Q&A for How to Survive a Shark Attack

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    How would it help to stay still? If the shark thinks I am dead, it will attack anyway, won't it?
    Community Answer
    It is erratic movement, such as swimming, that is a bad idea. Floating as if you were dead in the water is not a good idea either - the shark may still do a "trial bite" to determine whether or not you're food. The best thing to do is stay calm and hover in the water. Swimming will alert the shark because they have a sensor along their body that detects panicked movement. If you stay calm, the shark may be uninterested.
  • Question
    What if I scream at the shark? Will it do anything?
    Community Answer
    Screaming at the shark will have absolutely no effect, except perhaps annoying and angering the shark.
  • Question
    What do you do if the shark's mouth opens when you are planning to strike the eyes or gills?
    Community Answer
    If the shark manages to grab your arm as you intend to strike, use your other hand to punch the other side. Generally, most sharks' reaction times aren't so fast they can see you swinging and open their mouths first, but if they're already coming at you with an open mouth and you can't avoid them, try aiming with the other hand.
  • Question
    Do you get back in the water if you're not attacked, after a shark attack has happened?
    Community Answer
    After a shark attack, then it's not safe, as there is likely a decent food source that attracted that shark, and probably more sharks, to the area. Which means the sharks are still there. So no, until the relevant authorities declare that it is safe, you do not get back in the water, even if you weren't attacked.
  • Question
    Why don't we just get rid of all sharks so that we don't have to worry about attacks?
    Community Answer
    For one thing, sharks are the apex predators of the oceans - they help keep other marine life in healthy balance and regulate the oceans. Additionally, it would be cruel to eliminate a whole species simply because they're inconvenient for us. Sharks live in water because it's the only way they can live; humans only go in there for fun. We are the ones invading their territory - doing that to any species, or even fellow humans, is always risky.
  • Question
    What is their greatest weak point: eyes, nose, or gills? I like to have a singular focus when defending myself from apex predators.
    Community Answer
    Though nose and gills are sensitive, they are most protective of their eyes.
  • Question
    What happens if I lose sight of the shark?
    Community Answer
    Start swimming to safety while keeping an eye out around you for the shark. As the article says, sometimes sharks will swim away for awhile, but they will come back, so you can use that time to try and get to a safe area on land or a boat.
  • Question
    Should you look into the shark's eyes?
    Community Answer
    The shark won't notice the difference. Eye contact is neither aggressive nor non-aggressive in sharks. In other words: they won't care less. Body language is more important to a shark.
  • Question
    Can a shark strike a specific target more than once?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely. In fact, this is the normal way they eat. Swim in, take a bite while thrashing its head side to side, and swim off to swallow. Swim around and repeat.
  • Question
    At what time of the day are sharks more likely to appear?
    Community Answer
    Sharks tend to come out during dawn and dusk, so avoid swimming early in the morning (5-6 AM) or late at night to avoid sharks.
  • Question
    What technique should I use when punching the shark, can I use an uppercut?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't matter really. The best thing to do is to hit and hurt the shark so it stops its attack. So yes, you can use an uppercut if you feel that is one of your most powerful punches.
  • Question
    Where is the most deadly part of your body that a shark can bite you?
    Community Answer
    Your head. Imagine getting your arm bitten off, you may or may not survive, now imagine your head getting bitten off, you would definitely die. Now, swim on and be safe in the water.
  • Question
    How do you aid a friend if they have been bitten?
    Community Answer
    Call for help, and try your best to prevent bleeding as much as possible.
  • Question
    Since water slows down movement, how hard would I need to hit a shark to make it go away?
    Alexis Rojano
    Community Answer
    If you're in shallow enough water, then the force is the same. However, if you are too far from shore, it would actually be better to use your feet to kick the shark as you could probably get more power from your legs in the water.
  • Question
    Does this work on all sharks of all sizes?
    Community Answer
    Whether or not this "works" is a matter of conjecture because a shark attack is a serious matter. The majority of sharks will leave human beings alone, whatever their size. The majority of shark attacks occur because people put themselves into a situation where this can happen, knowing full well that the ocean is not a human domain. In short, if you are attacked and you happened to read this article and learn it beforehand, try the methods suggested if you're able to rationalize while panicking and fighting for your life. Otherwise, rely on your fighting instincts for survival as best you can.
  • Question
    How close to shore can a shark get?
    Community Answer
    It depends how deep the water is. If they swim into water that's too shallow, they may get beached. Otherwise, they can swim as close to shore as the water depth permits.
  • Question
    Would this work on a great white shark?
    Alexis Rojano
    Community Answer
    Most of the time, yes. A great white shark's nose would be the most preferred place to strike, though.
  • Question
    Can I kick the shark or will it bite my foot off?
    Community Answer
    It depends on where you kick it. I recommend kicking it near the front of the body by the gills or nose. In that case, there's a good chance it will leave you alone.
  • Question
    What if the shark pulls me under and I can barely swim and can't breathe?
    Sierra Stedman
    Community Answer
    Try to strike the shark in one of its sensitive areas to make it let go of you. Then swim to the surface, keeping an eye out just in case it comes back. Get to shore and get help immediately.
  • Question
    How do I see a shark if it's under the water?
    Community Answer
    You may feel it brush across your legs, or see a fin in the water. If you have goggles on, you may be able to see it with your head underneath the water, but it would depend on how clear the water is. (Some beaches have water so clear that you'd be able to just look straight down and see one.)
  • Question
    Do sharks treat humans as prey?
    Community Answer
    Most sharks have no interest in eating humans, but there are a few species that are large enough and will eat humans if they are very hungry or smell blood in the water.
  • Question
    If some other people are near you, what do you do?
    Community Answer
    If the shark is coming towards you or one of the other people, try to fight it off. Shout to the other people to get out of the water. Try to get out of the water as soon as you can.
  • Question
    Do I have to see what kind of shark it is?
    Community Answer
    No, this works for any shark that's trying to attack you. But it could be important to know what kind of shark attacked you so you can report it to the authorities, so try to find out if you can (but don't jeopardize your safety to do so). Not all sharks are a threat to humans, so don't hit a shark without being attacked.
  • Question
    Why can't I swim away if I see a shark?
    Community Answer
    If you swim away, you will draw attention to yourself and the shark will think you are fleeing prey (which you are).
  • Question
    Should I bring goggles to the beach for safety so I can see underwater?
    Community Answer
    You can, but depending on the beach you visit, the water may be too cloudy for you to see anything.
  • Question
    What happens if you are far from shore and in the middle of nowhere?
    Community Answer
    Try to find a way to get to the shore as soon as possible or get the attention of a nearby boat. Maybe you can find a rock that is over the tide.
  • Question
    Should I follow this advice for all sharks, even if they don't eat meat?
    Magdalen Ketchum
    Community Answer
    The only sharks that don't eat meat are whale sharks and basking sharks. You'll likely never encounter one of these.
  • Question
    Will a shark just swim up to you and swallow you, like in the movie "Jaws"?
    Community Answer
    No, most sharks are nowhere near large enough. Most will try to take a bite of you.
  • Question
    Will the shark attack when I am in a shark cage?
    Community Answer
    It could; that's why the cage would be there, to protect you.
  • Question
    How do I hit a shark while underwater?
    Community Answer
    You can use the same techniques to hit something underwater as you would on land. Your punch might be a little less forceful due to the water resistance, but you don't necessarily need a strong punch to get rid of a shark.
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