Q&A for How to Play Crazy Eights

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    Can I play an eight in place of the current suit?
    Community Answer
    If you have an eight and you don't have the suit that is currently being played in your hand nor the same number on the card with a different suit, then yes, you can play an eight.
  • Question
    How many points must a player have to win?
    Community Answer
    The first person out wins. Over successive games, it is the player with the least points when you finish playing who wins.
  • Question
    What do I do when I only have one card left?
    Community Answer
    When you see that you have only one card left, immediately say "last card". If you are able to play with that card, do it. If you can't you have to pick a card from the stock and keep picking cards until you can play.
  • Question
    If someone put down a king, can I put down an ace? (No suit is followed.)
    Community Answer
    You can only follow with the ace if it is the same suit as the king. The card must match either the number/letter or the suit of the previous card, unless it is an 8.
  • Question
    If there are two players and two jacks are played by the same player, whose turn is it?
    Community Answer
    If player A plays two jacks it is player A's turn. He played a "skip B" which made it his turn and a "skip B" again.
  • Question
    Can I place down more than one card if it is the same suit, number, or both?
    Community Answer
    Yes, if it is the same number. If a seven of hearts is down and you have a 4 of hearts and a 4 of clubs, you can place both down with clubs on top. You have to put the heart below to show it matching and then the club on top changes the suit.
  • Question
    With a queen of spades do you have to pick up 5?
    Community Answer
    This is a possible house rule, so you need to decide with the people you're playing with in advance of starting the game. If you all agree, then, yes, you need to pick up five.
  • Question
    If a suit is laid and you have the suit and also an eight, can you play the eight rather than the suit?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can play the eight at any point in your turn, regardless of having other possible plays.
  • Question
    If you have two Jokers in your deck, what do those do?
    Community Answer
    In our games, Jokers do nothing, so we leave them out. However, you can make your own variation with the Joker card being a 'skip your turn' card or something like that.
  • Question
    What are legal cards and wild cards?
    Community Answer
    Legal cards are cards that you can put down on your turn of play. Wild cards are cards you use when you don't have a legal card, such as an 8.
  • Question
    Can you win with your last card as an eight?
    Community Answer
    Generally, 8s are not allowed to be the last card played. However, some players are OK with allowing this.
  • Question
    Can I win the game with a pick up?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your rules. The way we play, a card picked up is a legal play so you could win on a pick up. Example, the 7 of clubs is down and I only have a 4 of hearts. I pick up a 4 of clubs. Because we allow a pickup to be played on the same turn I can lay down the 4 of clubs with the 4 of hearts and go out.
  • Question
    How do I score in a game with 2 players?
    Community Answer
    When there are only two players, try to block them at every moment you have. This will give you the opportunity to play again. You can also block them more than once.
  • Question
    If a king of hearts is played and the next player plays a king of clubs, does the suit change to clubs or remain hearts?
    Community Answer
    If you play the same rank (5, 10, K, A...) the suit will change. So if a King of Hearts is played and followed by a King of Clubs, the suit would change to clubs.
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