Q&A for How to Play Bakugan

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    What happens if I get two of my Bakugan on a card, and I take that card? Can I use those Bakugan again?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can use a single Bakugan up to five times, by that time someone will have won.
  • Question
    What happens if two of my own bakugan land on the same card?
    Community Answer
    If two of your bakugan land on the same gate card, you win that card. It is called doubling down.
  • Question
    Can I have three of the same Bakugan play in the same battle if they are in my hand?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as you have three separate capsules, they can be the same Bakugan.
  • Question
    Can I play with only one Bakugan?
    Community Answer
    No, the regular match requires you to have three Bakugan to play. There are other match types not gone over in these rules that may require more Bakugan.
  • Question
    When can I use an ability card?
    Community Answer
    During any game of Bakugan, ability cards are usually played during a battle after the gate card is opened. However, there are some ability cards that reference "before you roll do 'X'," or "play after you have won with a Pyrus Bakugan." It really depends on what the ability card says, and reading the card explains the card. In most cases, it's only during a battle, but they will say when to use it if it's not for battle.
  • Question
    Can I play without cards?
    Community Answer
    It depends, if the person playing with you agrees not to use Ability Cards (not recommended) then you don't have to use those, but Gate Cards are a must to play the game.
  • Question
    Could I play a bakugan trap and bakugan battle gear simultaneously in the same battle?
    Community Answer
    The rules say you can use both a trap and a gear in the same match. You can use them in the same battle, but afterward you won't be able to use them again if you don't have an ability card that lets you use them again.
  • Question
    What do I do if my Bakugan and my opponent's Bakugan land on different cards?
    Community Answer
    Continue rolling Bakugan until either yours or an opponent's lands on a card with an opposing Bakugan.
  • Question
    What does the highlighted G-Power mean?
    Community Answer
    A gate card has six attributes that give each Bakugan of the corresponding color a bonus (or takes away G-Power if they're the old gate cards). When a G-Power bonus on a gate card is highlighted, that means the bonus is doubled. The reason there are highlighted G-Power bonuses on gate cards is because some ability and reference cards refer to a highlighted bonus on a gate card, like cancelling or benefiting from it.
  • Question
    What happens if they get the same G power?
    Community Answer
    If the scores are tied, the player whose Bakugan landed on the gate card first gets to take the card for his/her hand.
  • Question
    Where on an ability card does it show the G increase?
    Community Answer
    It is on the left side of the card. You take the G-power bonus based on your Bakugan's color.
  • Question
    How do I use ability cards?
    Community Answer
    After the Gate Card is opened, both players activate an Ability Card. These cards give an increase (marked on said card) to the user's Bakugan. Nearly all Ability Cards also have a little note with extra instructions. For example, the Hurricane of Fire Ability Card. This card allows the user to send in either a Fire-attributed or Wind-attributed (Pyrus and Ventus, respectively) at a Gate Card with only an opponent's Bakugan on it.
  • Question
    How do I know the G score?
    Community Answer
    It will normally say on the Bakugan somewhere, but sometimes it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, try to find out the Bakugan's name and then search it on a Bakugan wiki.
  • Question
    How do I use a Bakugan trap?
    Community Answer
    You can use them to change your Bakugan's attribute. The attributes you can change to are located inside of the trap. Also, the trap's attribute has to match the Bakugan's original attribute.
  • Question
    How do I play Bakugan without gate cards?
    Community Answer
    You cannot play Bakugan without gate cards, or it will just be throwing capsules.
  • Question
    What do the fists mean on the character cards?
    Community Answer
    The fists mean you can use that certain power up on that card to boost your character.
  • Question
    Do ability cards return to the unused pile when Bakunin are returned to the unused pile? Do they return if all ability cards are in the used pile?
    Community Answer
    No, ability cards can only be used once, unless it is said otherwise on the card.
  • Question
    Where can I buy the Bakugan toys?
    Community Answer
    You can find them online.
  • Question
    Do all of my Bakugan have to be the same element at the start of the game?
    Community Answer
    No, they do not.
  • Question
    Are there any weaknesses between attributes when playing Bakugan?
    Community Answer
    No, not in the regular game, but other versions in video games and HSP rules have weaknesses. In the anime, the attributes (in order of better, weaker) are Pyrus, to Subterra, to Haos, to Darkus, to Aquos, to Ventus, and back to Pyrus.
  • Question
    Could we make simpler instructions so a child could understand them?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there are multiple ways to play Bakugan, such as "no gate cards" or "one Bakugan."
  • Question
    How do I know an original Bakugan's G-Power?
    Community Answer
    The G-Power may be affected by ability and gate cards. It is found on the inside of a Bakugan in white or black writing.
  • Question
    What are the tiles with the shield and the fiery fist for?
    Community Answer
    That's for the new generation of Bakugan, where the rules are completely different.
  • Question
    What is the most G-force a Bakugan can have?
    Community Answer
    First of all , it is called G-power. Usually, Bakugan have maximum 1000 G- Power. Special Bakugan can also have higher g-power than 1000 but they usually have more complicated rules.
  • Question
    What happens if an opponent and I both have one Bakugan left and land on different gate cards?
    Community Answer
    You and your opponent take the Bakugan from the used pile and continue the game.
  • Question
    Can I play Bakugan with more than three capsules?
    Community Answer
    Yes it is called big game. You must use 6 Bakugan and 6 ability cards (2 of each color) and 6 gate cards (2 of each color ). The rules do not change.
  • Question
    What happens if my bakugan says B instead of G? Is that a different generation?
    Zimiao Meng
    Community Answer
    It is a different generation. Now the new wave is called Armored Alliance and all the bakugans have B power instead of G power.
  • Question
    Do I need a stadium to play Bakugan?
    Zimiao Meng
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily, you can get a game board and put it on there but you don't have to.
  • Question
    What happens if the bakugan doesn't hit the gate when rolled?
    Community Answer
    Send another Bakugan Into the gatecard. Also, you can add a another Bakugan G to your previous Bakugan.
  • Question
    When can I close a gate card?
    Community Answer
    When your opponent Bakugan is knocked out, then the gate card closes.
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