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Q&A for How to Receive Money from Western Union
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QuestionDo I need only my address and full name to receive money?Community AnswerYou need your government-provided ID card, too.
QuestionCan I use a voter card as a government issue ID card?Maria MutautaCommunity AnswerGenerally, no. The standard ID allowed is passport, national identity card or drivers license.
QuestionIf a sender sent me Western Union cash for pick up can I put it on my mobile wallet?Maria MutautaCommunity AnswerAs soon as you receive money at a Western Union agent you can decide what to do with the cash. A third party mobile wallet will require said cash and ID card, among other requirements. The requirements will depend on the country you're sending from.
QuestionHow can I find out the amount that was sent from Western Union?Community AnswerAsk the sender what was the exact amount that was sent. Even if its $100.01, you'll need to say that penny as well, for security reasons.
QuestionWhat is the maximum dollar amount I can receive through Western Union? Do I need to provide my Social Security number to receive money through Western Union?Community AnswerDepending on the amount you are receiving, yes. Large amounts will require a (SSN).
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