Q&A for How to Serve a Volleyball Overhand

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    Where should I stand when I serve?
    Community Answer
    Depending on how you serve, stand at least 5 to 6 inches behind the line. This way, you are safe from getting a line fault.
  • Question
    I can serve the volleyball, but I can't seem to get it over the net. Any tips?
    Community Answer
    Hit the ball as hard as you can on the side/bottom and that will make it go up and over the net.
  • Question
    What part of my hand is better to use in order to hit the ball harder?
    Top Answerer
    Hit with your open palm. Using a closed fist will produce a harder hit but will sacrifice accuracy, which is usually a bad thing.
  • Question
    How can I make my serve more powerful?
    Community Answer
    You can lift weights to build up your arm muscles or just keep practicing serving. Your volleyball coach should be able to give you tips as well.
  • Question
    When tossing the ball upwards, how close/ far should it be from my face/body?
    Community Answer
    Not terribly far, maybe about 6-8 inches away from you face. However, you want to have enough room to swing and spike the ball.
  • Question
    My body keeps moving to the side, and I end up not getting it over the net. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Turn your body before the serve, so that if you turn while serving, you end up facing the net.
  • Question
    Is it easier to serve the ball with a flat hand or a fist?
    Community Answer
    Use a flat hand.
  • Question
    Is most of the pressure on your back leg? Should I get knee pads for this? And when serving the ball (over hand), do I hit all the way through or stop when I hit the ball?
    Top Answerer
    If you're asking about serving, most of your weight IS supported by your back leg as you hit the ball in order to move your body forward during the serve. Players should always wear knee pads in high-level competition. As for your serving motion, a full follow-through will help in a power serve, but if you're concerned about accuracy, you can dispense with the follow-through.
  • Question
    What do I need to know to do an excellent overhand?
    Community Answer
    An easy way to remember the key points of serving is: arm out, arm up, toss, step, swing.
  • Question
    I can overhand serve, but I can't get it over the net, can anyone help?
    Top Answerer
    Start practicing hitting the ball higher and softer. Once you can consistently get the ball in, gradually aim lower and hit harder.
  • Question
    When I serve, do I have to run?
    Top Answerer
    No, most people stand still when they serve.
  • Question
    How do I make a club team?
    Community Answer
    Just go to tryouts and do your best. Try out for multiple teams if possible to increase your chances of geting on a team. Don't forget to practice in advance.
  • Question
    What should I do if I can serve over the net, but not consistently?
    Community Answer
    That just means that you need to practice more. It means that you are capable of serving the ball, but you just need to practice doing it.
  • Question
    How can I hit the ball harder?
    Community Answer
    Focus on your arm. Your arm should move fast and strong.
  • Question
    Can I serve with my legs by kicking the ball?
    Emily Newton
    Community Answer
    No. That would not be considered a legal hit.
  • Question
    How can I prevent my back and shoulder from hurting when I serve and hit?
    Community Answer
    You should stretch before you play, and make sure that you have stretched thoroughly.
  • Question
    I can serve overhand with a TON of power, but it always goes down instead of over the net. What should I do?
    Emily Newton
    Community Answer
    Your toss is probably not high enough. Work on your toss for a little while so you can get one that is consistently perfect.
  • Question
    I'm right-handed. When doing an overhand serve, can I place my right foot in front instead of my left?
    Top Answerer
    There's no rule against that, but what you're suggesting will produce a very weak serve.
  • Question
    Is it ok if we think that it is a bad toss and simply let it drop down?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, the server may elect to let the ball drop and then start over.
  • Question
    If I'm serving with a jump float serve, how far do I need to be from the line?
    Community Answer
    It is the same placement as a regular serve.
  • Question
    How do I underhand serve the ball?
    Community Answer
    Keep a straight arm, then swing it straight back. Swing straight front and hit the ball. You don't want to toss the ball too high. Toss it just enough so that when your hand comes in contact with the ball, it isn't touching your other hand.
  • Question
    How many people normally make the volleyball team?
    Top Answerer
    Each team uses six players at a time in an indoor game, two players in beach volleyball.
  • Question
    How can I make my serve farther and higher?
    Community Answer
    Always stand in the right position and keep your form.
  • Question
    Can I curl my fingers in when I serve?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, that is legal.
  • Question
    On a high school volleyball team, can I use underhand serves?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Underhand serves are allowed in volleyball, unless your school or league has special rules.
  • Question
    How can I be a good server if I am short?
    Community Answer
    You can always do a jump serve, but there usually isn't any real disadvantage. I am a very short person but I can serve perfectly fine. Just serve the way any person would, and practice! If you are really having trouble, you can always ask a coach, or try hitting in an upwards motion instead of straight forward with a flat hand.
  • Question
    How many feet away do you serve it from?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your strength. If you can barely get the ball over the net, you should move as close as possible. If your serves are too strong and go too far, you should serve father away from the line.
  • Question
    Which part of my hand should touch the ball?
    Top Answerer
    The fingers and palm.
  • Question
    How do I bump an overhead shot?
    Top Answerer
    To bump a ball near or above your head, you can turn your shoulders to make the usual forearm bump, or you can open your hands and use your fingertips.
  • Question
    What if you are stronger with an underhand? Can I use that in JV?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. An underhand serve is legal, and it's easier for beginning players to master, but most players use the overhand serve because it is harder to return than the underhand serve.
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