Q&A for How to Start a Book Club at School

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    What can I discuss in a book club?
    Community Answer
    Discuss the chapters you were recently reading, talk about the setting, the characters' emotions and the main problem of the book.
  • Question
    What if the principal does not allow me to begin a book club at school?
    Community Answer
    Explain the benefits and what it would bring to the school. Also say that it can be educational so you can help all the participating students to create great essays and a good book analysis. Perhaps show some videos of successful book club experiences. You might like to ask your parents to act as a support team too.
  • Question
    I'm having trouble creating a book club because my school is very small and only has one library. Do you have any suggestions?
    Community Answer
    Try meeting at a local library. If the kids in the book club have library cards, you could also use books from that library.
  • Question
    How do I start a book club if not all of the members can read the same book?
    Community Answer
    The best thing to do would be to come up with a group of people who can all read the same books. It would be very difficult to conduct a book club where everyone was reading different things. Alternatively, you could split your book club up into smaller groups (by ages, for example).
  • Question
    What if we are granted permission from the principal and actually start our book club, but no one's interested? Then what can we do?
    Community Answer
    Put up posters in your halls and hand out flyers about your book club. For your first book, choose something you know people are interested in, maybe a book you've heard others talk about, or one that's been made into a popular movie. Also, be patient. Maybe your book club will attract more members over time.
  • Question
    Does it have to be a series of books and can it be the Bible?
    Community Answer
    No. You do not have to read a series of books in a book club and yes, you can read the Bible, but this would be considered a Bible study and not a book club.
  • Question
    Where is a good place to meet for a book club other than school?
    Community Answer
    The local library, or, if the group is small, you can gather at a quiet and a non-crowded café.
  • Question
    What if there is already a book club at my school, but it is not open to my grade, even though I'm an advanced reader?
    Community Answer
    You can join book clubs at your local public library, or get special permission to join the book club at your school.
  • Question
    What do you normally do in school-run book clubs?
    Community Answer
    You all read the same book, then discuss it: what you liked, what you didn't like etc.
  • Question
    What are ways to get books for a book club if a library does not have one?
    Community Answer
    You could ask your parents to get the books from a nearby bookshop or you may ask your members if they have the specific book.
  • Question
    What if I only have 1 copy of the book?
    Community Answer
    You can simply ask the other members to figure out how to get the book themselves. Find out if your school and local libraries have copies, and/or show others where they can purchase the book.
  • Question
    I go to a small school that doesn't have a book club and I've never been to the town library and I don't know how to get a library card. What do I do?
    Aaron N
    Community Answer
    Visit the town library and ask the librarian how you can get a library card.
  • Question
    Why am I not be able to have a successful book club if one of my friends is in it?
    Community Answer
    It means that your book club needs more than just one friend (one other person) to be in your book club.
  • Question
    How old do I need to be able to start a book club?
    Community Answer
    There is no age requirement to start a book club, as long as you have permission from school authorities and you choose age-appropriate books to read.
  • Question
    What do you mean Harry Potter is overdone?
    Community Answer
    Lots of people have already done book clubs on Harry Potter, so it might be better to do something more original.
  • Question
    Does it need to be the same book for every member of the club, or different for each of them?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Feel free to experiment. On the one hand, if everyone reads the same book, the conversation afterwards is better understood by everyone. On the other hand, experienced readers may listen to someone who has read a book, and get the same experience they would have had if they'd read it themselves. There are so many good books. Having others read them may help you to better pick the ones you want to read, too. You could make that the assignment: tell us about the book you read in such a way that the others can decide whether or not to read it.
  • Question
    Is a book club for all book types good?
    Community Answer
    You could try that, but I would recommend you only switch genres once a month.
  • Question
    What is the cost of starting a book club at school?
    Community Answer
    It is free at any school with a library.
  • Question
    I want to start a book club, but I'm not sure my school will let us do it. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    I doubt your school would object, since they should be encouraging kids to read, but you could always just have an informal club where you meet up at recess to talk about a book you read at home.
  • Question
    What are the benefits of having a book club besides meeting new friends?
    Community Answer
    You can read about daring adventures or historical events that you never knew, as suggested by other members of the group. Book clubs are a great way to read things you normally wouldn't. Also, you get to share your thoughts, ideas and ask questions among each other, which can incentivize reading and learning.
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