Q&A for How to Run a 200M Dash

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    How do I get a good start?
    Community Answer
    When you shoot out of the blocks, your opposite hand should come out from your oposite leg. Use a driving power to generate momentum. As you begin running, you should feel like you're pushing the ground away from you.
  • Question
    How can I prepare for a 200 meter race the night before?
    Community Answer
    The day before the meet should be a really light and relaxed day. Stack up on carbs and drink plenty of water. Plenty of rest and mental preparation is key as well.
  • Question
    Does it matter which lane I run in?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your personal technique. Some people run faster when they're in a lane which is curved more, some run slower. Time yourself running in different lanes to find which best suits you.
  • Question
    Are you supposed to keep your head down for the first 100m?
    Community Answer
    There is no practical reason to keep your head down. Many runners try to keep their head down to stay in the "drive" phase, but when your body goes up, keeping your head down will mess up your form.
  • Question
    What is the proper running motion?
    Community Answer
    Run by taking wide strides and pump your arms in time with your steps.
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    How do I avoid worrying about the people beside me?
    Community Answer
    The best thing to do is just pretend that you're running by yourself. Try as hard as you can not to focus on the other runners; instead, just keep your mind on the goal in front of you and let everything else disappear.
  • Question
    If a runner steps out of the lane, is he/she disqualified?
    Community Answer
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    What do you mean when you say half a lap for 200m sprint?
    Community Answer
    A track is 400m, so half a lap around the track would be 200m.
  • Question
    Should I drink water right before the race?
    Community Answer
    Yes, drink plenty of water. You should be so hydrated that when you use the toilet before your race, your urine comes out clear.
  • Question
    Do I sprint the whole 200m or can I slow down?
    Community Answer
    200 meters is not a long race, so you should be sprinting. Work up to it if you need to.
  • Question
    What should I do if I get tired by the time I reach the last 50 meters?
    Community Answer
    Power through. Push yourself to go harder, and look at the finish line and nothing else. Sprint like you never have before, but not so much that you hurt yourself.
  • Question
    Does holding my breath for the first few meters give me more endurance?
    Community Answer
    No, breathe during the whole race. Holding your breath will extend your chest, making you slower.
  • Question
    When running a sprint, should I take big steps or smaller steps?
    Community Answer
    It depends. However, longer strides are considered more effective, but people with shorter legs tend to take smaller strides. So if you have longer legs, longer strides would fit you better, but it just depends on what makes you more comfortable.
  • Question
    Am I supposed to sprint the whole 200 meters, or should I start off jogging and then sprint when I get close to the finish?
    Community Answer
    You should sprint the entire 200 meters, from start to finish. It is a sprint, after all.
  • Question
    How can I train for a race if I don't have access to a track?
    Community Answer
    Run around a football field, the length of it is roughly 100 m.
  • Question
    How can I increase my reaction time?
    Community Answer
    There's no way I would say except to beeline for the finish line AS SOON as you hear the gun. Late starts truly suck.
  • Question
    How do I keep my breath longer?
    Community Answer
    Conditioning is required to not get gassed right off the bat. One good way to target breathing is by letting your body naturally breathe the way it wants to. When it comes to a sprint, focus on knee drive and explosion until the end, and just let your lungs do their thing.
  • Question
    Where can I learn more about sprints?
    Community Answer
    Check with your school's track coach or a local running coach to find out more about sprints and how to do them.
  • Question
    How many people participate in a relay?
    Community Answer
    In standard relays, 4 people will be on one team. The number of teams in a race can vary. The standard relays are 4x100m 4x200m and 4x400m.
  • Question
    Do spikes help in 200 meter races?
    Community Answer
    Spikes definitely help since they give you more grip on the track field and lighter feet while you run, reducing time by milliseconds.
  • Question
    How can I be more confident before the race and avoid nervousness?
    Community Answer
    It's okay if you're a little nervous, this will push you to do your best, but what you can do is take deep breaths and try to shake it off, then focus on something that relaxes you. Remind yourself that you've been preparing for this and you're ready.
  • Question
    What do you mean by "pump your arms"?
    Community Answer
    It means that you are fiercely driving your arms and shoulders up and down.
  • Question
    How do I get the fastest start in a 200m race?
    Community Answer
    Make sure that your reaction time is in sequence with the "bang" of the gun. And use longer or wider strides for the first 100m with your head lowered for the first 20m.
  • Question
    Is 200m a sprint or a long-distance race?
    Top Answerer
    It's a sprint.
  • Question
    How can I tell which foot is my stronger foot for taking off?
    Community Answer
    Typically, whichever side is dominant for your hands will be the same side as your dominant foot. Your dominant foot should be the stronger one. If you're still unsure, you could time yourself starting on one foot, and then the other. Whichever time is faster is your stronger foot.
  • Question
    Does weight and size matter in this kind of sprint?
    Community Answer
    It does not matter if you're of reasonable height and weight. One important thing to remember, is that you need to have a good endurance and maximum power. Therefore, your muscles need to be a bit developed.
  • Question
    Is it effective to run 200 m meters with my heels up?
    Top Answerer
    If you're referring to running on your toes, 200 meters is much too long a race to do that. Run heel-to-toe as you normally would.
  • Question
    When starting a race standing, should my lead leg also be my stronger foot?
    Community Answer
    No, when you sprint, make sure your stronger leg is in the back so that you have more power to push off.
  • Question
    Should I run long distance to build stamina for the 200m?
    Community Answer
    Do not run long distance, but practice long sprints, like 400s. Don't do 400 repeats every day, create a set schedule.
  • Question
    Does it matter which lane I'm in when running the 200M dash?
    Community Answer
    No, it does not matter which lane you're in. Just look straight ahead and focus on your race.
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