Q&A for How to Play Volleyball

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    How do I dress for volleyball?
    Community Answer
    We've got an article on that topic to help you out. Most importantly, wear comfortable, athletic clothing and shoes, and remove all accessories.
  • Question
    How do I hit the ball when it goes over my head?
    Community Answer
    If you can't reach it for a set, and you're in the back row, let it go out. If you're in the front row, make sure to call out for another player to get it. Or, you can turn around and hit it with a backwards bump. If it's the last hit on your side and you need to get it over, arch your back when you hit it. If you're just starting your attack, all you need to do is get it up so that another player can set it and then spike it over then net, hopefully getting a point. The same concept can be applied to receiving it with a backwards set.
  • Question
    How do I hit a ball that comes in over my head?
    Community Answer
    Jump and put your hands up as though you were setting, but keep your fingers tight together to block the ball. If the ball approaches slightly to one side, move your hands but keep your fingers pointing straight up. Ideally, the ball should roll down from your fingers and onto your palms, where you direct it to another player.
  • Question
    How different is beach volleyball from indoor volleyball?
    Community Answer
    Beach volleyball is played barefoot on sand in smaller courts, with only two players per team. You can attack from anywhere on the court, and there are a number of other differences between the types of legal hits. Usually the teams play to 21 points, and a match is best of 3 sets.
  • Question
    How do you count the score?
    Community Answer
    The score goes up to 25. Every time a team scores a point, the scoring team receives the ball to serve. For example, if the teams were black and blue, let's assume blue has 13 points and black has 9, and black will serve. The the score would be 9-13. If the blue team scored a point, they would then serve, and the score would be called out as 14-9 (the score of the serving team is called first).
  • Question
    Don't the terms "dig" and "dive" mean different things?
    Community Answer
    Technically, a dig is any successful defensive contact, even if you stay on your feet. Diving is a technique that is almost exclusively used in digs, though.
  • Question
    What's the difference between a libero and a defense specialist?
    Community Answer
    The libero is the best passer/defensive player; it is usually one of the shortest and quickest players on the team. A defensive specialist is just like the libero, but instead they aren't as good at passing. The reason you designate the libero as best passer is because they are placed in the middle of the back row, where most balls are hit.
  • Question
    Why do you change sides?
    Community Answer
    Teams change sides to promote fairness. In outdoor volleyball, for example, one side of the court may have bright lights that make seeing the ball difficult. Switching sides ensures neither team has an unfair advantage.
  • Question
    How do I do a jump serve?
    Top Answerer
    Run toward the baseline from behind it carrying the ball. Before reaching the line, throw the ball into the air, jump as high as you can, and hit the ball as it comes down. The idea is to hit the ball as high off the floor as possible to achieve a flatter trajectory and make it harder for the receiving team to return the ball.
  • Question
    How do I give a powerful serve?
    Top Answerer
    Build up arm and shoulder strength.
  • Question
    How long does a game last?
    Top Answerer
    There is no standard time. A single game will usually last a half-hour or more. A full match can last an hour, often longer.
  • Question
    Who created volleyball?
    Top Answerer
    Volleyball was invented in 1895 by a YMCA director in the United States.
  • Question
    What if I'm really short?
    Top Answerer
    Short players can be valuable as defensive specialists and setters. Being closer to the ground can really help in digging out those low shots.
  • Question
    If the opponent hits the ball past the foul line or hits the net, does the other team get a point?
    Top Answerer
    Your team gets the point.
  • Question
    Is it okay if a serve touches the net, but still goes over?
    Top Answerer
  • Question
    In the game of volleyball, what score are you playing to?
    Top Answerer
    A match is typically won by the first team to win two sets (sometimes three). A set is typically won by the first team to win 25 points (or 15, depending on league rules). The winner must win by at least two points.
  • Question
    How do you play volleyball if both your arms and legs were broken in a skiing accident?
    Community Answer
    You can't play volleyball or most any sports with broken arms or legs. You have to wait until your limbs have healed.
  • Question
    How does a volleyball game start?
    Top Answerer
    A game starts with a serve.
  • Question
    Do I get to choose my volleyball position?
    lexicheers 03
    Community Answer
    In volleyball, there are six different spots on the court. After you score, you get the serve, and for every new server, you rotate. You play all six positions, as you have a rotation set up.
  • Question
    I'm scared to hit the ball. How can I overcome this?
    Community Answer
    Just get in there and try. You will eventually hit it, and with time and practice, hit it correctly. The more you play, the more confident you'll become.
  • Question
    How do I improve my volleyball game?
    Community Answer
    There are some great tips in wikiHow article Be a Better Volleyball Player .
  • Question
    Can I start playing volleyball at age 15 with no experience? How?
    Top Answerer
    Of course. Most schools have teams, and many communities have volleyball leagues. Players with no experience are usually welcome to join in.
  • Question
    What should I do if I'm on a official team, but can't set?
    Community Answer
    Not everyone can set well. If you can dig, pass, spike or serve well, you can be valuable to your team.
  • Question
    What are the names of the volleyball playing positions?
    Top Answerer
    Position 1 (serving position) is Right Back or Setter. Position 2 is Right Front or Right Side Hitter. Position 3 is Middle Front or Middle Blocker. Position 4 is Left Front or Opposite. Position 5 is Left Back or Outside Hitter. Position 6 is Middle Back or Middle Blocker (or Libero).
  • Question
    What does "serve" mean?
    Top Answerer
    A serve is the act of hitting the ball (either overhand or underhand) from behind the baseline and over the net into the opponents' court. Each point in a game begins with a serve.
  • Question
    Can you get hurt more easily in volleyball than other competitive sports?
    Top Answerer
    No. Generally speaking, volleyball is played without injury because there is usually no physical contact between players. Minor injuries do occasionally occur due to pulled muscles or jammed fingers. In addition, players may suffer bumps and bruises while diving for the ball. But it is not nearly as dangerous as some other sports, like football.
  • Question
    What if you have a height of 156 cm? Is that acceptable?
    Top Answerer
    People of any height can play volleyball. Coaches like to have their taller players at the net, but shorter players can help their team from any spot on the court.
  • Question
    If someone serves the ball, can the opposing team members use their fingers?
    Top Answerer
    In receiving a serve, it's best to bump the ball with your forearms, but you may use your fingers, especially if the ball is near or above your head.
  • Question
    I'm a volleyball player, but sometimes I having trouble of spiking. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Spiking is difficult. Ask your coach or teammates for pointers, and then get lots of practice.
  • Question
    How long is the game?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how long it takes for a rally. One game is usually 30-50 minutes.
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