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Q&A for How to Play Card Bingo
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QuestionCan playing card bingo be played by a large group of people? Say 30 or even 85?Community AnswerNo, because there are only 52 cards per deck.
QuestionIs there a variation for 20 players?Community AnswerShuffle 2 decks together and deal 5 cards to each of the 20 players. You will have 4 cards leftover (put these aside). Use a new deck for your dealer deck. Shuffle and turn one card over at a time, calling out the suit and card.
QuestionHow would I organize a game for a group of 30 or more people?Community AnswerSet up tables of 4 people, with one deck of cards per table. Deal out all cards as usual, 13 per player. There would then be a caller (who does not play), who pulls the cards and announces and shows card to all. Note: usually call an ace a 'one' to avoid confusion between 'ace' and 'eight'. You could have multiple winners.
QuestionHow many cards should there be if there are two or three players?David W. GarelickCommunity AnswerFor three players, deal out four hands. One hand then becomes dead, then the remaining 3 players play as they would for four. One player being the caller.
QuestionCan card bingo be played by 2 people only? If so, how many cards should be dealt?Elizabeth StevensonCommunity AnswerIt can be up to you and the other person how many cards should be dealt. But I would say probably 2 if you want a normal paced game. 3 or more if you want a quick game. And 1 if you want to play a longer game.
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