Q&A for How to Play Hide and Go Seek

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    What is a way to keep quiet without keeping yourself from breathing?
    Community Answer
    Just breathe slowly and quietly through your nose. Try to relax and think calm thoughts.
  • Question
    How do I find hide and seek games?
    Community Answer
    All you need is people to play with. Find some people to play with and start a game.
  • Question
    Can I hide under a bed?
    Community Answer
    Yes, just drape the blankets over the space under the bed so if the "it" glances over there, they won't see you.
  • Question
    What is a good time limit?
    Community Answer
    Ten to 30 seconds work the best.
  • Question
    How do I call all of the players back in?
    Community Answer
    Just yell as loudly as you can for everyone to come back to a central location. If some people are still missing, walk around and keep yelling.
  • Question
    If you are found in hide and seek, can you hide again? I have never played this game before.
    Community Answer
    It is standard for the person who has been caught to either go and sit in the "found" or "out" area or to join the seeker in finding the people yet to be found. However, it all depends on the game rules for the game you're playing, which can vary as much as the players want them to.
  • Question
    How do I free a person in this game?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the version you are playing. In the traditional version, you wait until everyone else has been found. In the meantime, look out for future spots for the next game, or help players who have not been found; you could just relax and wait until the round is over.
  • Question
    When I move to Italy I will have so many friends, but for now I am a lonely little girl and I want to play hide and seek. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you have no friends try making some. Other options are to play with your family and relatives, or you could play a game like Minecraft and invite them to your server to play online if you have good internet and all that. Or, whenever you see others your age playing it you could ask to join in and you might even make some friends.
  • Question
    Can I hide under a car to camouflage myself while playing hide and go seek?
    Community Answer
    Hiding under a car isn't safe! Find another spot. If you want to be camouflaged, wear clothes that match your surroundings or wear dark clothes if you're playing at night (just watch for moving vehicles and don't run out into the street).
  • Question
    Can I switch spots that the seeker already looked in, but laugh and get caught?
    Community Answer
    You can, but why would you want to? The point is to avoid getting caught for as long as possible.
  • Question
    Can I hide in a car if it's not locked and its my parents'? Can I hide right behind somebody, or is just going to be easy for the seeker to find me?
    Community Answer
    Try to avoid hiding by or in a car if you can. People can look through the windows and under the car. But if you have to, hide on the opposite side by a tire so they can’t see your feet under the car. I wouldn't suggest hiding behind somebody else. If the seeker finds you both at the same time, they could probably just choose who they want to be "it" next, and it might be you.
  • Question
    Who doesn't know how to play hide and seek?
    Community Answer
    First-timers to the game do not understand the game mechanics. They have not seen anyone play a game of hide-and-seek (probably), they may be interested, probably if they watch some YouTube videos or access this article.
  • Question
    Can I hide behind or under a gymnastics mat?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    If I'm a hider, can I move to another place from my original spot?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. As long as the seeker doesn’t find you or tag you, you can move to another place from your original spot.
  • Question
    After hiding, what do we shout when we reach home base without getting caught?
    Community Answer
    That's up to you, but "Safe!" or "Base!" are pretty common. You can also just make something up if you like!
  • Question
    If the seeker gives up and did not find any players, will they be it again?
    Community Answer
    You can make up your own rule about that. But it might be best to let someone else be it if the person is having that much trouble.
  • Question
    Can adults who are 20 or 30 play hide and seek tag too?
    Community Answer
    Of course! There is no age range for hide and go seek even though it seems like a child's game. It could be a whole lot of fun playing it as just adults.
  • Question
    If the seeker calls out that they give up finding the riders and calls the riders out of hiding, is he still the seeker in the next round?
    Community Answer
    Once you get a turn and you finish or could not find the hiders, then you should not have to seek again. Everybody needs to have a turn.
  • Question
    Can you hide in the same spot the next game?
    Community Answer
    You can hide in any spot you like, depending on the rules. Although, if you did, it would make it obvious to seekers as they will look there first.
  • Question
    As a seeker, can I fake or pretend that I give up looking, and then catch everyone hiding off guard? Or is that cheating, or a bad thing to do in hide and seek?
    Mullyzee ★
    Community Answer
    It is cheating. You should not cheat just to win, the point of the game is to have fun and everyone won't have fun if the seeker or anyone is cheating.
  • Question
    Can I play with my dog?
    Mullyzee ★
    Community Answer
    Yes, Just make sure it won't bark so loudly that the dog gives away your hiding spot.
  • Question
    Can I hide with another person?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but two people are easier to find than one.
  • Question
    What is the best age for a hider and for a seeker? Choosing the right age enhances gameplay.
    Community Answer
    Hide and seek can be played as soon as a child can walk, about 1 year old. Most children start really understanding the rules around age 3.
  • Question
    What is the origin and meaning of "all ye all ye in free"?
    Community Answer
    The origin of the phrase is unknown. The Dictionary of American Regional English says the phrase may be derived from "all ye, all ye outs in free," "all the outs in free," or possibly ”calling all the outs in free”; in other words, "all who are out may come in without penalty."
  • Question
    Can you hide in a suitcase?
    Community Answer
    Yes, if it's a very large suitcase and you're a very small person. However, the possibility that you might get trapped inside makes it a bad idea.
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