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Q&A for How to Remove Black Magic Spells
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QuestionI am constantly ill with one problem or the other. Is there a spell to remove this hex?Community AnswerYes. Take the following items in both your palms to remove the black spell -- garlic clove, salt, dried red chili and mustard seeds. Spin it three times on the person suffering and, then, on a hot pan, let it burn. If you find strong smell means the evil eye has been removed.
QuestionIs dreaming about loving someone a sign of black magic?Community AnswerPeople dream about other people for many different reasons. It could be a sign of black magic, but it may also just mean that someone is on your mind.
QuestionHow long must one wait for the rituals to take effect?Community AnswerWait for the lunar cycle to be complete. If your spell was cast on a waning crescent, wait for another 28 days until it's the waning crescent again. If there are no results or you still feel unsafe, repeat the spell. Good luck and blessed be.
QuestionA baby lizard ran across my bed the other night, and my dad found one in the bathroom. What does that mean?Community AnswerIt means you need to shut your door because you're letting lizards in! It doesn't mean anything more than that.
QuestionDoes an amulet work if I made it myself?Community AnswerIf it is made with things you love, then yes.
QuestionHow I can remove a bad spirit from my body?Community AnswerTake some money in your right hand. Move it in a circle around your head seven times (from right ear to left ear). Give that money to a beggar. This practice is called Sadqa and it removes the evil eye and black magic from your body. For more intense spirits you can also use meat instead of money.
QuestionI feel as if some people are having bad intentions towards me. Can you help me with this?Community AnswerSend the bad intentions right back. Prove that you're not to be messed with. Make an example out of the strongest one, the weak will fall in line shortly.
QuestionWhat can I do if somebody has cast a spell on me not to conceive for 11 yrs and I have constant abdominal pain?Community AnswerFirst, consult your doctor to see if you have any medical problem regarding it. Once you're sure you are not affected by a medical condition, it's time to see if any cursed item is placed in your house by the one who did it. Search in the places where you would put it if you were the one doing it. Search for weird symbols, things with your hair or your belongings which you thought were lost for years. It is also highly possible you are the reason you haven't conceived.
QuestionWhat should I do if I don't know the name of the person who made the hex, but I know who they are?Community AnswerIt doesn't matter, a hex is a hex. As long as you know who the person is and can visualize them, you should be fine.
QuestionWhat if someone is trying to kill you?Community AnswerCall the police and file a report.
QuestionMy marriage life is full of quarrels. How can I fix this?Community AnswerA good start is to avoid articles about black magic spells. Your marriage requires good communication, not backhanded attempts to manipulate a person through magic.
QuestionHow can I protect myself from the boomerang effect of cursing someone else?Community AnswerTry the golden protection spell of Hanuman: "Gods of power, Gods of death, Gods of good. I ask thee to protect me from evils and demons, Let them never come near me, Let it be, let it be. Protect me with thy powers." Use only if protection needed.
QuestionHow do I know or how can I tell if someone has put a curse on me?Community AnswerYou may have excessive bad luck, or you consistently feel bad and sick.
QuestionHow can I reverse a super power?Community AnswerBe truly positive, and do not forget that nothing is impossible. Just do it.
QuestionHow do I remove a bad spirit from my body?Community AnswerCarry around a serpentine stone, which will draw out the bad energy. If the stone agitates, place it into running water to rid yourself of the bad spirit. Before you begin to carry this stone, consecrate yourself with a fiery wall of protection oil bath. Also sprinkle cinnamon on your most vunerable chakra, and with the intent of giving the bad spirit a name, name it.
QuestionHow do I remove curse from my life?Community AnswerPray to Jesus. Repent of anything you may have done to bring this curse upon you and ask Him to remove the curse. Then pray for protection from the forces of darkness over you and your family.
QuestionSomeone cast a love spell on my husband. How can I remove it?Community AnswerYou can ask that the Universe open his eyes to the manipulation, but only he can remove the spell. Use the methods already suggested, such as a binding spell to turn evil to good, a protective amulet, or him casting protection around your home. You will also want to protect yourself, your heart and your intentions. Do not let someone's evil intentions (i.e., destroying your family) turn your heart to stone.
QuestionHow do I remove a curse I made on myself that caused me to get sick instead of my sisterCommunity AnswerFirst, you shouldn't have wanted your sister to get sick. Second, your curse brought bad health, which isn't removed easily. If it's just a cold or something, you have to just wait it out. If it is bad, you should go to a doctor.
QuestionHow can I tell if someone cast a spell on me?Community AnswerIt can be difficult to tell. Try going to a healer/psychic in your region and ask them to remove any spells/curses that have been cast upon you. Also, ask them to give you a protective spell to protect you from any future black magic.
QuestionWhat can I do if a girl has cast a spell that caused me to break up with my girlfriend?Community AnswerWhat makes you think a spell was cast to this purpose? It would be far wiser to look to what you did and why you broke up with her. To get back with her, talk to her and leave the mumbo jumbo about black magic out of things, that'll just make it worse. Own your decisions and choices!
QuestionCan a spell be put on a family name to not have wealth?Community AnswerThere's a strong possibility. Find anyone who hates your family and stop them.
QuestionHow can I tell if my baby has had contact with black magic?Community AnswerYou can tell if your baby starts crawling on the ceilings, speaking backwards, or twisting its head 360 degrees.
QuestionWhat should I do if I don't know the person who placed the hex?Community AnswerIf you know what they look like you will be fine. If you don't know at all, you can try another spell to protect yourself.
QuestionWhat should I do if someone is doing black magic on me through my clothes?Community AnswerIf you know who it is ask them to stop and pray to your higher power for protection against curses and evil entities.
QuestionMy boyfriend's mother has performed a severe black magic on my boyfriend to separate us. How can I get my boyfriend back?Community AnswerWear a amulet of protection and learn white magic. However, what makes you think the mother has performed black magic? Most mothers are just extremely persuasive in their son's lives and do a lot of bad talking rather than bad spells. Talk to your boyfriend to find out what has happened.
QuestionHow can I know who did the black magic?Community AnswerThe only one who could have done it is someone who hates you enough. Seek them out and talk to them, letting them know you're onto them and their villainy. Tell them you're going to the police or that you're turning to science for answers.
QuestionCan I break a spell without the victim knowing it?Community AnswerYes, you can.
QuestionI have an amulet, why doesn't it improve my bad luck?Community AnswerIt takes time and a great deal of faith.The amount of bad luck that you are carrying might take longer to get rid of.
QuestionHow can I get revenge on someone who curses me?Community AnswerLearn to not blame your situation on made-up curses and instead deal with the fact that sometimes life is not always great. Resorting to magic is somewhat akin to reneging your own responsibility to do what you can to bounce back from difficult situations.
QuestionA friend I know has a girlfriend that I don't think is a very good choice. Could I use a love hex to make him like a better girl?Community AnswerThat would be unethical. Even if you don't like the girl, you should still allow your friend to make these kinds of decisions for himself.
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