Q&A for How to Start a Conversation With a Girl

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    How do you start a conversation with a girl over text?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    First, make sure she’s okay with you texting her. For example, if she gives you her number, say, “Is it okay if I send you a text?” If she’s says yes, start with something friendly but neutral, like, “Hey, how’s it going?” If you’ve spent time with her recently, you could mention that. For example, “I had fun hanging out last night!”
  • Question
    Is there anything I can say to impress her?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    The best thing you can do is be sincere. If you want to talk about an interesting experience you’ve had or mention your cool job, that’s fine, but avoid bragging or making a big deal out of it. She’ll be impressed if you’re humble but confident, respectful, and good at both listening and participating in the conversation.
  • Question
    How should I start a conversation with a girl online?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    If you meet a girl online and want to get to know her better, you could start by introducing yourself and mentioning a shared interest. For example, “Hey, my name’s Pat. I saw your profile on the Reptile Lovers community, and I just wanted to say I think your crested gecko is adorable!” If you’re interested in flirting, just take care to avoid coming on too strong at first. Wait until she seems interested.
  • Question
    How do I act more confident?
    Community Answer
    Stand up straight, hold your head high, and keep your shoulders tilted back slightly. Try not to think of the negative possibilities (ie: what if she laughs at you, rejects you, makes fun of you, etc). Instead, focus on the present. Be yourself, and try not to act different in order to impress the girl; this may only stress you out and make you appear insecure.
  • Question
    How do I break it to my friends that I like this girl even though they don't?
    Community Answer
    Don't hide it and tell them the truth.
  • Question
    How can I get a girl I know is interested in me to talk to me when she is hesitant?
    Community Answer
    Just be persistent -- if she truly is interested in you, she will come along, but don't be too eager or she will lose interest.
  • Question
    How can I make friendships with girls if I am nervous?
    Community Answer
    Say hello, then ask the girls about themselves. Learn about their hobbies, families and interests. When you have something in common, use that as a foundation upon which you may build a friendship.
  • Question
    How do you talk to a girl if you have a big nose?
    Community Answer
    The most important step is to stop worrying about your nose. If you are funny and kind and interesting, most girls will be able to look past any flaws. Just focus on the parts of yourself you do like and be confident.
  • Question
    What if I'm young and I like a girl who likes me back?
    Community Answer
    Check out this article on How to Talk to Your Crush for great tips on how to proceed.
  • Question
    I had a girlfriend. We broke up and the reason was that I was too dependent on my family and my appearance was a disaster. Now I've changed and I've seen her several times looking at me. What does it mean?
    Community Answer
    If you changed, she might look at you because she's interested in you again or she misses you. Try talking to her normally and see her reaction.
  • Question
    Do you think a girl likes me if she just comes over and sits by me and starts to smile?
    Community Answer
    She might but be careful -- she might not like you in that way, she might just like you as a friend and find you friendly. Try to talk to her and engage in conversation. And although it sounds obvious, just be nice.
  • Question
    How do I ask her sexual questions?
    Community Answer
    If she is friendly/close to you, try playing a game of Truth, like Truth or Dare without the dare option. Or ask if she wants to play 20 questions and start off with regular questions and then gradually make them more sexual. Remember to be respectful, and if she tells you she's uncomfortable, change the subject right away.
  • Question
    Do these ways work for Asian girls?
    Community Answer
    Asian girls are just like any other girls.
  • Question
    How do I end a serious relationship without hurting the other one's feelings?
    Community Answer
    There's no way to avoid the heartache. But if you truly know why you want to end the relationship, be honest and tell your partner. This will at least make the heartache a bit more bearable, and allow for closure. It's not knowing why that usually damages the heart.
  • Question
    If a girl doesn't seem interested in responding to how her day is going or is brief, then what other question should I ask her?
    Community Answer
    Ask questions about a subject you both like, or maybe one that she is passionate about like a TV series or musical.
  • Question
    How do I get this girl to like me if she live 8 hours away and when I try to talk to her on Facebook she won't respond?
    Community Answer
    You should just find someone else. She lives 8 hours away, which would make it a hassle to visit, and she's already ignoring you, so she's probably not interested. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
  • Question
    I want to ask a girl out to homecoming. What's the best way to start this kind of conversation without jumping the gun?
    Community Answer
    Just ask her if she has a date to homecoming. If she says no, say, "Would you like to go together?" If she says yes, then you can just say you hope you'll see her there.
  • Question
    How can I ask a girl how is she?
    Cheryl Fuentes-Palma
    Community Answer
    Start with a "Hello" than talk about stuff like, "It's such a nice day." Then just ask her, "How's your day going?" or "How are you doing, excited for summer to come?" Just remember to be yourself.
  • Question
    What if she likes me for being shy?
    Community Answer
    Then embrace your shy self! If you're being yourself, you're totally fine.
  • Question
    How do I work up the courage to have a conversation with a girl I have a crush on who isn't in my class?
    Community Answer
    Act casually around her, then try to work up a close friend status without being too forward (unless she seems like the kind of person who would be into that). Just trying to seem as relaxed as possible while keeping eye contact, smiling, and laughing at appropriate times are the most simple ways to demonstrate confidence and reliability. Another great way to achieve this is through befriending her friends.
  • Question
    How can l say I love her when I know it is the last time that I'll be with her?
    Community Answer
    Have a long talk with her and confess, she deserves to know.
  • Question
    What if I am ugly and I have an accent? My English is weak also. How should I engage with someone?
    Community Answer
    Try to be charming or funny, and work on improving your English. Practice makes perfect. Most likely many girls will find your accent attractive, so try not to worry about that.
  • Question
    Do I bring up another girl?
    Community Answer
    No, manipulation games to make her jealous set the foundation for an unhealthy relationship based off of competition and lies.
  • Question
    How am I supposed to talk to my crush if she always has her friends around and I'm afraid they won't like me? What if they change her opinion about me?
    Community Answer
    Don't be afraid! There is nothing a girl likes more than a guy with confidence. Also, if she's worth your while then she won't let her friends opinion sway her one way or another. Just be polite to her friends and you shouldn't have a problem.
  • Question
    How do I approach a rude girl?
    Community Answer
    Follow the same steps here, but be prepared to be ignored or told off.
  • Question
    I like a girl, and I said hi and asked her name, but she didn't tell me. She said, "Why are you asking my name?" What does this mean? Does she like me or not?
    Community Answer
    It depends on her tone when she said this, but it sounds like maybe she was teasing you and being flirtatious. She might have been trying to get you to admit that you like her. If she sounded angry, though, she probably just didn't want to be bothered.
  • Question
    I've been flirting with a girl on Snapchat, but when we meet up, it's awkward. How do I fix this?
    Community Answer
    Most people do feel awkward when they transition from talking online to talking in person. You just have to be patient. Both of you will warm up to each other eventually.
  • Question
    I'm too nervous to talk to my girlfriend in school. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If she is your girlfriend already, remember that she likes you. That should make you more comfortable talking to her. Ask her how her day is going, then keep asking her questions until you find something in common to discuss.
  • Question
    This girl who sits next to me in class likes me. I'm the school "clown" around my friends, but when I'm around ,I'm all mature. Should I be myself?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Be yourself. Who you are is probably why she likes you.
  • Question
    How can I answer a girl who said she is in love with me?
    Community Answer
    If you love her back, tell her! If you don't, let her down gently. Tell her that you value her as a friend, but you don't have romantic feelings for her.
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