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Q&A for How to Ride a Motorcycle (Beginners)
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QuestionAre there any motorcycles that are automatic?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYes, there are several options for automatic motorcycles out there, and although manuals are still much more common, automatics may be making slight gains in popularity and availability. Scooters are much more likely to have an automatic transmission and may be another option to consider.
QuestionCan you shift gears without using the clutch on a motorcycle?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYes, although it will take good technique to do this without potentially wearing down the transmission. Additionally, clutchless shifting may be harder or easier to perform on certain motorcycles.
QuestionWhile making a U-turn, my bike switched off even though I slowly released the clutch. Why? How can I prevent this from happening again?Community AnswerHold the clutch when it's about to stop, then slowly release the clutch and accelerate simultaneously. You should be in appropriate gear according to your vehicle.
QuestionHow do I overcome a fear of riding a motorcycle?Community AnswerRide on the back of a bike with someone you trust. Start with a short trip, then build up to longer and more frequent ones. When you're ready, give it a try yourself.
QuestionIs it necessary to downshift while braking?Community AnswerNo it's not. Especially when first learning how to ride safely, it can even be a distraction from properly applying the brakes when coming to a stop. However, when slowing down to approach a turn, it is best to slow down before the turn (not during) and shift into the appropriate gear (depending upon your speed through the turn) in order to accelerate gently through the turn. When driving a car you can often get away with braking during a turn, but this decreases traction and control which are more crucial on a motorbike, especially in wet or loose road conditions.
QuestionIs there such a thing as too old to learn how to ride a motorcycle?Community AnswerOf course not! As long as you are still able to drive a car or bicycle, you should be able to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
QuestionHow do I change to second gear when I'm in fifth gear?Community AnswerYou can't do that. You need to downshift from fifth, fourth, third, then second. It's a sequence you can't shortcut.
QuestionWhich gear should I be in when I go into heavy traffic?Community AnswerIn heavy traffic, you'll want your vehicle to react quickly. It will do that in lower gear; It will slow down faster when you release the throttle, and it will respond faster when you accelerate.
QuestionDo I have to know how to ride a bicycle to have good control of a motorcycle?Community AnswerIt is not essential to know how to ride a bicycle, but it can be very helpful to you to get an understanding of what it feels to ride a motorcycle, and it can help you gain a sense of balance more safely, as falling off a bicycle is not dangerous as falling off a motorcycle.
QuestionHow do I change a gear while turning?Aditya KulkarniCommunity AnswerIt's best not to try changing your gear while turning because if you release the clutch too quickly, your bike will stop, and you might meet with an accident in the middle of the road or freeway. "Prevention is Better Than Cure."
QuestionHow do I stop the motorcycle when approaching a stop in 2nd or 3rd gear?Community AnswerWhat gear you are in doesn't matter, just pull on the clutch, And if you came to a stop, don't forgot to put it in 1st gear before moving, or you'll stall the bike.
QuestionHow long will it take me to learn to ride a motorcycle?Community AnswerIt depends on whether or not you know how to ride a bicycle or a dirt bike. I knew how to ride a bicycle but had never been on a dirt bike before riding motorcycles and it took me 3 months before I was fully comfortable with my 250 starter bike. When I switched to a 600 sport bike, it took me another month to get used to the clutch and power. I now have a 1000 and that bike took me 2 and a half weeks to get used to. It all depends on how much time the person wants to put into learning.
QuestionIs there such thing as being to young to ride a motorbike/motorcycle? I can fully operate a bike and a car.Community AnswerDirt bikes have no age limit, however you must be 16 or older to drive a streetbike, dual-sport, superbike, or adventure bike on the road. And you must have your license to ride a bonafide motorcycle.
QuestionHow do I start a motorcycle on an uphill road?Community AnswerHold the rear break a bit, enough to keep the bike from rolling back. Then just put it in 1st gear and give the throttle and release the break with a balance between the two.
QuestionHow do I turn a motorcycle without falling?Community AnswerSlow down and shift your weight in the opposite direction as you steer. Having good traction on your tires will help as well.
QuestionI want to buy a bike, but I don't want to start with a beginner's bike. Is that a good or bad choice?Joseph S (tntexplodes101)Community AnswerThe only problem with not starting with a beginner's bike is you will spend more time worrying about getting hurt and less time learning how to use your vehicle properly. You need to build up confidence in yourself and your ability to ride before getting into a more powerful motorcycle.
QuestionWhen braking, do I need to pull the clutch?Community AnswerYou do not need to pull in the clutch when you are breaking UNLESS you are coming to a complete stop.
QuestionCan applying the front brake before the rear brake cause my bike to fall?Community AnswerIf you brake carefully, you're good, but usually I use my back brake to slow myself down and apply my front brake afterwards.
QuestionHow do I turn on a bike without using a kick or a button?Community AnswerYou could gain speed by running with the bike and release the clutch when you have enough speed.
QuestionWhen I shift to 2nd gear, will it ever skip to 3rd gear?Community AnswerNot unless the gear shift is broken, or you have a twitch when moving your foot.
QuestionHow do I start on a hill?Asela MadhusankaCommunity AnswerStart in first gear. When you're on a hill, speed will come automatically, so you only need pressure and power. Shift to second when you're ready.
QuestionDo I have to use the clutch when using the back brake only?Community AnswerOver 90 percent of your stopping power comes from your front brakes. Learn to use your front brake and always clutch on downshifts and when your rear wheel speed is too slow to keep the engine running. If you lock up the rear wheel, the engine will stall if the clutch is not pulled in.
QuestionWhat is a good motorcycle for beginners?Community AnswerStart with a 600 sport bike if you want a bike because it is fast. A sport bike will give you enough power as a beginner and you will not become bored with it like you would a 250. If you want a bike for cruising then I recommend a cruiser no higher than a 750. DO NOT start on a supersport not matter the CC (displacement). My first sport bike was a Yamaha fz6r and I loved it as a first sport bike. If you do buy a cruiser, make sure it is not too heavy for you to pick up in the off chance you were to drop it.
QuestionWhat will happen if I shift gears without pressing the clutch while the engine is off?Community AnswerOther than risking damage on the gear box, nothing. The gears won't shift, because on a manual, the clutch is what pulls the gears apart so you can shift. Without the clutch pulled in, the gears won't move.
QuestionHow do I shift to second gear without shifting to neutral first?Community AnswerShifting to neutral takes a lighter step up, rather than a full with your foot. Make sure you are at least moving and use moderate power to lift your foot, and shifting to second will come naturally.
QuestionAfter I started the motor, I tried downshifting from neutral to first gear, but suddenly the motor turned off. Why?Community AnswerHold the clutch when downshifting to first gear. The engine will stall when you do not hold the clutch when you are in a gear, unless you are moving.
QuestionIs it necessary to change gears before speed bumps?Community AnswerYou should be in a gear appropriate for the speed in which you plan on taking the bumps. If it's a sharp bump you'll want to lift your butt off the seat and have all your weight on the pegs. Use your legs like shock absorbers.
QuestionWhat do I do if I need to stop suddenly on a hill?Community AnswerMove towards your safe side and lower your gear to first gear, then stop your bike.
QuestionCould I shift up or down without the clutch?Community AnswerYes, but it could wreak havoc on your transmission if you don't do it correctly.
QuestionIs it necessary to pull in the clutch while breaking?Aniruddha ParadeshiCommunity AnswerIt depends on your speed. If you are driving fast, then it is appropriate to apply the clutch and shift down.
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