Q&A for How to React During an Earthquake

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    What can I do if I am a preteen alone with a baby?
    Community Answer
    If you are with the child at the time of the earthquake, ODPEM advises using the Stop, Cover and Hold On technique, but with one hand holding the baby close to your chest and the other holding on to the object you are taking shelter underneath.
  • Question
    Why do you have to go under a something during a earthquake?
    Community Answer
    To protect yourself from things dropping on you. For example, if you are under the kitchen table and glasses and plates fall off the sideboard, they won't hit you. The object may move in a stronger quake, so make sure you are holding on.
  • Question
    What should I do if on a plane on the ground? Would I be safe?
    Jo W
    Community Answer
    The plane will rock with the movement of the ground, and you would be OK. Luggage lockers may come open above your head, so cover your head and wait until the shaking stops.
  • Question
    How do I survive when I'm outdoor hiking in Nepal?
    Community Answer
    You will have a higher chance if you find a nice big flat area, sit down, and stay away from trees, buildings, wires, and anything high.
  • Question
    What should I do if the earthquake happens while I am at school?
    Community Answer
    Get under your desk and listen to any directions given to you by your teacher. Typically, you will be required to stay indoors until the shaking stops, and then you will be led outside. If you get separated from your class, try to get to the safe, meeting place your class has decided on at the beginning of the year. If your school does not have one, get to a field, away from any buildings or trees.
  • Question
    What if there is no bamboo furniture or table and I only have a glass table?
    Community Answer
    Do not go under the glass table. The glass could shatter and seriously injure you.
  • Question
    How would I escape from an earthquake if I was taking a bath?
    Community Answer
    Get out of the tub immediately and find something sturdy to crawl under, such as a table or bed. Stay where you are until you are sure that the earthquake and aftershocks are over. When you are sure carefully and slowly leave the building. Don't be concerned if you are naked--just quickly cover up as you are leaving. Your life is more important then your modesty.
  • Question
    What should I do if I'm at sea during the earthquake?
    Community Answer
    Try to leave the water, if you can, and get to higher ground immediately. If the earthquake has been a big one, then you should be prepared for a tsunami.
  • Question
    Are there any signs of earthquakes before the actual 'rumble'?
    Community Answer
    Dogs and other animals have been known to panic in the moments preceding an earthquake. Other than that, there is typically no warning.
  • Question
    Where is the safest place to be during an earthquake? Most people said an open field but can't it tear open? And what if the table collapsed?
    Community Answer
    A gully opening up and the earth swallowing you whole is extremely unlikely. If you are indoors, go beneath a sturdy table or another piece of furniture that won't collapse. As mentioned above, most injuries result from falling objects, so focus on protecting yourself from that.
  • Question
    Why should we stay away from walls?
    Community Answer
    During an earthquake, the walls could collapse and fall on you.
  • Question
    Is it advisable to run to the ground floor using a staircase during an earthquake?
    Community Answer
    This can be more dangerous, as some buildings in quake-prone areas are designed to have a more controlled collapse, saving most of the inhabitants above by allowing the first floor to collapse. Do NOT run to the ground floor - just find something to cover yourself wherever you are.
  • Question
    How can I protect my dog during an earthquake?
    Top Answerer
    Take him with you under something stable indoors, like a solid table. If he is a small dog, curl him up in your lap. For a large dog, try to keep him secured with you under the 'triangle of life.'
  • Question
    How do I protect my dog during an earthquake?
    Community Answer
    Since animals can sense earthquakes before they happen they will probably run or hide somewhere. It is good to memorize some of their hiding spots so you can be with them. If your animal has a cage, put the animal in the cage and bring it to where you're hiding, like under a table. Try not to hold your animal unless it is small like a bird because this can prevent you from holding on to the table. Also, animals will run around the house so the cage will keep them where they are.
  • Question
    What do I do if I am on the first floor of a two-story building? Should I stay inside and go under a sturdy table, or go outside?
    Community Answer
    Stay inside. Don't run outside or go upstairs. Stick to your floor and take cover.
  • Question
    What should I do if a crack opens up inside my house?
    Community Answer
    It is very unlikely, but if it happens, get away from that crack asap.
  • Question
    Can dogs feel earthquakes or after shocks several states away from epicenter?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Your dog may not eat, play, and might act weird. It may also follow you everywhere and sit by you making whining noises.
  • Question
    If I am indoors and I feel that the roof is a danger, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    It depends. If your building is able to withstand an earthquake, you should stay indoors. But if your building is not made to withstand an earthquake, try to get outdoors into an open area as soon as possible.
  • Question
    How can I escape from an earthquake if I am at the doctor's office?
    Community Answer
    Follow the same instructions. Find a sturdy desk or a table to hide behind. Your doctor may know what to do, so follow her lead.
  • Question
    What do you do if you are trapped in a stairwell during an earthquake?
    Community Answer
    Stay near something solid, away from glass, and try to stay on a landing. If there are structural supports nearby, stay near them.
  • Question
    I have a desk about a meter away from my bed. If an earthquake happened while I was in bed, should I use the pillow method, or try to get under my desk as fast as I can?
    Jo W
    Community Answer
    Roll out of bed onto the floor and aim for your desk. If it is impossible to crawl under your desk, then lie up against the side of the bed and cover your head.
  • Question
    Why should I not inhale dust?
    Community Answer
    Inhaling dust can do serious damage to your lungs and can give you lung diseases such as asbestosis or silicosis.
  • Question
    What if I have a baby sleeping in a crib?
    Community Answer
    You should take the baby to a safe space with you as quickly as possible.
  • Question
    How do I check if it's safe to stay somewhere during an earthquake?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you have something to get under. Also you want to make sure there's nothing heavy around you that could fall and hit you. If earthquakes are common in your area you should already have an Earthquake Plan in place, which should tell you where you need to go to be safe.
  • Question
    How would I escape from an earthquake if I was sleeping?
    Community Answer
    The shaking would wake you up. You would then either stay in bed with your head and neck protected by your pillow or get up quickly and drop, cover and hold (such as under the bed or a heavy table). Don't leave until you are sure the shaking has stopped, then slowly exit the building to find an open space to congregate in.
  • Question
    What should I do if I can't find my pet in an earthquake?
    Death Kitty
    Community Answer
    Animals often instinctively know what to do. Your pet will find a safe place. Worry only about yourself. Take cover and wait for the earthquake to stop. When it's safe to go outside, wait for your pet to come back. If they don't come back in an hour or so, look for them in any safe places and on higher ground.
  • Question
    Is an earthquake predictable?
    Community Answer
    Scientists have tried lots of different ways of predicting earthquakes, but none have been successful. They have a pretty good idea of where an earthquake is most likely to hit, but they still can't tell exactly when it will happen.
  • Question
    Is it riskier being in the house rather than outside?
    Community Answer
    Both inside and outside of the house are risky. However, if you're inside you can use the Drop, Cover and Hold On technique. Get down low to the ground below. Then cover your head with your hand, while holding onto the table leg tight. Then, use both hands to hold on tight. If there is no desk, or table cover your head with your arms and head. Crouch in an interior corner of the building. Remember to wait until the shaking/tremors have stopped, and for the all-clear signal to come out.
  • Question
    What should I do if someone is badly injured after an earthquake?
    Community Answer
    Administer first aid. Try everything you can to help them. Call emergency services immediately. Reassure the injured person and comfort them as best you can.
  • Question
    Is it better to look for an open ground or space when anticipating an earthquake?
    Community Answer
    If you're outside, yes, and stay away from buildings and trees, which could fall on you.
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