Q&A for How to Study Witchcraft

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    My first spell worked, but with the others I've cast I didn't see the results. Why is that?
    Community Answer
    Some spells are easier for some and harder for others. Just keep practicing, and you'll succeed.
  • Question
    Is there a way to learn witchcraft without the books of spells?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You don´t have to make a book of spells. You could just keep a journal of things that seem important to you and check back on the journal when you need to refresh your memory on them.
  • Question
    Why do the things I say with extreme emotion come true?
    Community Answer
    A spell or ritual is simply putting your intention out there. In cases where you are having extreme emotions, you may not feel that way later, but for a moment you do. For example, if you were angry and shouted at someone, whatever you said would be an intention. The stronger the intention, the more likely your words will ring true. So if you are angry, you may accidentally put a curse on someone. I try to watch my words, especially when I'm feeling emotional.
  • Question
    How do I find the information?
    Community Answer
    Research, period. Folklore, mythology, natural sciences, history, anthropology, archaeology, psychology, mysticism, occult studies, alternative or minority religions and cultural practices, etc.
  • Question
    How do I know if I am a good witch or a bad witch?
    Community Answer
    The magick that you use will come to you naturally through your own body, most witches don't fall into good and bad but into some gray area. You should also remeber that the universe operates by the rule of duality so having a healthy mix of light and dark workings will be beneficial for both you and the order of the universe
  • Question
    How can I make my cheating spouse come back to me and be kind?
    Community Answer
    There is a spell you can try. You will need a pink candle, a mason jar, primroses, rosemary, basil, and a fire salt mix (salt mixed with black pepper, cinnamon, and chili pepper powder). Place the candle on a table and put the mason jar in front of it. First put in the fire salt, then place in the basil, then layer in the rosemary, and finally put the primroses in. Light the candle, and as it melts say: "My love please come back to me, without him/her we can be a happy couple for eternity. Treat me well and on him/her I won't dwell. Our romance will swell." Afterwards, visualize you and your spouse as a stronger and better couple than before until the candle melts. Use the wax to seal the jar and place it next to your bed.
  • Question
    How do I start learning witchcraft?
    Community Answer
    Learn as much as possible through any resource that you find, and be open to all opinions and views.
  • Question
    What are some activities attributed to witches?
    Community Answer
    Joining a coven, as well as celebrating the wheel of the year and celebrating the full moon. Simply casting a spell is witch-like.
  • Question
    How do I cast spells?
    Community Answer
    There are thousands of spells out there. You can make your own spells or if it seems difficult use a spell book.
  • Question
    How do I find spell books to study witchcraft?
    Community Answer
    If you don't have a decent occult store nearby, you can go to a local library or search online.
  • Question
    How do I make a pet unicorn? Can kids do witchcraft?
    Community Answer
    Unicorns are not simple pets. They are ancient beings and should be honored as such. Most witches believe unicorns can only embody an energy form (they can only be spirits). As for kids doing witchcraft, I sure did. Witchcraft is simply a practice of putting your intentions out there with lots of symbolism.
  • Question
    How do I learn how to do spells?
    Community Answer
    Try reading books from the library or spell books you can buy online. Read a few spell books and practice at least four to five times a week on the spell you want to learn until you get it. Try to start with simple spells, and don't try anything too big if you are just starting.
  • Question
    What is one simple spell for an 11-year-old?
    Community Answer
    Burn a candle and light a piece of paper on fire, then let the paper turn to ashes as you repeatedly kiss the floor or a picture of someone. This will make your bond stronger.
  • Question
    Can I become a witch if I believe in Jesus?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can! I believe in Christ and I am a good witch. I have done as much good as I can with my practices. Just remember to use your witchcraft for good.
  • Question
    How do I cast a spell to be cool and stop being a nerd?
    Community Answer
    Just be yourself. You do not need a spell to do that. Try to act with a little more confidence. Say hi to people in the hall or on the street. Give a high five! Be nice and friendly to everyone and people will think you are cool.
