Q&A for How to Start a Dairy Farm

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    Can I start with 8-10 animals?
    Community Answer
    Yes. There is no bar for the quantity.
  • Question
    Is it possible to start with a single cow?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it's not profitable. It's better to start with at least 5-6 cows.
  • Question
    Is a dairy business profitable?
    Community Answer
    It may be profitable if you make the right business decisions.
  • Question
    How can I start a dairy farm coming from an engineering background, with no farming knowledge?
    Community Answer
    Watch videos and read books. Work on some dairy farms for a few months to gain knowledge.
  • Question
    Is a sand or cement floor better for cows and buffalo?
    Community Answer
    Sand is better, but the cost to keep them clean is a problem. It's better to have both if you have the space.
  • Question
    How can I start a dairy farm for my village?
    Community Answer
    Study business management. If there is another dairy farm around, make a visit there to see how those business owners operate. Research what is needed to start a dairy farm.
  • Question
    How much does one cow cost?
    Community Answer
    In Karnataka, a cow producing 20 ltrs/day that you can breed, with will cost 70 to 80 K. ($1200 U.S. dollars).
  • Question
    What is the minimum number of cows to start with?
    Community Answer
    No less than 20, but depends on how big you want your business to be.
  • Question
    What would be cost of 20 cows and a dairy plant with a milking facility?
    Community Answer
    It's impossible to give an exact number as so many factors would influence the cost.
  • Question
    How do I determine the best cow breed for a dairy farm?
    Community Answer
    Depends on what your milk is going for. If you are in a fluid market, the best breed hands down is Holstein. However, if you are going to market cheese, or if you are selling to a cheese processor, jersey cows would be the most beneficial. Do some online research to find the cow breeds that fit your needs and climate.
  • Question
    How can I take a loan to start a dairy farm?
    Community Answer
    You need to speak to a bank. You'll need a business plan, decent credit and a down payment.
  • Question
    How can I start a small dairy farm?
    Community Answer
    Follow the instructions listed in the article above.
  • Question
    How big of an area is required for a dairy farm with 100 cows?
    Community Answer
    Try to have at least an acre If possible, because there will be a cow shed and calf shed and feed storage, among other things.
  • Question
    How much milk does a cow give in a day?
    Community Answer
    Around 8 - 10 liters, depending on the cow and breed.
  • Question
    Which one is better, natural breeding or artificial insemination, for yielding more milk?
    Community Answer
    Maintaining a bull in your farm may cost you more up front than AI but it is a good investment, in my opinion. The females can breed naturally and comfortably and this causes them to produce more milk.
  • Question
    How do I get a loan from a bank to start a dairy farm?
    Community Answer
    Start by creating good credit history, having good saving history, come up with a convincing business plan and repayment plan, then go apply for the loan. Collateral will help you get the loan.
  • Question
    Can I profit from a single cow?
    Community Answer
    Since profits for dairy farms are very low, even among ranchers with hundreds of cattle, it is very unlikely that a single cow will produce any significant profit. You are more likely to lose money due to the cost of maintaining the cow. However, a single cow can easily provide enough milk for your own family's use. You may even be able to sell some of it directly to neighbors.
  • Question
    What is the total investment required to start a dairy farm with 25 cows?
    Community Answer
    For a farm with 25 cows, you would need at least a $35-40K investment.
  • Question
    Where can I find information about cattle sheds and what kind of breed is good for earning money on a dairy farm?
    Community Answer
    You should watch videos and read books on the subject and talk to experts.
  • Question
    Which type of cows are suitable for 35 C temperatures?
    Community Answer
    Any breed would work as long as the cows have protection from the wind and a warm shelter when needed. The important things would be a little more external fat for insulation and being acclimated to the environment, along with a high level of forage quality.
  • Question
    How do I sell the milk I produce from a dairy farm?
    Community Answer
    There are normally milk collection centers that you can supply with your milk on a daily basis. You can also team up with other small-scale milk producers and have an automated teller machine for milk in a town center.
  • Question
    For how long does a cow give milk after intercourse, and for how much of its life can it be expected to give milk?
    Community Answer
    The cow starts milking after birthing. Cows usually milk for about 10 months, peaking at 40 to 60 days and slowly decreasing after that. It is best to breed to calf at 12- to 14-month intervals. This makes a 10-month milking and 2- to 4-month dry cycle.
  • Question
    What climatic conditions do I need for farming?
    Community Answer
    A climate without temperatures of extreme heat or cold is best, with summer months that get plenty of rain.
  • Question
    Which is the best breed for a dairy farm?
    Community Answer
    Cow - Gir (A2 type milk), it has more nutrients. Buffalo - Murrah (rich in fat and calcium). Murrah buffalo are very peaceful and have more capacity to give regular milk, and the calves are cost-friendly.
  • Question
    How much space is needed for one cow?
    Community Answer
    You would need an area that's at least 12' x 4' (excluding food space) for one cow.
  • Question
    What is the minimum capital to start a dairy farm?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the herd size you want to start with. A good rule of thumb is that the initial investment required is double the cost of the animals.
  • Question
    What infrastructure do I need to start a dairy farm?
    Community Answer
    A water tank for drinking and washing purposes is the most important factor. You need a good shed that maintains temperature and mats for resting the animals. Fans will be needed for cooling and air circulation. You also need one clean room or shed for storing the fodder.
  • Question
    Can government help us setup for the farm?
    Community Answer
    It may be possible to get subsidies to help with your farm. Do some research online or at your local library to find out more.
  • Question
    What is a good book about dairy farming?
    Community Answer
    I think you should read The Veterinary Book For Dairy Farmers by Roger Blowey.
  • Question
    How many acres of land do I need per cow on a dairy farm?
    Community Answer
    1.5 - 2 acres per dairy cow if you are going to let them graze on the land. If you decide to feed them alfalfa hay as a supplement then you can put 4 to 6 on an acre.
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