How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Reuse Silica Gel
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QuestionWhere can I get this gel?Community AnswerHave a look on Amazon or eBay or anywhere else on the internet. Just search for "Silica Gel" and you'll find some easily.
QuestionWhere can I purchase additional silica gel packets?Community AnswerYou can buy silica gel packets online.
QuestionCan silica be added to the soil?Community AnswerOf course! Silica gel can be used to keep your plant soil wet for a few days if you are unable to water your plant.
QuestionCan silica gel beads be put in soil?Community AnswerYes. The silica gel particles absorb and hold moisture. Adding silica gel to plant containers or hanging baskets and then watering your container, helps provide moisture to plants short term, for example, when you cannot do your regular watering for the day.
QuestionWhat are other ways to reactivate silica gel?Community AnswerPutting them in the microwave or letting them dry under the sun for about 6 hours on a hot day are some other ways to reactivate silica gel.
QuestionHow do you suggest the beads be reused, once they've been taken out of the packet and dried? I'm not sure where to start looking for suitable, resealable packets that wouldn't cost more than just buying new packs of silica gel.Community AnswerYou could always look at buying a few Organza gift bags. They're easy to open/close and not too expensive. You can buy them from Poundland, but there are plenty of places on Amazon selling packs of 100 for only a £1-2.
QuestionWill silica gel affect my lungs over a period of time using them all over the house?Community AnswerIf you just use packets of silica gel as described in the article, that should not cause any problems. Breathing in silica dust can be harmful, but the silica in those packets is not in the form of inhalable dust. The risk pertains mainly to people who work with silica in ways like drilling or stone cutting that can release such dust into the air.
QuestionHow do I safely dispose of the silica water when the beads have already turned to water?Community AnswerEither empty it in your backyard or put it in a plastic bottle and put it in your garbage bin. The silica water keeps the soil moist for a while, and does not hurt the plants in any way. Glass is made out of silicon dioxide, which is silica gel.
QuestionCan I dry silica gel in sunlight?Community AnswerDepending on the ambient humidity in the air, technically yes. The likelihood of them being ~100% dry is highly unlikely.
QuestionWhat detergent will wash silica water from a car seat? Since the water spilled, the seat it is continually wet.Community AnswerThe silica gel should stop absorbing soon, and then you can spot-clean your seat.
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