Q&A for How to Make a Friend Stop Swearing

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    How can I tell my friends that I don't like it when they swear without offending them or causing them to make fun of me?
    Community Answer
    Just say "Hey. I don't feel comfortable with you guys swearing. Do you mind stopping?" If they make fun of you, they are not true friends.
  • Question
    I asked my friend to stop swearing so much, because she uses the F word a lot. Then she left to go with some other girls and said that we don't accept her as a person. What should I do about this?
    Community Answer
    Tell the truth. You don't accept her as a person who swears all the time. It really doesn't matter what other people think; the reality is your personal boundary is one where you don't like swearing. If your friend can't communicate without it, then she did the right thing to leave and be with other people who accept that. Nothing wrong with sticking up for what you believe.
  • Question
    What if I'm the only one in my group of friends who doesn't swear? I feel silly telling them.
    Community Answer
    Don't feel silly. If they dislike or judge you for that, they're not true friends.
  • Question
    I swear constantly, but it's never come up as an issue. Should I cuss less?
    Community Answer
    It's up to you if you would like to cuss less; you're the one that's doing it. However, people tend to see excessive cussing as lazy or stupid sometimes, especially as you get older.
  • Question
    My three best friend are always swearing. They are always pressuring me to swear, because I'm the only one in our group who doesn't swear.
    Community Answer
    They are pressuring you because they know they're wrong and resent your strength in standing for what's right. If the pressure if getting to you, perhaps you should hang out more with people who share your convictions.
  • Question
    I have been friends with this person for 3 years now, however, he has started to swear and I am uncomfortable with his language. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Have a chat with him. Let him know that the swearing makes you uncomfortable, and if you think it would help, tell him why. If he's a good friend, he should respect your feelings and at least try to stop. Keep in mind that if it's become a habit, it might take him a little while to give it up completely.
  • Question
    Why do Japanese words sometimes have swears? for example, there is a Japanese girl named FuuKuma, and the name is so close to the F-word.
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    There are only so many different sounds, and all languages use a certain subset of those to create their own meanings. That meaning is then represented in writing. Since there are, at least in Indo-European alphabets, far fewer letters than sounds, many sounds use similar letter combinations across different languages. So it's a coincidence. In this case, however, the sound really is not close at all. The U's are pronounced like the /oo/ in booze, and there's a stop between the U's.
  • Question
    What should I do if it makes me angry when my brother swears?
    Community Answer
    You could politely ask him not to swear around you and remind him of that whenever he does. However, it would probably be easier to get used to that kind of language since you'll hear it often throughout your life.
  • Question
    I have a friend who swears and talks really nasty. How do I make her stop?
    Community Answer
    You can't make her stop, but you can ask her to respectfully refrain from speaking that way, as she is making you feel uncomfortable.
  • Question
    What can I do when their swears are connected to a religion?
    Community Answer
    Make them aware that what they are saying is wrong, and explain to them how it could hurt a person's feelings.
  • Question
    Should I ask people not to swear?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the situation. If someone you know pretty well is swearing, go ahead and politely talk to them about the issue. However, if a stranger walks by swearing, just leave them alone. They might be going through something rough and you don't want to enrage them even more.
  • Question
    How do I stop my classmates from swearing?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your teacher about setting up a swear jar.
  • Question
    I used to be friends with this girl at school, however she is now nasty. She swears a lot as well and I am uncomfortable with her language. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you're already not friends with her anymore, you don't need to do anything. If she's bothering you, ask her to please leave you alone, or ask a teacher or counselor at school to talk to her. If she is still your friend, you can either have a talk with her about how her language is bothering you, or you can just tell her you don't want to be friends anymore.
  • Question
    What do I do if I ask a friend not to swear, but he does it anyway? I feel really uncomfortable when he swears like that, but I don't want to hurt his feelings.
    Community Answer
    Talk to him about this again, and tell him that swearing makes you uncomfortable and you really don't want to hear it. Ask him to please be a little more careful about the language he uses around you. Don't worry about hurting his feelings, as long as you treat him with respect, he shouldn't be offended (and he should treat you with the same respect!).
  • Question
    My husband cannot complete a sentence without dropping "F-Bombs". He is aware that this disturbs me. When I ask him to please lighten up, he only does it more. I find this disgusting. What can I do to make it stop?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    At some point, you will have to weigh your options. If he doesn't stop, you'll have to either give up fighting this and accept a life with F-bombs or give up being married to him. Luckily, before it gets to that, there are huge number of steps you can take. You asked nicely; now ask firmly. Next, end any conversation as soon as he does it again, physically leaving the room. He must take your feelings into account, but you must also accept one or two F-bombs a week.
  • Question
    What if my so-called "Christian" friend swears?
    Community Answer
    Some people believe in God but aren't that religious. You kind of just have to deal with the cursing because you can't force a friend to stop.
  • Question
    How do I get my school friend to stop swearing without losing her as a friend? She has done it since I met her, but it recently started making me uncomfortable.
    Community Answer
    If she's a good friend, she should be understanding about this. Be honest and tell her it makes you uncomfortable. If she's the type of person to end the friendship because you don't like swearing, she's probably not someone you need to have in your life anyway.
  • Question
    How can I tell someone who doesn't care what I think to stop swearing?
    Community Answer
    If someone doesn't care what you think and the behavior bothers you, the best thing to do would be avoid/ignore the person.
  • Question
    My friend likes to swear a lot, but when I ask her to stop she either ignores me or takes it as a joke. What do you think I should do without making it awkward?
    Community Answer
    If telling her you're uncomfortable doesn't work, try acting uncomfortable instead. Tell her you don't like her cursing, and she should ignore you. Then, each time she says a curse word, look down at your feet, laugh nervously, or run to the bathroom. After a bit, she should be able to take a hint! Sit her down and explain how you don't like her cursing.
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