Q&A for How to Romantically Hug a Guy

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    I like a guy and he knows it. He hugs me always while meeting and leaving. I don't know how to take this further. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    The main difference between a friendly hug and a romantic one is the time spent hugging. Once he's hugging you, tighten your grip to signal you don't want it to end just yet. There are many flirting techniques you can use to see if he likes you back. Stop talking abruptly, look him in the eye and lean into him ever so slightly. Alternatively, you could just ask him how he feels, tell him how you feel, or ask for a hug in between the hello and goodbye hug.
  • Question
    We're more than friends, but not yet lovers. How do I hug him?
    Community Answer
    There are lots of different ways, the way I started my first hug it was more of a "just friends" hug even though we totally liked each other. They get more intimate as you go. Just act naturally, you'll know what to do.
  • Question
    How can I flee from the influence of others?
    Community Answer
    Realizing you are under the influence is a good start. Try to find out exactly what or who is being a negative influence, then avoid it.
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    My boyfriend is shy, but so am I. I'm braver than him, though, so I need to make the first move. How do I do it?
    Top Answerer
    Make sure you are alone and won't be disturbed. Make sure you know beforehand how far you want to go, you can only hope he wants to do that, too. You could use your words: "I would really like for you to kiss me." If that is too much, abruptly stop talking, look him in the eye, tilt your head a little, lean in a little, part your lips slightly, take his hands in yours, or any combination thereof. Make sure to keep seeing how he reacts. He may not get it, he may shy away, or may not want to kiss you. In the end, you can also just kiss him.
  • Question
    If a guy touches my bottom while hugging me, does that mean he likes me?
    Community Answer
    Yes, or he may be more interested in something else. Consider spending a little more time with him. Remember, if you're uncomfortable with the way he is hugging you, you have every right to tell him to stop.
  • Question
    What if I think he likes me, but I'm not sure and I don't want to destroy the friendship?
    Top Answerer
    There are many flirting techniques you can use to test if a guy likes you. Give him looks, touch his arm or act all girly around him. See how he responds and let him take some initiative. Alternatively, if you are friends, you might be able to talk about this more directly. Make sure you know what you want yourself. If you are not romantically interested, tell him you value your friendship more than a crush. He'll get over it and your friendship will be stronger.
  • Question
    What if he is not interested?
    Community Answer
    Then try not to touch him until you know he is interested. Wait until he starts to smile at you, then you'll know he's at least a friend to you.
  • Question
    What if he breaks up with me for hugging him romantically?
    Community Answer
    Then he breaks up with you but that is such an odd reason for a break up that it is likely to be something quite other than the hug. Try asking him why he decided to break up with you before assuming it was caused by a mere hug.
  • Question
    How do I make him understand that I'm his one and only and stop being jealous?
    Top Answerer
    If you want your relationship to evolve to an exclusive one, it would be a good idea to straight up talk about that. If that is also what he wants, he will treat you as his one and only. Jealousy, however, is personal. People are social beings and we interact with other people of both sexes. As long as he respects you and doesn't cheat, there should be no reason for concern or jealousy.
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    I'm in seventh grade and our class went to a game. When the team my crush and I cheered for won, I hugged him quickly. Now he is flirting with me. Now what?
    Top Answerer
    Flirting is fine and harmless. At twelve or thirteen, you're entering a new phase where you will start to discover these things. Go slow, enjoy the feelings. Remember it is very much okay to tell him when he crosses any lines or does anything you don't like. Also, he's probably just beginning to learn this as well. You are under no obligation whatsoever to do anything you don't want to do. Finally, it is interesting to learn what happened as a result of your hug. Now, none of his actions are your fault, if that applies, but it's interesting for you to learn how people influence each other.
  • Question
    How do I know for sure that he likes me?
    Community Answer
    The way he acts around you or talks to you. But if you're not fully sure, you may find out from his friends.
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    I have been best friends with a guy for ages, but now I want to be more than friends. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you feel comfortable doing so, tell him your feelings toward him, that's the best way to go. If he isn't interested or you're not confident enough, you can still be friends, and slowly find a way to make him like you in a romantic way.
  • Question
    What is the right way to hug someone without giving the impression that you like the person?
    Community Answer
    Go for a side hug. This isn't too intimate, but still shows you care.
  • Question
    What do you do if you have judgmental friends watching you?
    Community Answer
    It depends on if you care that they're watching you or not, but the side hug is always an option.
  • Question
    I'm in 6th grade and my boyfriend is shorter than me and I don't know how to hug him or hold hands.
    Community Answer
    Hand holding shouldn't be a height problem; parents hold hands with small children all the time. As for the hugging, maybe this will help: https://www.wikihow.com/Hug-a-Girl-Who%27s-Taller-Than-You
  • Question
    What if I'm in a new relationship and he doesn't know how I feel about him? What would give him the hint saying I like him too?
