Q&A for How to Roll Your "R"s

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    Is it possible for a person to be unable to roll his R's, even if his first language requires him to do so?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is entirely possible! Even if everyone else in your family can roll their R's, it's possible for you to be unable to do so.
  • Question
    Does having large gaps between the front four teeth have any effect on rolling Rs?
    Community Answer
    It can make the sound a bit more awkward, but I also have large gaps in my teeth, and I'm able to trill my Rs enough that people can understand. It may not be perfect, but it is possible.
  • Question
    How do I relax my tongue?
    Community Answer
    Practice tongue twisters, this will make your tongue used to moving quickly. The more you practice the same one, the looser your tongue will get, and soon you will roll your R's!
  • Question
    I have watched videos and I have been doing exercises. I even talked with someone who can roll their Rs, but I can't. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Do not give up. Rolling your R’s will not be natural without practice, so just keep practicing. The practice creates muscle memory.
  • Question
    For some people, is it impossible to roll their R's?
    Community Answer
    It's not impossible, but it may be harder for some people. It just takes time and practice.
  • Question
    Do you have any other suggestions if the ones in the article are not working?
    Community Answer
    I personally learned to roll my Rs by learning and singing Spanish songs (La Llorona is the best, in my opinion). Since singing comes naturally to me, I mainly listened to the singer and started to copy it. Eventually, as you learn the song, you won't be as tense, allowing you to roll your Rs.
  • Question
    Can a uvular trill be passed off as an alveolar trill?
    Community Answer
    If you can do an uvular trill, it can pass as an alveolar trill - but I suggest you learn an alveolar trill.
  • Question
    How long should it take me to learn to do this? Is it possible that I will never be able to roll my r's?
    Community Answer
    The more you practice, the quicker it should become natural.
  • Question
    The tutorial keeps saying that something should vibrate, but nothing is vibrating. Am I doing something wrong?
    Community Answer
    This is possible if there is too much space between the roof of your mouth and your tongue, or not enough air is being used when you attempt to trill (be sure to take a very deep breath when you are learning to trill). It's also possible that tongue is not vibrating because it is not relaxed enough. The tongue needs to be very relaxed in order to move along with any vibrations being made.
  • Question
    I've watched a bunch of videos, read a couple of language books, and I keep trying and practicing to roll my r's, but I still haven't been able to. Am I ever going to learn?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, you just have to find a method that'll work for you! Try asking a person you know that speaks Spanish fluently to listen to you and coach you. Since they're face-to-face, they can see how you're trying to roll your r's and they can clearly hear if you are doing it right. Oftentimes the best practice comes from talking with other people.
  • Question
    Is this a genetic thing?
    Community Answer
    Most of it is genetic, but it is possible for most people. If your first language didn't roll their r's, then it will be harder for you to do it.
  • Question
    I have a pretty short tongue. Would this effect my ability to roll "R"s?
    Community Answer
    I think it does. I also have a short tongue that can't be relaxed and touch the back of my teeth at the same time. It's probably still possible with practice, though!
  • Question
    Is rolling Rs impossible for some people?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is impossible for some people.
  • Question
    My Spanish teacher told me to learn it in five days, and I don't think I'll be able to. Is it because I haven't had enough practice or am I just not able to?
    Community Answer
    If you find it hard to learn, then maybe you could ask your teacher for help or advice.
  • Question
    Do I just relax my tongue on my top teeth and breathe to roll my "R"s?
    Community Answer
    Yes, and it might be hard at first but when you get used to it, it will get easier.
  • Question
    How do I relax my tongue and get it to vibrate?
    Community Answer
    Try putting your tongue in the position of the letter D, then breathe out as if saying an H or S.
  • Question
    If I can't roll my R's, will I ever be able to?
    Community Answer
    You should be able to if you practice, but it may take several weeks. Don't give up.
  • Question
    Is it normal for my throat to get numb if I practice the trill for too long?
    Community Answer
    Yes it is normal, especially since your throat, or rather voice box, isn't used to making this vocalization. Give your throat and voice box regular breaks when practicing the Rs, as it'll take time to build up the strength and get your voice box used to producing the new pronunciation.
  • Question
    Will I not be able to roll my "R"s as well with braces applied to my mouth?
    Community Answer
    It depends what type of braces, with train tracks yes you probably will be like it is now because those don't affect anything inside your mouth, but with a retainer you won't be able to roll your R's very well, if at all.
  • Question
    Can I roll my R's if I have buck teeth?
    Community Answer
    Yes. As long as you practice, you should be able to roll your R’s with or without buck teeth.
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