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Q&A for How to Read Hebrew
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QuestionWhat makes the ee sound?Community AnswerThe letter י or khirik (khirik is a little point under a letter, like in the word קיר (Kir - another word for a wall).
QuestionHow do I translate English to Hebrew but use English letters instead of Hebrew ones?Community AnswerUse simple phonetics. First translate it to Hebrew, then sound it out using English letters.
QuestionHow do I pronounce "L'Shanah Tovah?" Do I pronounce the 'L'?Community AnswerThe "L" is pronounced. You would pronounce it "Leh-Sh-na Toe-vah".
QuestionAre vowels part of the alphabet or they are separated?Community AnswerThey are separated. Vowels are complicated. They don't really count as letters, as they do in English. Some people write without vowels, which is hard if you're not a native speaker.
QuestionAre Hebrew letters more like characters?Community AnswerNo, they are part of an alphabet - much more like English letters.
QuestionShould I read from right to left?Community AnswerYes, Hebrew is written and should be read from right to left.
QuestionHow can I tell when a Hebrew word ends?Community AnswerA Hebrew word will normally be followed by a space, like an English word. Certain letters (מ, נ, צ, כ,פ) have different forms that are used when they are at the end of a word too.
QuestionHow do you know when letters are connected?Community AnswerHebrew is not like Arabic, in which the letters are connected to form words. Hebrew letters are all separated, like English letters.
QuestionWhat does "hei tav cheit yod hei" mean?Community AnswerThey are five Hebrew letters, and don't mean anything. First one is a hei, then tav, chet, yud and a hei.
QuestionWhere is it a good place to learn Hebrew?Community AnswerA religious school at a synagogue or a Jewish Community Center are both good places to learn.
QuestionSince vowels are not always used in Hebrew, how can I read words without vowels?Community AnswerIn many cases, a basic knowledge of Hebrew along with context clues will allow you to read Hebrew without vowels, however, as that is very hard to get the hang of, when you are learning you should begin by practicing reading Hebrew words with vowels.
QuestionWhat does "Yahweh" look like in Hebrew?Community Answerיהוה -- I read this as "Adonai." The letters would translate in English to YHVH.
QuestionHow do I pronounce the letters all together to make a word?Community AnswerYou pronounce all the letters together as mentioned above and you make a word. Try it here: אני נאצי
QuestionWhat does "El Shaddai" mean?Community AnswerIt means "the almighty" in the Kabalistic Torah.
QuestionIf there's a sh'va under the first letter of a word, is it still an UH sound?Community AnswerIt depends upon the word. Like Yehoshua has a sh'va with the UH. Mostly it has the UH sound.
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