Q&A for How to Sing Beautifully

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    How do I keep my voice beautiful when singing high notes?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you are staying in your range. If it's starting to get uncomfortable to sing high or it isn't sounding right, stop. You may be able to sing a lot higher than your range, but if you do, you will damage your vocal cords. Try and support your chest and breathe from your diaphragm, singing to a distance.
  • Question
    I think I'm a pretty average singer, but some people tell me I have a beautiful voice and some say I need a lot of work. How can I tell if I'm good or not?
    Community Answer
    I think that you should go with what other people tell you, but what you think counts too. If you keep practicing, you may have the potential to become a great singer! A voice coach would be a big help.
  • Question
    Can I still sing beautifully if I'm sick?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the sickness. If you have a headache, body aches, or chills, then yes. If you're experiencing a stuffy nose or sore throat though, then unfortunately, your voice will probably be negatively affected.
  • Question
    Will this work in three days?
    Community Answer
    This depends on how much you practice. The more you practice, the better you will get, but don't practice too much or else you'll damage your vocal chords. Three days might be a little unrealistic. Don't forget to warm up before you sing.
  • Question
    Can I have a beautiful voice?
    Community Answer
    Everyone can have a beautiful voice, understand the song you're singing, put all of your emotions in the song, and make it your own. Even if your voice has flaws, they are your flaws and they are unique. That's what people like, hearing a unique voice and seeing someone with confidence.
  • Question
    Can I always improve?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can. Through time, you will improve and learn new things about music and singing.
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    How do I sing with my diaphram and not throat?
    Community Answer
    Try breathing exercises or breathing properly. You can also lay your hand on your stomach and press lightly as you sing.
  • Question
    How will I know if I am straining my vocal cords?
    Community Answer
    If it hurts your throat to sing, you are straining your vocal chords. Remember your voice is irreplaceable and that straining can lead to permanent damage to your vocal chords.
  • Question
    How will I know if I'm singing with my diaphragm?
    Community Answer
    Although singing with your diaphragm can be difficult to spot, it is actually quite easy. First, place two fingers below your ribcage. (right below the bra if you are a girl) Then, push inwards, and sing loud. You should feel your diaphragm vibrating. Try practicing without pushing on it, and it will eventually become easier.
  • Question
    What can I do to eradicate vibrations in my throat while I am singing?
    Community Answer
    Why would you want to!? Vocal folds are designed to vibrate, if you have a good vibration it means your voice is clear and healthy. If it starts to feel scratchy however, that's when you need to change, as your folds are constricted and they need to relax.
  • Question
    How can I improve my confidence?
    Community Answer
    There are many ways to improve confidence. An effective method is to start each morning by looking in the mirror and pointing out three things that you love about yourself, and try to compliment three different people each day. For singing, boost your confidence by singing in front of people as much as you can. The more experience you get, the more natural it will start to feel.
  • Question
    How can I make my singing sound unique?
    Community Answer
    Try different techniques and see what you like. Then, just use that to an extreme, and adjust until you are happy with it.
  • Question
    When I sing whispering-like in the shower, I think it sounds beautiful, but when I sing in the voice I'm supposed to be singing in for the audition, I think it sounds terrible. What's going on?
    Community Answer
    You are used to hearing songs on the radio so when you are in the shower, your voice echoes and sounds closer to a radio voice.
  • Question
    Do I have to talk softly to save my voice?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to talk softly, but you should take care of your voice if you want to be a good singer. For example, avoid excessive drinking, smoking, or yelling.
  • Question
    How do I sing loud and pretty into a mic?
    Community Answer
    If you believe you don't sound good in a mic, it is probably because you're singing too close to it, and it's picking up the sound of your breathing. Back away, and if you think that that's not a good idea for fear of sounding quiet, you can either sing louder or move away from the mic when taking a breath.
  • Question
    How can I change my pitch when I am singing?
    Community Answer
    Changing your pitch is just changing notes, like when you're speaking and you change how high or low you're speaking. Just start singing and try going up or down like you would when you talk.
  • Question
    Is it possible to go from alto to soprano?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but as always, practice makes perfect. Be careful you aren't straining your vocal cords though!
  • Question
    How can I sing just like shouting? It seems like I'm pushing up the abdomen tightly, especially when singing high notes?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you are breathing properly from your diaphragm. Hitting high notes and screaming are NOT the same thing. You should not feel any pain when singing; do not strain your voice.
  • Question
    My voice is always below others when singing. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Keep practicing, to get your voice stronger, and work on pitch matching.
  • Question
    How do I learn how to incorporate someone else's singing techniques into my own?
    Community Answer
    Techniques in singing can be as unique as a singer's voice. However, learn some basic techniques such a vibrato and ad-libbing, as well as adding syllables to words, mixing head-chest voice, etc. Listening to different singers can also help you develop your own unique techniques.
  • Question
    How do I breathe through my belly?
    Community Answer
    When you breathe in, make sure your belly is expanding rather than your chest.
  • Question
    How can I stop my voice from sounding nasally?
    Community Answer
    You may have a deviated septum, which is common. Try using a neti pot.
  • Question
    Will this work in 2 years?
    Community Answer
    Depending on how you sing now and, of course, how much you practice, it won't take as long as that. At most, to notice a change, it will take a month or so of daily practice.
  • Question
    I’m too shy to have a vocal coach or to sing in front of other people, so how do I tell if I’m a good singer or not?
    Community Answer
    To hear what other people hear, try recording yourself singing and playing it back. Try different songs to see what suits you and, if you can build a little confidence, play the video to a couple friends and see what they think; this helps because you don't have to get caught in the act. Don't be afraid to show off your voice because, at the worst, people will at least go away thinking about how outgoing you are.
  • Question
    I have sore throat right now but someone heard my voice and didn't believe I had one. She said work on your voice, it's lovely. What do I do?
    Anne Ilak
    Community Answer
    Do the exact same thing. Work on your voice. Sing as much as you can, hydrate well. having a good voice is a gift. Don't strain. Try songs that are simple and around your comfort zone right now. And slowly move outside your zone. When you are ready, try to sing in small programs around your place, or even a competition.
  • Question
    I feel like I have potential as a singer, but, since I've been a kid, on voice memo my voice sounds childish and pitchy. How do I sing better?
    Community Answer
    Practice as much as you can and consider training with a vocal coach. Remember that not everyone needs to have a sweet voice. Sometimes it is better to have a unique voice.
  • Question
    How do you sing well if your throat is scratchy?
    Community Answer
    Drink a lot of water, take an over-the-counter medication and rest your voice for a few days. If the problem persists, contact a doctor.
  • Question
    How can I tell what I sing like? Can I trust how I sound on videos?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. It depends on the quality of the sound equipment employed in making a video. If they used really good equipment (microphone, mixer, recorder, etc.), you can trust the results. Otherwise, ask someone you trust to be honest with you.
  • Question
    I have a problem of clearing my throat (phlegm). Will that matter when singing? And if yes, how can I avoid it ?
    Community Answer
    Everyone does it, even though it's best not to. Try drinking lots of water and tea, avoiding sugary foods and fatty foods before a performance, and taking allergy medications if necessary. Clearing your throat will hit your vocal cords together suddenly and harshly, causing them to tire quicker.
  • Question
    I keep getting told I'm good at singing, but I've recorded myself singing and I think that I sound stupid. Do I trust other people's word on it or not?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes, computers and other devices change the pitch in your voice when you record it. So it’s not you, it’s the computer! Go with what other people say and what you think about yourself. And don’t be afraid to improve.
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