How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Make a Glowstick
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QuestionIs it dangerous for kids?FALLON MARTINCommunity AnswerIt can be if you're not careful. Make sure you have the supervision and help of an adult.
QuestionIs there another way to make it without using those chemicals?Community Answer
QuestionHow do you make glow in the dark paint?Community AnswerChoose a glow in the dark powder or phosphorescent powder, and stir a small amount into your choice of paint (white would work the best). For more information, check out How to Make Glow in the Dark Paint .
QuestionAre the chemicals involved expensive and hard to get?Community AnswerThe chemicals are expensive, but they can be obtained online.
QuestionDo glow sticks produce heat?Community AnswerIf you remove the fluorescent dye but keep everything else the same, it will not emit light, only heat. The dye is what converts the emitted energy from the chemical reaction to light. So if it's missing, the energy will turn into heat instead.
QuestionCan I double or triple the amount of light by increasing the TCPO and sodium acetate, or is there a threshold for the reaction?Chrisnell GallagaCommunity AnswerYou can, but it will affect the output. Thus, it will affect the texture and it will be difficult for the chemicals to react.
QuestionWhat happens if you get glow stick fluid on your skin?Community AnswerGlow stick fluid can cause redness or irritations. Depending on the chemicals that you are working with, these reactions can be minor or severe.
QuestionHow should I safely dispose of the finished result without contaminating the water system?Community AnswerPut it in a bag and then dispose of it in the trash. You could also just pour it out into grass or an area where people do not play or interact with anything.
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