Q&A for How to Show God You Love Him

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    What are ways of showing love to God?
    Community Answer
    One thing you need to understand is that there aren't ways listed in the Bible or anywhere saying, "Here you go. This is the list to show that you love God." It doesn't work that way. It depends on your heart. Anything that you do, if you do it for the glory of God and do it with the love of Christ, then you can show God you love him. You can show it by becoming a missionary to one of the most dangerous places in the world, or open the door for the elderly. As long as you do it with your heart, a heart that loves God, then that is more than enough for Him. There are no acts, God sees your heart, and He simply knows.
  • Question
    How do I share the love of God?
    Community Answer
    Shearing the love of God just means performing a selfless act or doing a kindness for others without any expectation of reciprocation.
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    Do I have to tithe if I'm in debt, and do I have to give it to the pastor's office?
    Andrew Cowell
    Community Answer
    It is important to tithe no matter what. We don't just tithe when we are financially stable, but we tithe always to show God that no matter where we are in life, we are trusting Him with our money. Tithes do not only need to be done in a pastor's office. Tithes can be given in many ways. God doesn't care about the money itself, he has no need for material things. He just wants to see that our hearts are in the right place.
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    How do I forgive myself when I continue to sin?
    Community Answer
    Forgiving yourself isn't easy. I would start by doing whatever you can to stop the sinful behavior that you continue to perpetuate; it will be very difficult to forgive yourself if you're still engaging in the sin. In the meantime, remind yourself that you're only human, and you make mistakes like everyone else. Try not to be too hard on yourself.
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    How do you forgive family when the hurt you so badly over and over?
    Community Answer
    Forgiving doesn't mean repeating the same pattern that lead you to get hurt, forgiving means wishing a good life for yourself and people that hurt you and letting go of any idea of revenge. But when people betray your expectations, you have to put some distance between you and those people, forgiving doesn't mean cleaning your brain from all the things they have done to you. Just decide to be in peace and draw your own path.
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    What are three lines that sum up God?
    Community Answer
    Love God and love your neighbours as you love yourself. You can read the ten commandments to know what God wants you to know. Honour your father and mother and do not sin.
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    In a situation where belief is being physically attacked, can one react physically too, if circumstances permit?
    Community Answer
    The Bible tells us that we do not repay evil for evil. Think of how Jesus acted, and how he would act when physically attacked. You may get attacked so that the devil can trap you in revenge. As a child of God, it's good to trust God to repay and get revenge for you. The bible says "Vengeance is mine," meaning God's. If you're being attacked, you should pray, and let God handle the revenge for you.
  • Question
    How do I know if God heard my prayers?
    Breathe Johnson
    Community Answer
    God always hears your prayers. He's always listening. Even if the answer's not immediate, or even if the answer's no, He still hears you.
  • Question
    What do I do to redeem myself after sinning?
    Breathe Johnson
    Community Answer
    You don't need to redeem yourself; Jesus already did that. His blood is the redemption. Forgiveness comes by accepting that redemption.
  • Question
    How do I show God love in a practical way?
    Community Answer
    Be kind to others and yourself, participate in confession and mass regularly and just before you go to sleep and after you wake up, tell God you love him so much.
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