Q&A for How to Paint a Picture

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    How do I start a picture?
    Community Answer
    Any way you want! Some people prefer to carefully plan their picture before they get started, for example by sketching it up very loosely in pencil before starting to apply color. Others like to just go for it without knowing how the picture will turn out, to just create intuitively. If you have little experience with painting, don't worry about it! It takes some time to figure out your own creative process. Just experiment. Most importantly, don't take it too seriously. It's okay to make mistakes and painting should be fun.
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    How do I get a transparent look, like for clear glass?
    Community Answer
    Use a lot of water in the paint to dilute it. This should help with the transparent look. Also, you can use water colors.
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    What animals are good to paint?
    Community Answer
    Honestly, any. But I find birds are pretty fun for me personally. It's all a matter of opinion and choice.
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    How long does it take to paint a picture?
    Alyssa Detwiler
    Community Answer
    It depends on your skill, how realistically you are painting, and what you are doing. If you are like me, a perfectionist when it comes to painting, you may take several hours. But there are some professional painters, like Bob Ross, that do an amazing landscape in just 30 minutes.
  • Question
    I am painting a picture of a girl laying down, but then I need to make her move to standing. How can this be done?
    Community Answer
    That sounds like a creative choice you're going to have to figure out for yourself. No one can tell you how to make your art.
  • Question
    is there any means of doing abstract painting without been taught?
    Rosie V.
    Community Answer
    Yes! That is the point of abstract. You don't need to be taught, you don't need to be a pro. You can just paint what you feel looks good and what your heart tells you to because it isn't meant to be anything specific.
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