Q&A for How to Mourn a Hamster's Death

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    What should I do if people at school bully me over the loss of my hamster?
    Community Answer
    Losing a pet is difficult, and being bullied about it is even more traumatic. Tell an adult or teacher, as they should never allow bullying regardless of the situation. Also, take a moment to tell your loved ones about your feelings. Talking about your grief can help you overcome it.
  • Question
    Why did my hamster have to die? How do I know if he loved me as much as I loved him?
    Community Answer
    All creatures die eventually, and hamsters in particular have short lifespans. There's nothing that could have been done about it. There's no way to know for sure how your hamster felt about you, but as long as you gave him a good life, he was probably happy to have spent it with you.
  • Question
    How do I remember all the good times I had with a dead pet?
    Community Answer
    You should look back on photos and videos you have of them. Look at things they may chewed on, or played with.
  • Question
    I feel responsible for my hamster's death because he was only one when he died but should have lived longer - so it's my fault, right?
    Community Answer
    A hamster's lifespan is very short, only one to two years, so if your hamster died when it was one year old, then it's normal. This is a good time to address your need to burden yourself with guilt over the death of another being -- unless you harmed a creature or person deliberately, it is not healthy to carry around such guilt and this is a good opportunity to work out why you do this.
  • Question
    How do I get over my hamster's death in a way that creates a memorial service?
    Community Answer
    Create a small ritual to honor the hamster's life and all the joy it brought to you. Let the kids decorate a small cardboard box. Be creative, use natural materials. Gently put the hamster on a bed of leaves and flowers. Take the box to a nice corner of the garden or the forest. Let the kids dig a small grave. Take your time. Talk a little about its life and the joy it brought. Sing a song. Maybe it helps a little to remind the mourners of the impermanence of all things. Even small children will understand if you choose an example appropriate to their age. Close the ritual with a 'meal' of cookies and juice. Yes, life goes on.
  • Question
    What should I do if I'm stuck in mourning my hamster's death?
    Community Answer
    Talk to someone else who loves pets. It's hard to get past a pet's death sometimes but listening to how other people have coped can be helpful. It can also help to remind yourself that you gave your hamster a good life and in the wilds it could have been eaten or injured and died a much earlier death.
  • Question
    My hamster just died yesterday and I can't stop thinking about him. My family buried him yesterday but now I keep crying uncontrollably in school, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Just remember that he's in heaven watching over you and also having a good time. Also, try to think about the fun times with him and do not focus on the sad parts.
  • Question
    How can I stop the images of my hamster in pain and dying from replaying in my head?
    Community Answer
    The best way is to focus on all the happy times you had together and look at any pictures you have of your hamster. Know that a hamster's life is quite short and therefore the time you had with your hamster is special and something to cherish. The grieving process is just a natural part of the human condition, and a result of loving someone or something, so allow it to happen.
  • Question
    First my cat died and then just three days later, another cat ate my hamster. I tried to think of all the good times we had together, but I always end up tearing up. Is this natural?
    Community Answer
    Yes, crying in this situation is totally normal, you're going through a lot. Try to focus on the good things in life, but feel free to let your emotions out when you need to. If "thinking about the good times" with your animals is too upsetting, don't do it. Distract yourself with something else. Remember that the animal world is often cruel, in terms of predators and prey, it's the circle of life.
  • Question
    I keep crying at school because my hamster died, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Crying is natural. If thinking about your hamster makes you sad, try to only do it when you're alone and can have time to understand your feelings. If you feel like you're about to cry at school, take some deep breaths and focus on what's going on around you. Look at the different people, the colors of the walls, what's outside. It can help. I've found that focusing on nature is also a helpful solution to sadness. Remember, you're not alone.
  • Question
    How do I deal with a pet's death?
    Community Answer
    Talk to a loved one who knows what you're dealing with. Let them know how you feel and ask for support and comfort.
  • Question
    Can I keep her toys to remember her?
    Community Answer
    Of course!
  • Question
    How long is the longest life of hamster ever? Mine lived 2 years 4 days.
    Community Answer
    The longest lived Syrian hamster lived for over 10 years, but this is incredibly rare.
  • Question
    What do I do if my hamster dies and another hamster starts eating it?
    Community Answer
    Put on plastic gloves and remove the dead hamster from the presence of other hamsters. Put the dead hamster into either a cardboard box or a bag.
  • Question
    My hamster is still alive, but I'm scared that at any moment he could pass away. How can I stop this?
    Community Answer
    You can't stop your hamster from dying eventually, but you can take it to the vet and follow the vet's instructions to care for it the best way possible.
