Q&A for How to Stop a Wedding

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    My parents want me to marry a person that I do not love instead of the person that I want to marry. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell your parents how you feel and if they don't budge get legal help and go to court.
  • Question
    Who is the one who wants the marriage to be called off?
    Community Answer
    Usually it's yourself but if a family member or friend is pushing you to stop someone else's wedding, be strong, stand up for yourself and say no to them.
  • Question
    I like someone, but she broke up with me and is marrying another man. I only want her, and no other girls, how can I stop her?
    Community Answer
    Did she tell you why she broke up with you? If so, did you listen to what she said? Sometimes two people are just not compatible with each other. Also, you say you "like" her, but presumably she is with someone who loves her now, since they are getting married. If you're really serious about this, tell her how you feel and how you've changed since the two of you broke up, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.
  • Question
    What do I do if I am a child who doesn't want my parents to get married?
    Community Answer
    Talk to both of your parents. Don't make them feel bad. Tell them your true feelings, and if they don't respond the way you want them to, let it be.
  • Question
    Can I stop a marriage using a gun?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    It would be a very effective way to stop the wedding, and get yourself in jail. So no, you can't use a gun. Use your words instead. Or accept that life doesn't always go the way you want it to.
  • Question
    Is there a good way to stop my own wedding without making things awkward?
    Community Answer
    There is no way to stop your own wedding without some awkwardness. However, that should not prevent you from cancelling your wedding if you do not want to get married. You need to talk to your fiance right away, and then you each need to tell your own families and guests as soon as possible.
  • Question
    My lover is married, how does one get rid of the wife?
    Community Answer
    Your best option is to find another lover, one who isn't married.
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    My wife slept with my friend two weeks before the wedding, could this be adultery?
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    It depends on where you live. In some countries, this is reserved for marriage and is considered adultery. In others, there are no legal consequences. Even if it is not adultery, your friend sleeping with your fiance is definitely a reason to reevaluate your relationship with both of them.
  • Question
    What should I do if one of my family members is getting married and I need to stop the wedding, but it's across the world?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You'll either have to travel to the wedding location, or get a message to your family member, by phone, text, e-mail, etc. Sending a message will obviously have less chance of success than the persuasive emphasis of your physical presence at the wedding. However, it may also be time to consider that it may not be up to you to decide who gets married to whom and why.
  • Question
    I accepted a marriage proposal because of my parents, but now I don't want to marry him. How can I stop this wedding?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    In most developed nations, a marriage is required to be based on the consent of both parties. If you do not consent, the marriage does not happen. However, there is a vast array of different cultural rules all over the world. Since you didn't specify which country you live in, it is impossible to list them all here. My advice would be to talk to your parents. Let them know that you don't want to marry and why. Do not forget, however, that you accepted this proposal, not they. Take responsibility for your actions, decide what you want, and do not stop until you reach your goals.
  • Question
    How I can stop my court marriage that I did last year? We are separated.
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Much depends on your local or federal legislation. Most Western countries have laws in place that provide for a period of annulment, in which you can cancel a marriage. This is usually, however, quite short, as in seven days. Certainly not a year. If you are separated, if you do not want to be married any longer, and if the marriage was legal, then the only thing to do is to get a divorce.
  • Question
    What should you do if you know that one of them is still married?
    Community Answer
    Contact legal help and tell the other person. It's illegal to hold a marriage license with multiple people, but you can still get married in a religious ceremony; it just won't be legally recognized.
  • Question
    How do I stop the wedding after an engagement if I don't like their family members?
    Community Answer
    Assuming you are not the bride or the groom, you can't, and shouldn't do anything to stop the wedding. Your feelings are irrelevant in the matter. If you are one of the individuals getting married, you should think long and hard about whether you want your dislike of your future in-laws to get in the way of your happiness with your partner.
  • Question
    How can I stop my own wedding without causing my fiancee to hate me? What are the legit excuses I can use?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Excuses exist to get out of having to go to work or a social event. Getting married is not something you do every day. If you agreed to do this but now have changed your mind, it's time to find the courage to be honest about your feelings. Don't think of excuses how to get out of it, stand up and say honestly why you do not want to go through with it.
  • Question
    My mother is attempting to date again, but I can't stand to see her with another man than my dad (they're divorcing). How can I prevent either of them from dating?
    Top Answerer
    As hard as this is to accept, you really can't prevent them from dating. You will get along much better with your parents if you don't argue with them about this and your home life will be more peaceful.
  • Question
    Why would someone want to stop a wedding?
    Community Answer
    There are lots of reasons! Maybe they're too young. Maybe one of them is cheating, or they just aren't right for each other. I'm a writer and I consulted this article for help with my story, so it's useful information.
  • Question
    How do you find out where a wedding is taking place?
    Community Answer
    Look in the newspaper for an announcement or on social media. You can also try to contact someone you know will be invited to the wedding.
  • Question
    How do I stop my mom and her boyfriend from getting married? I've tried to talk to them, and they said that my opinion didn't matter. I'm just 13.
    Community Answer
    You may not be able to stop them from getting married if it's what they really want to do. Start thinking about how you can learn to live with the new situation. It may not be as bad as you fear.
