hang out some time.
  • Question
    How can I be best friends again with someone I think I hurt, especially since she has new best friends now?
    Community Answer
    Apologize and make it meaningful. Show your best friend that you're willing to build your friendship all over again. If you've done everything you can to remedy the friendship and your former best friend doesn't seem to be responding, you may just have to accept that your friendship can't return to the way it was. There is peace in knowing you've done everything you can on your end, though.
  • Question
    How do I get my friend to want to talk and spend time with me more?
    Community Answer
    Plan fun things that your friend could be into. Ask interesting questions or bring up so many great memories you had together.
  • Question
    A few friends are going on vacation. I'm really shy, and they're my only friends. I will have no one to eat with or talk to at school. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Since these friends are going on vacation, you should try to make new friends. A little confidence is all it takes. Find someone with a common interest, or a special bond. Get to know him or her better, and start hanging out.
  • Question
    I was really good friends with this girl, then one time I got jealous because she was hanging out with someone else, and now she never talks to me. How do I get my friendship back?
    Community Answer
    Call/text her and ask her what's up. If she doesn't reply, maybe stick a note in her backpack/locker/cubby. Explain that you feel like she's been distant lately, tell her that you miss her, and ask her if she wants to be friends again. But if this happens frequently, I'd say you should really think about whether it's worth being friends with this person or not.
  • Question
    When I talk to my friend, she doesn't reply much -- just a few words and suddenly she says "Okay, I will talk to you later. Bye!" So how to make her talk to me?
    Community Answer
    Your friend might be busy a lot or not really like communicating by text. You can't make her respond more, but you can ask if there's another way she prefers to communicate or if there's a good time of the day or night for you to text her.
  • Question
    I have this friend, and I really like her personality and being around her, but her other friend keeps taking her away from me. My friend doesn't even notice this. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Try telling both your friend and her other friend how this is making you feel. They might not even realize they're making you feel bad/upset. Tell them you're feeling left out and ask them to include you more often.
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    I had this one friend that always copied everything I did. It became really irritating after a while and I confided in another friend, until I found out she told the copy cat. Now they're both mad at me. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you have an issue with a friend, it's always best to talk to that friend directly rather than gossiping about the situation behind her back. Your best bet here is to talk to both friends individually and apologize for how you handled the situation.
  • Question
    Whenever I am with my friends, they really don't have any interest in me. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Are you sure they're not interested in you, or is this perhaps all in your head? Are you just feeling insecure? Try talking to them about the way you're feeling and what they may or may not be doing to make you feel that way. If they don't seem to care about your feelings, find new friends.
  • Question
    How do I get my friend to text me first and miss me? He'll be super conversational, then just randomly decide to talk to me, then start texting me weeks/months later like nothing happened.
    Community Answer
    That's just how some people are. You can respond positively when he does text you, but getting angry or telling him to text more will probably not change his behavior.
  • Question
    How can I get back the closeness I had before with my friend? I know it's my fault because I ignored her; when she said that she misses me, I didn't respond.
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You can't get back to where you were, you can only build it up so there will be a similar closeness in the future. If you haven't apologized yet, and it is something you think you owe her, then tell her you're sorry. After that, invite her out to do something, spend some time, hang out, chat. A hug goes a long way, too.
  • Question
    My friend thinks that I'm always studying and I don't tell her this is not true. I talk honestly but she thinks that I'm lying and she thinks that I don't want her to get more marks than me.
    Community Answer
    Studying is very boring! How could anybody be studying all the time! She is being absurd, however she might just be jealous. She probably assumes you are studying all the time because she is jealous of how well you do on tests. Tell her you study a lot but you also do a lot of fun things because you're not a dull person!
  • Question
    How do I get my friends to start talking to me again?
    Community Answer
    If you did something wrong, apologize in a nice and meaningful way. If they're not ready to forgive you, give them some time. If you didn't do anything wrong but you just haven't connected with your friends in awhile, give them a call!
  • Question
    What do I do if I feel upset that my friends move on with people that are rude? How do I make them feel upset so that they want me back?
    Community Answer
    Don't worry about it; have fun and smile. Don't think about it as much, start hanging out with other people and start making new friends. They will see how much fun you're having without them and will be coming back to you.
  • Question
    How do I get a friend to miss me when they were saying things about me?
    Community Answer
    There is no way to make them miss you, unfortunately. However, if you heard them talking about you, talk to him/her about what you heard. You may be surprised by the results.
  • Question
    My best friends went on vacation, and they are having so much fun, which is great, but when they get back I feel like they won’t care about me anymore. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    That's almost definitely not going to happen. If you can, call them, text them, or even just leave comments on their social media to let them know you're thinking about them and glad they're having a good time. They're not going to forget about you just because they went away for a little while. When they get back, you can ask them to tell you all about their trip.
  • Question
    How can I get my best friend to want to be around me more?
    Community Answer
    Don't try hard to get them to hang out with you. Occupy yourself with something else or other friends to take your mind off it.
  • Question
    What do I do if I have no close friends? At lunch, I sit by myself. Most of the time I’m too judgmental. I try to be open and make a friend, but everyone seems to be taken.
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Contrary to love, and not counting polyamory thing, we can definitely have more than one friend at the same time. So as far friendship goes, no one can be 'taken'. There's always room for more friends. But it takes time. Talk to others and keep your conversations short, breaking them off before you two are completely satisfied.
  • Question
    What do I do if my best friend that I've had for years leaves me for a boyfriend whom I set her up with?
    Keimara Matos
    Community Answer
    Tell her how you feel. She has to understand that before her boyfriend was her boyfriend, her best friend (you obviously) was there for her first.
  • Question
    How do I make my friends miss me on a social media group?
    sophia and lucy
    Community Answer
    Post pictures of you having fun with new friends and text or tweet how much fun you're having.
  • Question
    My friends never talk to me first. If I stop talking, they won't notice? What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try talking to your friends and try to explain how their behavior can make you feel underappreciated. However, if you truly feel like the friends you have right now don't appreciate you or acknowledge you, consider trying to let them go and get closer to other people you feel might treat you better. The people you surround yourself with influence you a lot, so it's important to be around positive people that make you feel good.
  • Question
    I have three childhood friends that I play with but now they don't feel like talking with me again they only talk among themselves and I feel left out. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Ask them if there's something wrong. Or maybe tell them you feel left out. If they are rude or mean, let them know that what they've said is unkind and unhelpful because you're only wanting to understand what is happening.
  • Question
    What do I do if my friend has stopped talking to me?
    Community Answer
    Give him/her some space and then ask him/her what's wrong at the proper time. You shouldn't rush. If he/she shows the same attitude, there's something terribly wrong with him/her or he/she is naturally like that. Some people don't want to share rather they wants you (so called friend) to discover what's wrong with them. Tell him/her you're sorry if you've done any mistake. But don't say sorry all time. You first need to about his/her characteristics. If that doesn't work leave that as it is right now. Confusion will be cleared with time. Always remember not everyone's worthy of your concerns. Some people don't deserve you. You're special on your on way.
  • Question
    My 3 ex-best friends and I got in a fight. They said they would be popular without me. How can I become popular to make them jealous?
    Community Answer
    Talk to popular people who don't know about this situation, be more confident and not shy and join some extra-curricular activities. When not at school, text these new friends and ask (not too personal) questions about them as if you are interested in them. Use things you have used in the past to help you make friends. Also, make friends with your friends' friends. Eventually, you will have a massive friends group.
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