Q&A for How to Speak In Front of Large Groups of People

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    I have not spoken in front of people before. How can I remove my hesitation?
    Community Answer
    Practice your speech several times to yourself in front of a mirror. Act like you are talking to another person. When you've done that a few times, give your speech to a few family members or friends. Have them tell you if there is anything you could improve upon.
  • Question
    What should I do if I am speaking to a large crowd and my knees feel wobbly?
    Community Answer
    You can pretend that you are speaking to a group of friends. Take a deep breath, smile, and continue talking. Keep your shoulders back, as this will make you seem more confident and relaxed.
  • Question
    What do I do if I can't talk in front of crowds, but I have to talk in front of a huge crowd?
    Community Answer
    Stop telling yourself that you can't do it. You can do it! Prepare what you're going to say and practice it repeatedly. If you're prepared, you'll be fine. Take slow, deep breaths before you give the talk and just keep reminding yourself that you can do this. While you're talking, don't look at the whole crowd. Focus on one person, or just stare at a point at the back of the room.
  • Question
    How can I get rid of my stage fright?
    Community Answer
    Tell yourself that the people you are talking to are JUST HUMANS. Breath in and out. Rehearse well so you won't be extra afraid because you know you're unprepared. If you mess up, don't dwell on it -- keep going.
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    How do I stop shaking and having my heart rate increase?
    Community Answer
    Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Focus on looking just above the crowd so you won't notice them as much.
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    How do I stand properly in front of an audience?
    Community Answer
    Stand up straight, don't slouch. Avoid pacing, fidgeting, or putting your hands in your pockets, as this shows the crowd that you're uncomfortable.
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    How could I make them stop if they're laughing at me?
    Community Answer
    You can't force a large group of people to stop laughing at you. You need to wait it out, as awful as that sounds. Or you could just try to turn the situation into a joke and laugh with them!
  • Question
    I often mix my words up and stutter while talking to anyone. How can I help this?
    Community Answer
    Keep key cards or write small notes on your hand. Stay calm by breathing slowly.
  • Question
    How should a man speak in front of a crowd?
    Community Answer
    Try being professional. Don't act silly. Look toward the crowd and smile. Be confident.
  • Question
    How do I stop myself from saying "um" when speaking?
    Community Answer
    People commonly use the word "um" when they have forgotten what they wanted to say next for some reason or another. Practice your speech multiple times beforehand so that you know it, and see if you can have note cards to cue you during your presentation. If you get stressed or stuck, pause for a moment and take a breath. Then continue like normal where you left off.
  • Question
    How can I avoid my classmates/crowd laughing at me?
    Community Answer
    If you hate it so much, you probably should stop doing whatever it is that triggers them to laugh at you. Personally, though, if it was me, I would just ignore them and maybe even made a joke about it.
  • Question
    What if I'm not able to write anything and I have to come up with it right there and then?
    Community Answer
    Speak from your heart and say exactly what you feel.
  • Question
    Should I sound excited when I give a speech?
    Top Answerer
    That's a matter of opinion. Some listeners will prefer excited talk. Others will respond better to calm and reasoned speech.
  • Question
    How do I deliver a toast?
    Top Answerer
    See Give a Toast for advice.
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