Q&A for How to Report Illegal Immigrants

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    If someone's visa has run out, can I report that person?
    Community Answer
    If you are absolutely certain that the person is overstaying his visa, it is up to you to decide whether to report him.
  • Question
    I know someone who is using a social security number that's not his. Can I report him?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you may report him. All you need is his address and name and what he is doing. Using someone else's social security number is fraud.
  • Question
    Can I report an illegal immigrant who is married to a US citizen?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Marriage in itself does not guarantee proper work/residence status for aliens unless they apply under a set of rules and get accepted by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
  • Question
    What should I do if I am married to the illegal immigrant, and he uses many aliases and deals drugs?
    Community Answer
    Remove yourself from that situation to someplace safe and anonymously report your spouse's illegal status and crimes.
  • Question
    I married a guy who came here as a visitor 3 years ago. After 3 months I found out he only did this to get citizenship. How can I get him deported?
    Top Answerer
    You can report him to ICE using the steps listed in the article above, make sure that you divorce him first, though.
  • Question
    I know somebody who entered the country as a tourist from Venezuela and requested political refugee using false information. From the beginning this person was working illegally. Can I report this person?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It is illegal to lie when requesting political asylum. Feel free to share as much information as you have with USCIS.
  • Question
    How do I report a previously deported person who is back in the country?
    Community Answer
    Call ICE again and make sure to mention that he is a repeat offender. If he/she is violent or has a violent history, notify local authorities.
  • Question
    How do I report illegal immigrants that are violent?
    Community Answer
    Report them the way you would with any other violent offender. Go to the police and report the violence. The police will conduct a background check, and they will figure out that they are an illegal by themselves.
  • Question
    I know an illegal immigrant who uses TIN instead of SSN to work and pay taxes. Will she get deported still if someone reports her?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Most illegals that are here and want to work use TIN numbers to work and pay taxes. These immigrants are mostly known as "overstayed visa immigrants." The TIN number alone does not give someone the authority to be in the United States.
  • Question
    My husband deserted me and my child and absconded to the U.S. How can I get him deported?
    Top Answerer
    Report him to ICE using the steps listed in the article above, but they will only deport him if he is an illegal immigrant.
  • Question
    I know someone who is using a fake SS number. I want to report him. The company is totally aware of the situation. What should I do? They have 2 or 3 illegal workers!
    Top Answerer
    If someone is using a fake social security number, then report them to the Social Security Administration .
  • Question
    My husband went abroad and got married to someone. Can he bring her over here while still married to me?
    Top Answerer
    In the US you cannot hold multiple marriage certificates, so their marriage is not legally recognized. He can still bring her over if she has an immigrant visa, regardless of their marriage status.
  • Question
    How do I deport an illegal immigrant who has extramarital affairs with a married man and conceived a child with him?
    Community Answer
    Follow the ICE process. It matters not whether an illegal alien has fathered a child or not. That gives him no legal right to be present in a country where he is not a citizen. His lack of morality is further good evidence that deportation is appropriate and needed.
  • Question
    What do I do if I know someone paid for someone to marry them so they could get legal papers for citizenship?
    Community Answer
    Can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the payment was for just getting the papers, and not intended to pay for the marriage ceremony, renting a bigger apartment, and subscribing to WSJ? If you are certain that the couple got married to get around U.S. immigration law, you are free to report them to the authorities. This is not a moral issue but a matter of personal convenience, is it worth your time to get involved in other people's affairs? In any case, I'd recommend faxing in your report over calling the 1-800 number.
  • Question
    How can I report a criminal illegal alien who came to the U.S. via coyote and has been eluding arrest since his last crime spree?
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    If you know where he is, then tell ICE and the police about it, since they will probably be looking for him.
  • Question
    If someone who holds a U.S. green card applies for a green card in another country with the intent of staying there, would they be in jeopardy of losing their U.S. green card?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, they would be. They have to stay in the U.S. for a certain amount of time with a green card, and they can only permanently stay after they get citizenship.
