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Q&A for How to Prepare and Cook Conch
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QuestionIf I buy conch at the fish market out of the shell, is it precooked?MicheleTop AnswererOnly the fishmonger will know if it's cooked, raw, frozen or thawed from frozen.
QuestionCan I refreeze conch?MicheleTop AnswererNo. Most raw fish should not be refrozen, and conch is no exception. Do not refreeze, but cook and consume seafood products immediately. Leftovers can be frozen, but depending on how they were cooked, may lose some flavor once thawed.
QuestionI live in south Texas and I just bought 6 conch from a local trawler fisherman. Are these safe for consumption?Eh_i_guessCommunity AnswerAs long as they are fresh. Next time you should ask the fisherman when he or she caught the conch.
QuestionDoes conch freeze well?MicheleTop AnswererYou can freeze it, but over time it will lose some flavor.
QuestionI bought conch uncooked from the supermarket and have it in my freezer. Is it safe to eat?Community AnswerYes, it is safe to eat. If you are not cooking the conch right away, the safe thing to do is freeze it.
QuestionIs conch similar to scungilli?MicheleTop AnswererNo. Conch is a shellfish, while scungilli is squid. But don't let that put you off, both are delicious.
QuestionDoes conch have a bad odor when cooking? The conch I purchased had a strong odor.Community AnswerIf your conch has a bad odor, that means it is not fresh.
QuestionHow can I make conch meat soft without too much pounding?Community AnswerJust boil it with medium heat for around 10 minutes using a vinegar with garlic and onions.
QuestionI purchased a 29 oz of sliced conch. I plan on making a salad with it. Should I cook it first, or just use it out of the can?Community AnswerIt is already cooked, just drain it. It is good with garlic, lemon, olive oil and parsley.
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