  • Question
    I just buried my sweet baby hamster today. What can I do to cope?
    Community Answer
    Just try to remember all the happy moments you had together, and know that you gave it the happiest life it could have.
  • Question
    How do I stop thinking about my hamster's death?
    Community Answer
    Provide yourself with some closure by celebrating his life with a memorial service, if you haven't already. Think about and talk about the fun you had with him when thoughts about his death arise. Focusing on what he brought into your life rather than what you've lost should help.
  • Question
    What do I do if I can't stop crying, I feel depressed, and my hamster was very special because it was my first one? Is it normal to feel that it's my fault because it didn't live a year?
    Community Answer
    I'm sorry for your loss, but you have to know that it is in a better place now. You have to move on and if you loved it then visit his grave once in a while. Just remember him. And I'm sure you took good care of it, it is not your fault. It's okay to be sad.
  • Question
    My hamster died, and we got five rats afterwards. But I feel sad when thinking about the rats, I don't know why.
    Community Answer
    You may be feeling worried about your rats dying as well. Death is a part of life, and it's hard to accept that. Try not to let it ruin your experience with your new pets. As long as they are healthy and well-cared for, they should live long and happy lives with you.
  • Question
    I only had my hamster for 4 months, and then he died. Why would this be?
    Arra Sails
    Community Answer
    Maybe he didn't have enough food or water. Or sometimes they only live for a short period of time.
  • Question
    My hamster was killed today. I am having panic attacks and I can not stop crying. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    This is normal while mourning your pet. Writing about the pet in a journal usually makes people feel better. Do things that you enjoy to try and distract you from your hamster's death, because after some time has passed it will get easier. Eventually you can get a new hamster if you want.
  • Question
    What can I do if it has been a month since my hamster died and I can't get over it?
    Community Answer
    You can cry, it's healthy. Maybe you can get a new pet, like a bunny, another hamster or a cat, dog, fish, guinea pig, and a gerbil.
  • Question
    Can I bury them in a plastic bag in a box?
    Community Answer
    Best to avoid plastic. Wrap them in tissue paper, or toilet paper, and then put them in the box. Plastic is not biodegradable.
  • Question
    My hamster was only 5-6-months-old when he passed on Sunday. I'm very upset because I loved him deeply and I have been feeling guilty. What could I have done wrong?
    Community Answer
    Honestly, sometimes pets from the store are already sick when you get them, there was probably nothing you could have done. You did your best to give him the happiest life possible.
  • Question
    I feel horrible, one day I came home and found my hamster deceased from unknown causes. I can't stop thinking about her untimely death.
    Community Answer
    It is natural to feel distressed about a pet's death, especially from one that was very dear to you. But you shouldn't let that grief control your life. Death is natural and can come at anytime for many reasons, try to get your mind off of it.
  • Question
    My hamster, Tony just died. He was only a year and a half old. I feel guilty and the tree in my room that symbolizes him makes me cry.
    The Springy Gymnast
    Community Answer
    I love the idea of a tree that symbolizes your hamster. How about you move it into a different space so you don't see it as often? Maybe on your front porch? This just means you won't see it whenever you enter your room. Another thing you could do is print out pictures of your hamster and hang them on the tree. You don't have any reason to feel guilty. Hamsters do not live very long, unfortunately, and you probably gave him a great and happy life. Cherish the memories you have of him.
  • Question
    What do I do if I ask for another hamster and my mom says no?
    Community Answer
    Accept your mom's decision for the time being. It may be too soon after your hamster's death.
  • Question
    What do I do? My life used to be so much fun. I loved and cherished my hamster deeply. It's been three years since he died and I still cry every day. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    I'm so sorry about your hamster. I think you should research about pets and/or take a quiz on what pet you should get. Or you could get another hamster. You wouldn't be replacing your hamster, just getting a new one, which will make you a lot happier!
  • Question
    Why can't the container be plastic?
    Community Answer
    Think about it: a cardboard box is biodegradable and will disappear without a trace. So much nicer than a garden or forest littered with plastic. Try to avoid plastic, not just when mourning a hamster.
  • Question
    My hamster is very sick. I did nothing to cause the sickness but I can't stop thinking that it's my fault. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    It can be really heart wrenching when your little guy gets sick. Feeling guilty is normal. To make yourself feel better, just keep telling yourself that this is normal for an animal with a life span of only 2 to 4 years and that he/she had a wonderful life and was loved deeply. Sometimes you can't help but feel like its your fault so talk to friends or family who know what you're going through or just have a good cry.
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