Q&A for How to Sit Shiva

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    What food should I prepare for Shiva?
    Community Answer
    Appropriate food items found within a shiva basket include baked goods and desserts, fruit, dried fruit, & nuts, and assorted chocolates.
  • Question
    What time of day is best to visit someone sitting shiva, and can gift food be purchased from a regular store, and should the visitor approach the mourner or just take a seat?
    Community Answer
    The time to visit is entirely up to the mourners of the home. There may or may not be allotted times to make a shiva call, so best to call someone who knows. It is important for some that you do not knock on the door or ring the doorbell. Approaching the mourner may not be encouraged in some families, but in others it is, but it is very important that you don't say 'good morning/afternoon' to them and allow them to start the conversation, as they may not be in the mood to talk.
  • Question
    Can someone who isn't Jewish take flowers to a Shiva home?
    Sam Stanley
    Community Answer
    Yes. Just check to make sure the family hasn't requested that something in particular be done in lieu of flowers. It is a relatively common practice to ask that instead of flowers, you make a donation to a charity that mattered to the deceased.
  • Question
    When visiting someone during Shiva, what is the appropriate amount of time to stay and sit?
    Sam Stanley
    Community Answer
    As long as you (and they) are comfortable. They'd probably like the company. Shiva is a really hard time, and it's better to not be alone.
  • Question
    How long are the designated hours for sitting Shiva?
    Community Answer
    Different families make different choices about where, when, and how long they want to sit shiva. Traditionally shiva lasts for seven days, starting immediately after the funeral, but some people choose to observe fewer days of shiva. Find out how long the family will be sitting shiva, and if they have designated hours for visitation. Some shiva houses are open for shiva calls all day, others only for a few hours in the morning and/or evening. Check ahead of time to make sure you don’t show up at a time when the family was hoping to grieve privately. This information is often available from the funeral home or the synagogue that the family belongs to. If all else fails, call the house.
  • Question
    Should I bring flowers to the chapel?
    Community Answer
    No, flowers are a symbol of joy, not of mourning.
  • Question
    I am the brother of the deceased. Am I able to go outside and walk every morning?
    Community Answer
    Yes! You can, but it depends on how you feel and your personality. If walking out makes you feel better or overcome grief, then it wouldn't be a problem. If you are concerned with what others will say, then you better ask for the elders' opinions. Or if you are in a such a condition that you are too afraid to ask, then it means you are in a more dense and serious environment, which means it's better to be inside the home. If you have an urgent matter to do, it's better you do not laugh or smile and play around.
  • Question
    How soon after death does Judaism require a funeral?
    Sam Stanley
    Community Answer
    Generally as soon as possible. Exceptions can be made, but most often a Jewish funeral will occur with 1-3 days of the death.
  • Question
    Do only Jews sit Shiva?
    Sam Stanley
    Community Answer
    Yes and no. Only Jews call it Shiva, that being the Hebrew term. But other religions have similar mourning practices.
  • Question
    What clothing should I wear if I have been offered to join in a Shiva ceremony as a non-Jew?
    Community Answer
    The same that you would wear to any similar function. Wear dark colors and appropriate cuts, to be vastly unspecific. The big thing to bear in mind is that it is a time of mourning, not a fashion show, so just try to be supportive.
  • Question
    Why do they sit on low stools?
    Community Answer
    Sitting on a low stool or chair is a sign of mourning. Many synagogues have special chairs that they will lend out for this purpose. In some more populated cities, there are organizations that provide these stools as well as other things that may be needed (i.e. prayer books, extra chairs).
  • Question
    When do I end Shiva on Friday?
    Community Answer
    Follow the instructions listed in the article above.
  • Question
    Are the seven days of Shiva cut short because of Shabbat?
    Benjamin M.
    Top Answerer
    No. However, you cannot display public signs of mourning. For example, you can leave the house to pray in the synagogue. You do not, however, bless your children on Friday night, you may only study the things mourners are allowed to study, you do not engage in marital relations, etc.
  • Question
    Can I bring my children to my friend's mother's Shiva?
    Community Answer
    You must ask your friend, or if she is incapacitated, ask another close family member, like a brother or sister. Children who are capable of observing Shiva are permitted to, but if you have questions in your mind as to whether your children can observe the solemnity required for the occasion, don't bring them.
  • Question
    Does a shiva have to take place immediately after the funeral?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It's a time of great sadness. Orthodox Jews don't just cover mirrors, take off their shoes, and sit low to the ground. They also read prayers for the deceased.
  • Question
    How long does Shiva last?
    Community Answer
    7 days, starting immediately after the deceased is buried.
  • Question
    What if a Jew dies on the Sabbath?
    Community Answer
    Announcements don't take place until AFTER the Sabbath, which is on Saturday night at sundown.
  • Question
    If I bring a box of candy should I gift wrap it?
    maya leah
    Community Answer
    Shiva is not a celebration. It is a time of mourning and grief. You should not wrap the box of candy as though it is a gift. When someone dies, do you give them family a birthday present? The same goes for shiva. Respect the family in their time of grief and do not wrap the candy.
  • Question
    Can you sit shiva during Shabbat?
    maya leah
    Community Answer
    During shiva, you must stay at home unless you are going to synagogue. The only exception for leaving your house is for the synagogue.
  • Question
    Do Jews sit shiva when a loved one converts to a different religion?
    Benjamin M.
    Top Answerer
    No. According to Chabad "A defector from the faith, who denounces Judaism openly, and adopts another religion without compulsion, is not to be permitted burial in a Jewish cemetery and is not to be mourned at all. For all intents and purposes, his defection is accepted as de facto severance from the faith-community and he is, therefore, not honored by the faithful."
  • Question
    Is it appropriate for a non-Jewish woman to wear dress slacks to a Shiva in a home?
    Benjamin M.
    Top Answerer
    It depends on the background of the family. If the women in the family exclusively wear skirts, then you can take that to be expressive of what they view as modest dress, and it would be most appropriate to follow that norm.
  • Question
    When is the Shiva over if the person is buried on Sunday?
    Community Answer
    The following Saturday. Siva is observed seven days, starting with day of burial.
  • Question
    What can I bring to a Shiva call during Passover?
    Community Answer
    Fruit, meats, baked goods that do not contain yeast or bread products. Be careful of grains that might ferment during Passover.
  • Question
    Can I have food delivered to a home where Shiva is coming?
    Community Answer
    Yes, be mindful of what times the house will be mourning. Call ahead to see what times would be appropriate and to ask about what foods are appropriate.
  • Question
    May I put flowers on a Jewish grave?
    Community Answer
    Flowers are symbol of joy, not mourning. It is customary to leave a small rock on the gravestone.
  • Question
    Do I have to cover all the mirrors in my home?
    Community Answer
    Yes. This is to remind mourners that shiva is not about themselves, but the deceased.
  • Question
    What should I wear to Shiva?
    Community Answer
    A person who is sitting Shiva has some requirements of clothing. A person who is visiting someone who is sitting Shiva should come dressed in regular clothing. It is preferable to dress in a modest manner.
  • Question
    Can I bring vegetables and hummus to a Shiva house?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is customary to bring food to a Shiva house, as long as the food is known to be Kosher.
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