Q&A for How to Prune a Lemon Tree

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    Can I grow a new Meyer lemon tree from the cutting of a current tree?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you definitely can. Just make sure to take clones off of softwood branches (the new green ones that haven't developed bark yet). Clones usually take 3-4 weeks to develop roots. Once established, they should be identical to the tree you cloned.
  • Question
    Why are my lemons dropping from the tree when they are tiny?
    Community Answer
    This is normal and shouldn't be a cause of concern. Environmental factors such as a drop of temperature or heavy rain will cause this. It's like a molt for a tree.
  • Question
    Can I use what is left after pruning?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you must let the lemons ripen in a window for a day or so, but if you don't want to do that, just use the fresh zest anytime. Also, use the leaves for tea; it makes great herbal tea.
  • Question
    There is black powder on all of the leaves & half of the fruit. The taste of fruit is not affected. I used an anti-fungal spray in February, what else can I do?
    Community Answer
    Spray well under and on top of the leaves with a Neem Oil and water solution. You can find it at Lowe's.
  • Question
    Why are my tree's leaves turning yellow at the tips and getting brown spots?
    Community Answer
    This could be because of a number of reasons, including too much exposure to the sun, nutritional deficiency, a disease in the tree and toxic shock. Check to see if the weather has been hot lately, the tree is getting enough nutritional plant food, it is healthy, and you haven't been overusing any chemicals on it.
  • Question
    Should some of the lemons be removed when there is a group of four or more in a bunch so that the others can grow larger?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your overall tree size and lighting/nutrient situation, as well as root health. In general, remove some lemons when the size and weight seems like it could be overbearing for the branch they are growing on.
  • Question
    My lemon tree is infested with lice. What can I use to treat this?
    Community Answer
    That sounds like scale insects - they look like small dark oval shells 3-4 mm long. Spray them with a white oil solution. This is essentially kerosene. If you want an organic option there are recipes on the internet using olive or canola oil. The oil blocks the spiracles (breathing pores) of the scale insect and it suffocates.
  • Question
    How can you control ants that climb and destroy the least of your virtus tree?
    Paul Guilbert
    Community Answer
    Paint a grease band around the trunk. This is available in any good gardening store. Be sure to repaint every 4 - 6 weeks as the grease tends to wear off and the ants will manage to get across (though it still appears sticky). Be sure the lemon tree is not touching anything else where the ants can find their way across and avoid the grease barrier.
  • Question
    What do ants do to the lemon tree?
    Community Answer
    Ants don't actually do anything to your lemon tree. They're there because you probably have mealy bugs, aphids, etc. which secrete a substance that the ants like, so they're going after this sticky substance for food. You should, however, treat the bugs that that eat the leaves and attract the ants.
  • Question
    How can I organically help my lemon tree bear fruit?
    Community Answer
    Provide the tree an organic source of phosphorus and potassium as a granular fertilizer. Trim any sucker branches and water heavily.
  • Question
    If I pick the large, dark green lemons from my tree, will they ripen?
    Community Answer
    No, lemons will only ripen on the tree. If you pick them before they turn yellow, they will be very bitter. The lemon is best picked when it has turned completely yellow and the rind is slightly soft.
  • Question
    What is happening if my lemons grow larger than grapefruit and have more peel than fruit inside?
    Community Answer
    You may have greening disease. Treat it with an in ground insecticide, plus a heavy dose of fertilizer. It may take up to a year.
  • Question
    My lemon tree died on one side and is now quite asymmetrical. When and how do I cut back the side that's still alive?
    Community Answer
    I would do as for a full tree. Cut in the dormant phase, leaving any new growth on the dead side until it is sturdy. I had a tree fall over from being too heavy on one side, so prune the good side heavily, so the bad side can catch up.
  • Question
    How do I tell if my lemon tree has a disease?
    Community Answer
    Some signs of disease in lemon trees include: Brown leaves, failure to fruit, lesions on fruit, insect infestations, mildew, etc.
  • Question
    I see multiple flowers on my lemon tree. Should I cut some off?
    Community Answer
    They are there for future lemons. Wait until they start to develop and if you see too many at that stage, then remove those. The weather can affect blossom drop, so it is better to wait and be safe.
  • Question
    How do I prune a lemon tree to stunt its growth?
    Community Answer
    Trim the roots. Yes you have to dig around the tree to get to the roots but when you do trim the roots, it really does work. Also cutting out the very middle or center branch works.
  • Question
    The leaves on my young lemon tree are vert curly in shape. Is there a problem?
    Community Answer
    Drought stress is the most common cause of leaf curl in citrus plants, but is also the easiest to treat. If leaves begin to curl inward while keeping their green color, and the soil around your tree feels dry to the touch, you're not watering enough. Step up your watering efforts by applying 2 to 4 inches of water to your tree every other day.
  • Question
    Do thorny branches indicate suckers?
    Community Answer
    Lemons have different amounts of thorns, depending on the variety. However, if you have a grafted lemon tree, and only a few branches are thorny, those branches may be suckers that have grown from the rootstock below the graft.
  • Question
    Should my lemon tree's leaves turning yellow at the tips and getting brown spots be removed?
    Community Answer
    Yes, remove this leaves immediately as they show signs that your lemon tree has root rot and parasitic insects and mites. Check the undersides of the leaves and stems for the specific parasitic infection. For the brown spots, try spraying the leaves with a mild solution of baking soda, using ½ teaspoon per gallon.
  • Question
    How do I know when to prune my lemon tree?
    Community Answer
    Prune your lemon tree just before the rapid spring growth, or right when the new spring growth appears. If you prune in other times of year, the plant has already committed resources to the branches you're cutting, so it's more stressful.
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