  • Question
    Is it legal for cousins to marry in Europe, or is this incest?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Yes, it is legal in all European (and most other) countries for cousins to marry. The general population has about 2-3% chance of giving birth to a child with congenital defects of such severity that they require medical care in the first year. When cousins marry, because of the familial ties, this rises to about 4%, so not a dramatic enough increase to legally forbid this. The definitions of incest and inbreeding are not black-and-white, so it's not fair to brand this love as 'unnatural', 'incestuous' or 'morally wrong'.
  • Question
    I don't want to get married, but she paid me already so she can have documents. How can I stop this without her and her family finding out?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    It sounds like this whole arrangement is illegal to begin with. You could try claiming to the authorities that the true nature of the transaction was unknown to you until after you've received payment, but you're likely on the hook for criminal charges anyway. If you just disappear, they will definitely find out, and might sue you regardless. If you give the money back, they'll also obviously know. Give her the money back, end things politely and hope you can avoid criminal charges.
  • Question
    My future wife's mother has threatened to stop the wedding by revealing something about me on the wedding day. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    If what she's planning to reveal is true, and I'm assuming it is since you're worried about this, you need to tell your future spouse about it ahead of time. They deserve to know, and it will be best coming from you. Tell your partner the truth, and tell them that their mother is blackmailing you.
  • Question
    How do I stop a wedding if I think one of the parties is not properly divorced?
    Community Answer
    You probably shouldn't get involved, unless you are extremely close to either the bride or groom. If the person is still legally married to a former partner, then the new marriage will not be legal anyway.
  • Question
    How can I get my spouse's family to leave after the wedding and not attend our reception?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Usually, organizers of an event will send out invitations. Included with the invitation, but printed on a separate card, will be an invitation to the reception. Then with an announcement you can let people know the next part of the day's events and who is invited. However, it seems extremely rude not to invite the spouse's family to the reception. And they might assume they are invited, even if they didn't get the separate card. So it would be best to politely let them know this beforehand to avoid anger at the moment itself.
  • Question
    How can I ruin a marriage?
    Top Answerer
    The real question is: Why do you want to? If you feel so vehemently opposed to a marriage, then it is likely you are in need of some deep soul searching as to what isn't going right in your own life. Whether it's because the love of your life is marrying someone else or you just plain think the person is making the wrong decision, you have to accept that two adult people have made up their own minds this is the right decision for now and you don't have a say in this. If you need to talk to them about any concerns, then do so, but put aside all thoughts of ruining the event. It won't hurt just them and you; it'll affect families and friends as well and you won't be looked upon kindly.
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    My poorly dad is marrying to his girl friend of 20 years. She has never wanted to get married before he became poorly, it's just for his money, what can I do, I have spoken to her but she twists what I say.
    Community Answer
    First up, 20 years? That's a long time, maybe this is genuine love and it is precisely the health issues that have precipitated the desire to be wed, as a means of confirming everlasting love. You do need to consider this is genuine and not a money-grab. Also, depending on where you are, the common law spouse will still get money anyway. However, if you still feel this isn't the case, then you need to find evidence for your dad. He may not believe it at first but if you have actual evidence, you could convince him with it. Or, if you are absolutely certain this is all about the money, you could confront her and give evidence for why you think she is being selfish and untruthful about this marriage. But you'd better have excellent evidence or you may end up hurting your dad.
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    How can I stop my 18 year old daughter from marrying a 79 year old controlling man?
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    Tell her your reasons for why you think that what she is doing a really bad idea, given her age and future prospects. Explain that to marry somebody who is is so much older than her is going to be very hard because she has yet to experience life as an adult and his worldviews and experiences are from so many decades ago that she may find his ways stifling, outdated and unpleasant. Also, try to explain the ways in which you perceive he is manipulative. But, she has made up her mind already, so all you can do is address your concerns in a caring, open and truthful way; you cannot force her to change her mind and do not yell, cajole or attempt to ostracize her, as these will only confirm her decision. Instead, let her know you're always there for her, no matter what happens.
  • Question
    Can I barge in to a room as the priests asks if there are any objections and yell "I OBJECT! STOP THE WEDDING!" I'm pretty sure the bride will swoon and then we'll get married instead. Is this true?
    Community Answer
    This is not a good idea. You will likely embarrass yourself and the couple. Life is not a romantic comedy she will probably not love you for this.
  • Question
    I have an irrational fear of weddings. How do I stop the wedding if I am afraid of going to the wedding? Should I stop the wedding remotely? This is extremely urgent.
    Community Answer
    Don't stop someone else's wedding just because you don't enjoy weddings. You can choose not to go to it, either tell them an excuse or be honest about your fear. If it is your own wedding and you are not ready for marriage, tell your partner you need to wait a bit before getting married.
  • Question
    I have an uncle and he is marrying a girl that is not so good with kids. Is there anything I can do?
    Community Answer
    Lots of people start out being "not so good with kids." Sometimes they learn to do it over time. If you're seriously concerned, discuss it privately with your uncle.
  • Question
    Why would people want to do this?
    Community Answer
    They might want to do this if the person is getting married to someone who isn't right for them. They might be a felon, do drugs, see other people, etc.
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