  • Question
    My manager has hired illegal immigrants, but they are nice men who mean no harm. Is it still my moral right to report them, and what would happen if I do report them?
    Community Answer
    What's moral is subjective and depends mostly on your own values. Do you care more about being kind and not causing people unnecessary trouble, or about a law whose breaking doesn't hurt anybody? Would you rather stay out of other people's business or interfere in it? These are factors to consider. You can report them if you feel strongly compelled to do so, but you have no obligation to report them and most people in your position would not. If you report them, they will get arrested and may eventually get deported.
  • Question
    I am school personnel, a student's parents are here illegally. The student and a sibling are bragging about committing crimes and gang activities. What can I do?
    Top Answerer
    Report them to the police just like you would any other crime.
  • Question
    If the employee falsified the owner's signature and applied for permanent residency, should I file it?
    Community Answer
    I would first contact the owner whose signature was forged. Given the gravity of the situation, the owner will probably take action if your allegation is true. Besides, he/she would know for certain whether the signature was indeed forged.
  • Question
    Can I report my friends for knowingly hiring illegal immigrants as nannies?
    Community Answer
    You can, but I would recommend that you only target illegal immigrants with criminal records. It's best to leave the people who work alone.
  • Question
    Someone has been using my SS number for over 10 years. The IRS will not let me know who this person is. What do I do?
    Top Answerer
    The IRS is not responsible for SSNs; that falls under the jurisdiction of the social security administration. Follow the directions on How to Report Identity Theft to Social Security for help with stolen SSNs.
  • Question
    Say someone has a social security number, works, has a criminal background, and has no passport to prove how they came to this country. Can I report that?
    Top Answerer
    Just because they don't have a passport does not mean that they are here illegally. If that is all the evidence you have, I wouldn't assume anything.
  • Question
    Can I report illegal immigrant by email if I live overseas?
    Top Answerer
    You can report them by using the overseas phone number for ICE listed in Part 2 Step 2.
  • Question
    Can I report someone who has a green card, owes $180,000 in child support, and is traveling in and out the country?
    Top Answerer
    You can go to court to enforce the child support; contact your divorce lawyer for help. As for the green card, it is up to the Department of State to enforce the rules around it, so it's best to leave it to them.
  • Question
    Is it legal for one parent to take a child out of the country without the consent of the other parent?
    Top Answerer
    If you are married, then yes, it is perfectly legal. If you are divorced, then it depends on the divorce settlement.
  • Question
    Can I report the illegal immigrant wife of an American-born citizen? How would I go about doing that?
    Community Answer
    You can contact ICE or USCIS if you are certain she is here illegally. Marrying a citizen does not automatically make someone a citizen, permanent resident, or even a legal immigrant. Keep in mind that the wife may be in the process of becoming legal through the proper channels, and thus would already be on ICE/USCIS's radar.
  • Question
    I had a group of gentlemen tell me at work that they all came here illegally. What can I do about that?
    Top Answerer
    If you wish to report them, this is valid evidence. However, you are not legally obligated to report them. Choose to do so or not based on your morals and personal beliefs.
  • Question
    What if I don't want to be a snitch?
    Top Answerer
    You're under no obligation to report immigrants. It depends on your beliefs whether you believe this is a victimless crime or not, but it's technically illegal and in that sense people may feel obligated to report them. If they are not harming others and you wish to leave them alone, then that's fine as well, and you are under no legal obligation to report them.
  • Question
    My wife is on an L2 dependent visa and working/staying illegally in the U.S. How can I get her deported, along with my 8-year-old son?
    Top Answerer
    If she has a visa, then she won't get deported unless she commits a serious crime, because she is here legally.
  • Question
    There is a man living in the house with my neighbors across the street. He only comes out at night and gets in his vehicle and plays loud music, disturbing the neighborhood. What can I do?
    Top Answerer
    You can call the police and file a noise complaint, but you can't assume that he is here illegally.
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