Q&A for How to Study

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    How can I teach myself to study?
    Jai Flicker
    Academic Tutor
    Jai Flicker is an Academic Tutor and the CEO and Founder of Lifeworks Learning Center, a San Francisco Bay Area-based business focused on providing tutoring, parental support, test preparation, college essay writing help, and psychoeducational evaluations to help students transform their attitude toward learning. Jai has over 20 years of experience in the education management industry. He holds a BA in Philosophy from the University of California, San Diego.
    Academic Tutor
    Expert Answer
    Use studying as a self-knowledge exercise to see what works and what doesn't. For example, a very common practice is creating flashcards. Some people jump to it and love the idea of flashcards as a practical study tool. Others resist flashcards and may prefer typing out or rereading their notes. It's all a lesson in what works for you.
  • Question
    Do you have any tips on memorizing every lesson?
    Community Answer
    Pay attention in class. Sit near the front and avoid getting distracted. Try to follow each lesson carefully, and learn in class. Take quick notes every class, and make sure that they are short and to the point. At the end of the class, read back over your notes to see if they all make sense, and try to memorise and learn them.
  • Question
    The article says to turn off all devices, but also to play background music. Which one should I do?
    Community Answer
    It depends on if you see the device as a distraction, or if music helps you concentrate. If music and the device will distract you, keep it off. If music helps you study, play it. You can also take small breaks to listen to music if you get stressed out by studying.
  • Question
    What are some tips for avoiding distractions while studying?
    Community Answer
    Put all electronics in one room away from your study area. Make the study area comfortable and peaceful. Have snacks to hand. Ensure that all the textbooks and notes are within reach. Turn off your phone so that you cannot hear it ringing or pinging. Take care that any view you have isn't causing you to stare out the window instead of concentrate.
  • Question
    How can I find a good place to study?
    Community Answer
    A desk in your bedroom is often a good place to study. Make sure that you have good lighting, a comfy chair and a bit of peace and quiet. Otherwise, the school library or local library is another good place to study, or if your school has 'after-school study' sessions sign up for those.
  • Question
    How can I get myself in the mood for studying?
    Community Answer
    Think about how happy your parents and teacher will be with you because of studying. Print inspirational quotes on paper and make them tiny like 4 by 4 perimeter then place them in you study book so when you reach that place read them and keep studying. You can also award yourself by giving yourself a piece of candy or five-minute break every time you memorize something properly.
  • Question
    What are some tips I can use to stop procrastinating and get to studying?
    Community Answer
    Find sources of motivation. Unless you don't feel the need or pressure to review the topic you learned that day itself, you will procrastinate. Always choose the best option. Sacrifice your sleep, peace and relaxation for two days and not perform well, or study little by little every day and relax on the last day and perform well. Which one will you choose?
  • Question
    How do I study for long hours?
    Community Answer
    Studying for long hours is not effective. Study no more than 45 minutes, and then take a small break for 5 - 10 minutes.
  • Question
    What should I do if I become sleepy when I sit at my study table?
    Community Answer
    Try changing your surroundings - go somewhere that is not so comfortable. Temperature can also play a big part in keeping you awake. If coldness makes you sleepy, study somewhere warm, and vice versa.
  • Question
    What is the best way to go over a large amount of notes in one day?
    Community Answer
    Split up your notes into relevant topics, or subheadings, to stop the amount you have to complete being so overwhelming. Turn off electronics and get rid of any distractions that will prevent you from working to your maximum potential. If you can, take short breaks between study sessions to relax and refresh.
  • Question
    How do I prevent myself from getting distracted by my cell phone?
    Community Answer
    You can put it on Do Not Disturb. Swipe up and press the moon button. Do Not Disturb silences texts and calls. If you go on social media, block it, then once you are done studying unblock it. Before studying, you can even turn off your phone entirely. Another option is to put your phone in a different room from where you're studying, or to go study at a library (or another quiet location) and leave your phone at home.
  • Question
    What is the use of making notes and studying?
    Community Answer
    The use of notes is so that you don't forget what the teacher said. Studying is so that you know the facts for the exam/quiz/test.
  • Question
    Should I take quick notes in my class?
    Community Answer
    You should write down whatever you think will be useful for you and your performance at school. If your teacher puts something on the board, it's probably important.
  • Question
    Is there a way I can make studying more interesting?
    Community Answer
    Check out fun apps such as Quizlet, where you can make flashcards, quizzes, memory games, and mini tests, all on your phone. It helps to take a break from the boring textbook and notes for a while. Use colourful pens and highlighters when you're studying. Draw little pictures or diagrams to help. Mindmaps can be really helpful, and make studying so much more interesting. Make sure to use lots of colour and pictures in mindmaps when you're doing them. See further: How to Have Fun While Studying .
  • Question
    What can I do if I feel like my teacher hates me?
    Community Answer
    Try to perform well in their class and be nice to them, but if you really feel like they have a personal problem with you, discuss the situation with your parents and/or a school guidance counselor.
  • Question
    If I don't have a study table, then where should I study?
    Community Answer
    You can always study at a local library. It's very quiet, has lots of resources, and computers in case you want to research a certain topic online.
  • Question
    How can I study if the topic is too hard for me to understand?
    Community Answer
    Start at the basics of the topic, then make easy remembering methods. Get help understanding the topics that are too hard, such as from a teacher or a tutor.
  • Question
    Are there special ways to study different subjects?
    Community Answer
    The same revision techniques apply to all subjects and they all work. Just try to figure out which method of studying (flash cards, mind maps etc) works for you.
  • Question
    What is the best food to get motivated to study?
    Community Answer
    You should eat fruits, vegetables, and other healthy snacks. Healthy foods improve your concentration and, unlike candy bars and other less healthy options, do not come with a crash later on. A bit of caffeine will also improve your concentration for a few hours. Green tea and black or lightly sweetened coffee are good options if you want to have some caffeine.
  • Question
    What if I have problems remembering things that I study?
    Community Answer
    Chewing the same flavor of gum while studying and taking the test can help you remember.
  • Question
    I have two younger siblings who are loud and always bother me, but I can't get to a library to study. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try using ear plugs or a white noise machine to block out their noise. Consider changing your study times for when your siblings are quieter or out of the house. Talk to your parents to see if they can talk to your siblings or help you find a quieter study spot.
  • Question
    How can I remember studying definitions?
    Community Answer
    You can make colorful flash cards, get your friends to quiz you on them, and you can get a reward (a sweet) every time you get an answer right.
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