Q&A for How to Practise Nudism in Your Room With No One Knowing

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    What happens if I am around other nudists and I get an erection?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    The whole point of naturism is that you shouldn't be ashamed of your body. If you get an erection around other nudists, they're likely to have no reaction at all. After all, erections are totally natural.
  • Question
    I stay at a farm with 2 small Welsh ponies when owners away weekends and want to ride a pony bareback naked. Do I tell owners of my secret nudist desire or ride in secret without telling them?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    It's probably best to not do either of these things. If you don't tell them, it's still possible that they spot you on a security cam. On top of that, it's a little disrespectful to do something with a person's animals without consent. If you have a super intimate relationship with the owners you can ask, but if you don't know them that well and you aren't close friends you could alienate them.
  • Question
    Do I have to be naked to appreciate my body? I love myself just the way I am!
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Absolutely not. If you're most comfortable in clothing you shouldn't change anything. Everybody is different when it comes to what makes them feel most comfortable in their own skin!
  • Question
    What if I just like being naked and don't want to join a nudist community?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to. Some people enjoy getting together with others who practice nudism, but it's totally OK to do so on your own.
  • Question
    Is it okay to start practicing nudism if I am a child?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is.
  • Question
    Why is everyone else worried about getting seen naked?
    Community Answer
    Mostly people are worried about having their personal appearance judged.
  • Question
    What do I do when my parents knock on my door and I can't change fast and I have no blankets?
    Community Answer
    You can say, "Hold on, I'm changing!" When you open the door, be calm.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have no lock on my door?
    Community Answer
    You can put something heavy against the door, or simply do it when no one is home.
  • Question
    Why isn't everyone else naked?
    Community Answer
    Because clothes are the cultural norm, and in many places it's illegal to be naked in public. Clothes also provide protection from the elements and a means of self-expression.
  • Question
    What do I do if an emergency happens, such as a severe storm or house fire?
    Community Answer
    Whenever you're preparing to practice nudism, keep a change of clothes nearby (like a pair of shorts and a t-shirt) that you could throw on quickly if you needed to leave the house for some reason.
  • Question
    Are these things normal for a teenage boy?
    Community Answer
    It's not something most people do. But there's nothing wrong with it, as long as you're not bothering anybody.
  • Question
    What should I do if my child sees me naked and starts doing it?
    Community Answer
    I would talk to your child about when and where it's appropriate to be naked. There's nothing wrong with being nude as long as your child understands that it's not always a good choice depending on the situation.
  • Question
    How do I tell my parents I want to be naked?
    Community Answer
    You don't always have to tell them; it may be a little awkward if you do. Try waiting until everyone is out of the house and then do it.
  • Question
    What if my boyfriend sees me nude and starts to have sex with me?
    Community Answer
    Well, sex needs to be consensual. If you don't want to have sex, tell him to stop and put some clothes on. This is one of those "common sense" situations.
  • Question
    What if people keep checking on me?
    Community Answer
    Talk to them. Tell them that you need privacy. If they decline, tell them that you would like to be naked for a little while.
  • Question
    What happens if my mum or dad just come bursting into my room (like they always do)?
    Community Answer
    As the house is your parents and you respect your parents, try respectfully talking to them about your desire to have a little more privacy and ask if they can knock before coming in to your room. Showing them respect is more likely to get them to respect your wishes.
  • Question
    My little brother does not knock. Is there a specific choice of clothing when you have to get dressed again?
    Community Answer
    You can slip on anything that will cover up what you need covered up. A towel, a blanket, a robe, a tee-shirt, your underwear, all can work great in a pinch.
  • Question
    What do I do if I have no privacy except when I am taking a bath?
    Community Answer
    You can just spend all of your time in the bathroom naked. You can also be naked at night or early morning while everyone is asleep.
  • Question
    Is it OK for me to show my nude to my partner?
    Community Answer
    Of course, as long as you're both comfortable with it. If you're not at a stage where you are comfortable in the nude around each other, have a conversation about it.
  • Question
    My friend dared me to go bottomless through a large boulevard in the afternoon, should I accept the dare?
    Community Answer
    No. You can get arrested for indecent exposure if you do this.
  • Question
    What do I do if my parents pull the blanket off me while I am nude in bed?
    Community Answer
    Try to calmly explain to them that you feel more comfortable sleeping nude than wearing clothes. You can do this when they pull the blanket if they wake you up, or the next day. If need be, also explain you are doing it just because of the comfort, not because you want to masturbate. If you want to avoid the situation altogether, you can try telling them ahead of time that you will be sleeping nude.
  • Question
    How do I ask for privacy without seeming suspicious?
    Sariah Steinert
    Community Answer
    Try saying something like, “I’m doing homework, so can I have some privacy for a bit?” Or, “I have a headache. I’m gonna take a nap for a bit. Can you stay out of my room, please?” Just make something up and make sure it wouldn’t seem suspicious to you.
  • Question
    Is it possible one day the world would like to be nude?
    Community Answer
    I guess anything is possible.
  • Question
    How can I have fun and be sexy while I practice nudism?
    Community Answer
    Do all the same things you did while you were clothed to have fun and be sexy.
  • Question
    What should do if I want to be nude in public?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, the law won't be on your side. If you are nude in a secluded area, you may be fine. But if you're walking nude down a city street, you will likely be arrested. You might be able to find a nude beach in your area.
  • Question
    What do I do if when I sleep naked, my discharge gets everywhere?
    Community Answer
    Try keeping a towel underneath you to avoid that situation.
  • Question
    What do I do if family members think I want to be naked for inappropriate reasons?
    Community Answer
    Tell them you don't want to do it for inappropriate reasons, that you just feel more comfortable being naked. If your parents absolutely forbid it, either try to hide your nudism using the tips in the article, or just wait until you're a little older and can make decisions for yourself.
  • Question
    What should I do if I'm not allowed to close my door?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your parents and see if they'll let you be naked around the house if they'll allow it. If not then you'll have to wait until everyone is gone. Another alternative is to drape an opaque cloth over the door, saying that it's your decorative choice. The door remains open but you cannot be seen within.
  • Question
    How can I be naked if I share a room with my sister?
    Community Answer
    Go to another room (for example, the bathroom, a spare room) and do it there. If your sister asks what you're doing, say "I'm going to take a shower." If you wish to sleep nude at night, undress in bed, then dress in bed before getting out.
  • Question
    How do I become a full time nudist?
    Community Answer
    Join a nudist group or colony, or go visit a nude beach. Read the article ''3 ways to become a nudist''.
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