  • Question
    Do I have to have magic relatives to be a witch? Can males be witches?
    Community Answer
    You do not have to have magic relatives to be a witch, and yes, men can be witches.
  • Question
    I want to learn black magic. What do I do first?
    Community Answer
    You could check out the Wikihow article on how to do black magic .
  • Question
    What are some good books for beginners wanting to learn more about witchcraft?
    Community Answer
    "Witchcraft on a Shoestring" by Deborah Blake, "Everyday Witchcraft A to Z Spell Book" by Deborah Blake, "Supermarket Magic" by Michael Furie, "Spellcasting for Beginners" by Michael Furie, "Magical Housekeeping" by Tess Whitehurst, "The Idiots Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft" by Miria Liguana & Katherine A. Gleason, "The Idiots Guide to Spellcraft" by Cathy Jewell and Aurora Greenbough, "Earth Power" by Scott Cunningham, "Earth Air, Fire & Water Magic" by Scott Cunningham. These books are truly helpful to anyone learning about the craft and are invaluable resources to beginning witches starting out on their paths.
  • Question
    Are there spells in different languages?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there are probably spells written in every language that is spoken in the world.
  • Question
    Does anyone have any suggestions for websites?
    Community Answer
    Wiccadaily.com, wicca-chat.com and wicca-spirituality.com are my favorites. Lots of information about all sort of witchy and Wiccan stuff. Also, try Tumblr. I'd recommend checking out sigilathenaeum's blog (if you're interested in sigils) as well.
  • Question
    I'm new to witchcraft, how can I remember all the holidays and their significance?
    Community Answer
    Write it all down! You can make a Grimoire, which is a witch's spell book, and keep all the information you want to remember in there, then just study it regularly.
  • Question
    I'm 11 and want to start using witchcraft as a way to help people. I tried reading a book about it, but I'm having a hard time understanding some of it. How can I study this better?
    Community Answer
    Try to start with simple things, such as little banishing spells, or reading about the history of witchcraft. Just go step by step and don't rush.
  • Question
    How can I find out if my spell is incorrect?
    Community Answer
    if you think a spell may be incorrect, re do it, and practice it more often. You will only know for sure if it doesn't work.
  • Question
    Can a witch learn to do things with their mind and affect reality, or is witchcraft more of a symbolic thing?
    Community Answer
    Spells can affect reality. It won't be like magic in Harry Potter or Supernatural or Sabrina, it'll be subtle. When you first start, try to do a spell with results that you can count or see or feel, like a confidence spell or a wealth spell. Many spells have incantations said with them, which offer symbolism and all that good stuff, but feel free to change it if you think it makes more sense to you. After all, the magic comes from you, not the spell itself.
  • Question
    Can I learn witchcraft without becoming a Wiccan?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Wicca is a religion while witchcraft is a lifestyle.
  • Question
    How do I make a love spell without tools or candles?
    Community Answer
    The only things you need are intent, will, and belief. A chant is a good place to start if you're a beginner in the craft.
  • Question
    How do I find a coven?
    Community Answer
    If you have a close group of friends, you could try to open them up to this idea, but do not ever force them to be a part of a coven if they're not interested. You can also just go online and search on group chats dedicated to people who are interested in the art of witchcraft.
  • Question
    How do I protect my family/friends without having to make a potion?
    Sirona H.
    Community Answer
    There are many ways to do this. You can carve protection symbols, or you can charm a necklace or another item that they'd wear most of the time with a protection charm. The possibilities are almost endless!
  • Question
    I don't know even a little bit about this. How can I start?
    Community Answer
    You can start by researching the references cited in the References section below. Once you do your research, the rest is up to you.
  • Question
    Does anyone know a spell that puts a curse on someone that's not too strong but helps get revenge? This person did me very wrong.
    Community Answer
    Witchcraft should not be used for harm. If you really want revenge, bless everyone around them (but not them).
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