Q&A for How to Make a Clean Comeback

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    What if someone keeps saying, "Did your mom drop you on your head, is that why you're so ugly?"
    V Is Alive
    Community Answer
    You can say, "If I was dropped on my head, then you were thrown out a window."
  • Question
    What if they said I'm a noob?
    Diana Quezada
    Community Answer
    Say, "Yeah, you were too, or are shortcuts the only skill you know?" Then walk away and smile.
  • Question
    What is a good comeback when someone told me to die in a fire?
    Community Answer
    You can respond with "I would most likely go to hell, but with you here, I'm already there."
  • Question
    What is a good a comeback to someone making fun of my acne?
    Community Answer
    "At least I'm growing up. Unlike you, who wants to keep being immature."
  • Question
    What should I say if someone says I stink?
    Dana Khereba
    Community Answer
    Tell them "Oh sorry, I think I accidentally used your perfume." I used that one a couple of times and it worked very well.
  • Question
    What can I say if a guy says that my hair is bad?
    Community Answer
    Own it. Say: "Yep, it's a bad hair day. Everyone has them. Although, I think you might be having a bad hair year." Then smile and laugh it off.
  • Question
    What do I do when somebody makes fun of my shoes or clothes?
    Community Answer
    Say something like, "Oh, I was simply trying to imitate you."
  • Question
    What do I say if someone calls me a wannabe?
    Community Answer
    You could say: "Wannabes get things done because they're always striving to better themselves". Or, "At least I am trying to improve myself, you suffer from the delusion of thinking you're perfect." Or, "Well, you are my inspiration." Or, "Do I get bonus points for looking like I care what you think?" Or, ignore the comment, laugh and walk away.
  • Question
    What should I say if my hair shoes and clothes get made fun of daily?
    Community Answer
    You can say, "I'm sure that 90% of your 'beauty' can be removed with a Kleenex."
  • Question
    What should I say if a person I dislike says "Shut up"?
    Aga Andrzejczak
    Community Answer
    Reply "You first" or "Why? Because I'm saying things you can't even come up with?"
  • Question
    What's a good comeback when someone calls me a funny name?
    Ella Vizard
    Community Answer
    "Quick check your nose, I just found it in my business." "You have a spot on your chin. Oops not there, the third one down." It's better people thinking you're stupid than opening your mouth and proving it.
  • Question
    What do I say when someone claims they have a longer lifespan than I do?
    Diana Quezada
    Community Answer
    "Wow! Kudos to your body for putting up with you for that long!"
  • Question
    What if a guy is being mean to you and you give with a comeback and he just laughs?
    Community Answer
    You've won. All he can do is splutter. Turn on your heel and walk away satisfied, with dignity. You could even wipe your hands as you leave, as a display of being done and dusted with him.
  • Question
    What should I say back if someone calls me trash?
    Community Answer
    Say, ''Trash is supposed to smell. You know. Like you.'' How you say it is what will really hurt, so say it calmly. Say it in a way a teacher would say when explaining something to a kid in class.
  • Question
    What should I say if someone calls me skinny?
    Community Answer
    "You need to buy XXXXXL, everyone's skinny compared to you."
  • Question
    What if someone says no one likes me because I'm black? There is a boy that calls me "if darkness had a face."
    Community Answer
    Call him a lily white racist or a Nazi. Don't let it bother you. Racists are generally just angry because they're huge losers and they're looking for someone else to blame for their problems. If it really upsets you, tell a teacher, he'll probably get in pretty serious trouble for saying that.
  • Question
    What do I say to someone who calls my hair oily every day?
    Community Answer
    You could say, "I'm sorry, I'm not a mirror." For extra effect, you can walk away and laugh while brushing your hands off, as if you just shook off their hate.
  • Question
    If someone is constantly coming at me, is it okay to go for a tender subject (e.g. adoption/relative death)?
    Community Answer
    No. It's never wise to bring up tender subjects in arguments with people you care about. That's much more likely to cause an explosive and possibly irreparable argument between you.
  • Question
    My friends leave me out. When I try to start conversation, they just make sarcastic comments. What should I do?
    Diana Quezada
    Community Answer
    Are they really your friends? Don't waste your time if they aren't. If you want a comeback, just say "Further proof that sarcasm is a byproduct of immaturity. Oops!" Then walk away.
  • Question
    What happens when my friends say I like a person but I don't?
    Community Answer
    Say "I know who I like and I know who I don't like, you." Or you can say "keep writing that make believe story of yours, maybe someday you'll get the booker's prize." and turn your back and walk away, brush your hands together like you are finished with them.
  • Question
    What's a good comeback if someone calls me dumb?
    Community Answer
    "Look who's talking" is a pretty good option.
  • Question
    What do I say if someone calls me ugly?
    Diana Quezada
    Community Answer
    Say, "Earth already has enough small minded people, go home," and walk away like a boss.
  • Question
    What should I say when someone calls me a freak?
    Top Answerer
    You can say, "I'm not identical to anyone else; if that makes me a freak, then you're one, too." Or, "I'd rather be a freak than have freakishly bad manners like you."
  • Question
    What is a good comeback for Mom insults?
    Community Answer
    "Have you looked at your mom? Don't even let me get started." "Do you know my mom?" "NO" "Then do not talk about her!"
  • Question
    What if I'm on Facebook, and someone said, "You're not my friend anymore. You're a jerk."
    V Is Alive
    Community Answer
    Say something like "When did we become friends?" or "I don't remember accepting your request".
  • Question
    What's a good comeback if someone makes fun of my hairline?
    Community Answer
    If they're short, say something like "I'm surprised you can see it from down there". If they're tall, maybe try "I'm sorry to bother you, sir".
  • Question
    What do I say when someone tells me to shut up?
    Community Answer
    You could be like, “An argument is like getting arrested, you know your words can and will be used against you.” Then don’t talk to them at all. Later on in the day, if they get annoyed that you won’t speak, tell them (sarcastically), “I thought you said shut up, I shut up for the whole day and now you’re saying I’m annoying you by not speaking, wow!”
  • Question
    What do I say if someone calls me annoying?
    Community Answer
    "And why are YOU out of all people telling me this?" Then just smile and walk away.
  • Question
    What should I say when a friend says "forget it"?
    Community Answer
    This depends on the context. If the person is manipulative and always uses this phrase as a ruse to get you to pay them major amounts of attention, call their bluff. Just say, "Okay, I will", then promptly forget it. They asked that you do, after all. If it really matters, they'll explain themselves better. If you're a parent, friend or spouse though, instead you could say: "I won't forget it but we will discuss this later when you have had some time to think through what's bothering you." Then give the person some space and talk later. Remind them at a more appropriate time that it's time for a chat.
  • Question
    What is a good comeback if someone calls me poor?
    Community Answer
    You can say something like, "I would prefer to be poor and hardworking, rather than rich and spoiled."
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