    Community Answer
    Try to flirt a bit, or give him a romantic gift to tip him off. If he still doesn't realize your feelings, you can always just confess them.
  • Question
    If it's been a long time since I saw him, how am I supposed to hug him?
    Top Answerer
    Don't worry, it will come naturally. Remember that you like him or you wouldn't hug him in the first place. Don't focus too much on what goes where, think of how happy you are to see him. Failing that, you could ask him to hug you and let him crack that nut, or just quickly hug him by putting your arms around his neck.
  • Question
    I like someone in seventh grade but I'm in sixth grade. What do I do?
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    Get noticed! Hang around him somewhere and strike up a conversation. Talk to him about school, sports, the weather, whatever. Behave maturely and don't invade his space; just let him know you're an interesting and fun person.
  • Question
    So I recently started dating this guy. He's always sitting down next to me, and I want to hug him in a passionate way. What would be the best way to hug him from the side?
    Community Answer
    It is literally impossible to hug someone passionately from the side.
  • Question
    How do you know if a boy likes you?
    Community Answer
    If he smiles at you, makes reasons to talk to you and tries to be close to you and touch you, he probably likes you.
  • Question
    He's my friend and he always wants to hug me, but he has a girlfriend. What do I do?
    Top Answerer
    This is tricky. It always helps to talk. You could just straight up ask him why he's always hugging you. If you don't like it, you have every right not to allow his hugs. If you both like each other, he should really sort things out with his girlfriend first before there could be any talk of you two getting together.
  • Question
    The other day, I saw an old friend I haven't seen for three years, and I did that little one-arm side hug. I read this and felt bad because he has a girlfriend. Should I feel bad, or was it just a casual thing?
    Community Answer
    You should be fine, a side-hug can be a friendly, casual thing, especially between friends who haven't seen each other for some time.
  • Question
    My ex wants to get back with me, and my friends say I should go for it. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Well, what do YOU want? If you're uneasy about the idea or have decided you might not really be interested in him anymore, pay attention to that. There's no sense in having a boyfriend just to have a boyfriend. Evaluate your own intentions and make sure you're doing the right thing.
  • Question
    Can I hug my same gender friend like this? If he doesn't like me this way?
    Top Answerer
    Same gender hugs are only slightly different. As the article says, much of the perceived sensuality is in the duration of the hug, not so much in the method. Hugs offer comfort, which is something friends give each other. Try to find a balance between what makes him uncomfortable and what you need. If necessary, just use your words to tell him it's just a hug.
  • Question
    How do you hug a guy that's shorter or the same height as you are?
    Community Answer
    Hug him with your arms around his neck. If you're worried about it being awkward, test if out with one of your close friends who is shorter or the same height as you are. Observe the position you're in, then repeat it when you hug the guy.
  • Question
    What if he lowers himself (since he is tall) to hug me and puts his head on my shoulder?
    Top Answerer
    Taller people have more trouble hugging, simply because they are tall. Putting his head on your shoulder probably has less to do with him being tall than with him liking and trusting you.
  • Question
    If he hugs me and squeezes my waist, what does that mean?
    Top Answerer
    If a handshake is zero and a kiss on the lips is ten, then a hug can be anything from one to nine. If you really want to know what he means, try other flirting techniques to see how he reacts, or just ask him. However, in general, squeezing your waist would indicate attraction, desire and arousal. It could, though, also be a playful gesture among friends, like men lightly punching each other on the shoulder.
  • Question
    On the last day of school, my boyfriend and I kind of side hugged. I want to give him an actual hug, but I don't know what he actually wants. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Go up to him, say: "Hey, I want a real hug, come here", smile, then hug him. A short hug is for friends, a longer one is for lovers. If you want to see if he likes you too, hold the hug a little longer than usual. See how he reacts.
  • Question
    I met this guy in middle school and I really like him, but he's in my class and his friends are there, too. I don't want them to laugh at me. What do I do?
    Top Answerer
    A romantic hug should be reserved for private moments in private places. If you hug him in class, that might make you both feel awkward. Try talking to him alone, or participate in some after school activity, or hold a small party, to increase the chances of the two of you being alone. Initiate the hug and see how he responds.
  • Question
    My friend and I are doing a competition to see who can hug the most people. How do I deal with a.) the guy I used to like, b.) a guy a friend tried to set me up with, and c.) a guy who WAS my best friend?
    Top Answerer
    First of all, this competition is a bad idea. Hugs are a display of personal affection among friends, not a popularity contest. Second, you might give some recipients of your hugs the wrong idea. Third, those who see you guys going around hugging everyone might get the wrong idea. Fourth, if you really must have such a competition, you should make it fair by standing lots of people in a line and see who can hug the most in under a minute, having defined the necessary rules. Finally, failing all that, if you're that concerned about those three people, don't hug them, even if it means losing.
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