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Q&A for How to Plant Roses
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QuestionHow do you start a rose from a cutting?Monique Capanelli is a Plant Specialist and the Owner and Designer for Articulture Designs, an innovative design firm and boutique in Austin, Texas. With over 15 years of experience, Monique specializes in interior botanical design, living walls, event decor, and sustainable landscape design. She attended the University of Texas at Austin. Monique is a Certified Permaculture Designer. She provides plant and botanical design experiences, from small gifts to entire transformations, to shoppers as well as commercial clients including Whole Foods Market and The Four Seasons.Cut off a long piece of the rose plant—you want significant length to have enough hardiness to start your new plant. Then, trim away all the excess leaves and cut the bottom of the plant at a 45-degree angle. Dip the sliced end in root hormone and replant it in good soil.
QuestionWhere do roses grow best?Tyler Radford is a Plant Specialist at Hollie’s Farm & Garden in Tampa, Florida. With over nine years of experience, Tyler specializes in gardening, planting, mulching, and potting. Hollie’s Farm & Garden is a full-service landscape nursery offering landscape supplies including trees, shrubs, mulch, and flagstone.Roses like a lot of sunlight, so try to find a planting spot that gets sun throughout the entire day.
QuestionDo I put peat in a rose plant?Katherine Gohmann is a Professional Gardener in Texas. She has been a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008.No, don't put peat around a rose plant. Just use good-quality garden soil, potting mix, or compost.
QuestionHow do I get rid of all the aphids?Katherine Gohmann is a Professional Gardener in Texas. She has been a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008.Rinse them off with a strong blast from a hose. Do this as often as necessary.
QuestionCan I move a rose bush into a new position in the garden?Community AnswerYes, you can. It might take some time to get used to its new location, so expect some slowed growth for a few weeks, but it should return happy and healthy.
QuestionCan I plant roses in containers?Community AnswerYes.
QuestionHow do I take care of a planted rose bush?Community AnswerFeed it well and try to plant it in a space where it won't be affected by harsh weather. Keep the plant moist but well-drained, and use appropriate compost. Trim the plant when necessary.
QuestionCan I plant roses where roses have already been?Community AnswerRoses are heavy feeders, so any soil left behind can be depleted of any nutrient value. Because of this, soil left behind is considered damaged as well. However this does not mean you can't plant it on the same spot.
QuestionHow far from a block wall should I plant roses?Community AnswerRoses need plenty of sun and air circulation to avoid disease such as black spot, so a planting distance of at least 2 feet is desirable.
QuestionHow do I start a rose bush from an existing plant?Community AnswerYou can grow new roses from cuttings. The best time is during spring. Also, having root powder will be very helpful (though not necessary). You will have to cut a piece about 3-5 inches long, leaving 1-2 leaves only. Then, make a stretch wound with a sharp knife on the lower end, dip into root powder, and plant. Keep it moist but not too wet. Google "propagating roses with cuttings" and you'll find a lot of videos to help you.
QuestionDo roses need bone meal?Community AnswerBone meal is a good fertlizer to use for roses, as it releases nutrients gradually.
QuestionHow do I protect the plant?Community AnswerIf planting in ground, find a suitable position: good light, not too windy, etc. In winter, if extremely cold, cover with fleece or bubble wrap to protect from frost.
QuestionHow far away from shrubs and other plants should I place my roses?Community AnswerBest to plant roses at least two feet from any existing plant to avoid competition for soil nutrients.
QuestionWhat can I do if my soil is a little gravely and I want to plant roses?Community AnswerI would recommend adding fertilizer, like peat moss and worm casings to your soil.
QuestionI planted a container rose plant (Mr. Lincoln) about six weeks ago, removing any green growth as I would for a bare root plant. The plant has shown no signs of growth. Did I kill the plant?Rigo MunizCommunity AnswerI would add a ripe banana on one inch under the soil. Roses love banana nutrients. If you can still a see stem, the plant is still alive.
QuestionWhat should the temperature be when planting roses?Community AnswerIt should be a nice humid day outside. The day after a summer storm is a good time for planting.
QuestionWhat type of fertilizer do I use on my roses?Community AnswerThere are specific fertilizers for roses that you can buy in any garden store. You'll also want to rotate the type of fertilizer you use to avoid a salt buildup.
QuestionShould I cut off all of the first rose buds?Community AnswerIt depends on how patient you are. If you can wait for a year to see the blooms, sure, cut all you want. But if you want fast results you can leave one bloom at a time for your enjoyment, then dehead it right after so the plant doesn't use all its energy to produce flowers. Cut the other blooms young, when you can see the petals, and put them in a flower arrangement. In the long run, it's better for the plant to make a good root system, but there's nothing wrong with giving your heart what it wants either. It's a plant, not a pension scheme.
QuestionHow far up the base of the rose should the soil go when taking it out of a container and putting it in the ground?Community AnswerThe rose bush should be planted right where its crown starts; try looking up rose crowns if you don’t understand what I’m taking about.
QuestionCan white roses be planted near red roses and stay white?Community AnswerOf course they can! Roses cannot change colors (unless dyed). But I wouldn’t recommend planting them too close together.
QuestionWhen should I plant potted roses in zone 7?Community AnswerBest planting time is from four weeks before the last frost up to two weeks after the last frost.
QuestionCan I replant my roses if they sink, or should I leave them alone?Community AnswerMy remedy for a sunken plant, be it roses or other, is to go as deep under the plant as possible with a strong shovel. Raise the plant and its soil, and back fill under it with a good soil.
QuestionHow much dirt do I need to grow roses over a stump?Community AnswerThis would depend on the decomposition stage of the stump. Roses have a semi-deep root system and require some depth to grown properly. I would recommend at least two feet of soil above a newly-created stump; less is needed if the stump is older and has started to decompose to the point that the rose could extend its roots directly into the stump itself.
QuestionCan I plant roses in an aquarium?Community AnswerNo. It will drown the plant. You need to stick with aquatic plants for aquariums.
QuestionCan I grow a rose plant from a rose flower cut from the garden?Community AnswerYes, you can. You will have to choose a strong, healthy stem and place it in water right after cutting. Cut all the leaves except those at the top, and choose a sunny area to plant it.
QuestionHow far from the wall of my house should I plant roses?Community AnswerAbout 2 feet should be OK. Roses need a lot of sunshine.
QuestionDo seeds from roses have to be frozen before planting?Community AnswerNot necessarily frozen, but you will need to place them on a paper towel and keep them in the fridge for a few weeks.
QuestionMy roses are beautiful, do I still water them?Sliu63Community AnswerStick your finger at least 1 inch (2.5cm) into the soil and if it is dry, then water them.
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