Q&A for How to Survive the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

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    How do I maintain my sanity around people I hate?
    Community Answer
    Ignore the people you do not like. Don't pay close attention to them as this will just annoy you further.
  • Question
    Is the IB DP course really as tough as people make it sound?
    Community Answer
    Yes, the course is very demanding and will require lots of hard work and determination.
  • Question
    How much harder are IB classes than AP or regular classes?
    Community Answer
    IB classes are generally considered much more difficult than regular classes, and somewhat more difficult than AP classes. However, for many people, the issue isn't an increase in difficulty, but rather an increase in how time-consuming their work is.
  • Question
    Is there a website I can go to to see the likely questions that will be on the diploma test?
    Community Answer
    Past papers are your best bet in terms of those. They can be found on the IB website, or in any of the IB prep books found in bookstores.
  • Question
    How can I stop feeling depressed and suicidal because of the IB?
    Community Answer
    One way is telling yourself that test scores do not define who you are as a person. If a program like this one makes you feel this way, take a deep breath, and make a list of things you are thankful for in life. Leaving the program if you need to isn't a bad idea. 100% of the time, your health is always the most important thing for you.
  • Question
    Can my school kick me out of the pre-IB program?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your school policy. If they do kick you out, chances are your teachers think that your learning style would not suit the IB, and it probably has nothing to do with your ability. Getting kicked out of pre-IB is better than finding yourself in a mess mid-IB.
  • Question
    How do I survive CAS and CAS reflections?
    Community Answer
    Do things you enjoy regularly and write reflections often, it's so much easier than doing them all at the end! Pretty much anything can count as CAS, so get into the habit of writing things down.
  • Question
    Are ToK essay topics provided or do I have to come up with them myself?
    Community Answer
    The IBO publishes a set of titles, or topics, every year from which you choose one.
  • Question
    Can you explain what ToK is?
    Community Answer
    ToK stands for Theory of Knowledge. It is basically a philosophy class where you learn about how we know and what we know. It covers "the nature of knowledge" as we know it and basically how we know/learn things in real life.
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    How do I pass the entrance exam? What extra practice do I need to do?
    Community Answer
    It depends what exam you are taking. Just relax, and don't freak out when you get there. Know in advance what you're going to do and refresh your memory of the subject(s). If you think you'll need extra help on what the exam focuses on, ask somebody for it. And remember, if you don't get in, it doesn't mean you're not smart (IB programs have a lot of applicants and they can only take so many) and getting into IB is not the greatest thing in the world. You can still succeed in a regular public education.
  • Question
    Would it be useful to take notes in the IB program?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You'll definitely want notes you can review for tests and assignments. Plus you'll need to do even more reviewing at the end of the year. Past papers and notes are key!
  • Question
    I need to move to a new residence, but my daughter is in her first year in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. What will happen is she needs to change schools?
    Community Answer
    The IB curriculum is universal. Therefore, it doesn't matter where you go, just make sure your daughter gets to continue in a school that offers IB and all the subjects + VAS she does.
  • Question
    My IB coordinator is the most discouraging guy I've ever met. How do I survive his destructive comments? How do I keep myself motivated?
    Community Answer
    I had the same issue, but the thing to keep in mind is that it is not the coordinator who is supposed to keep you motivated, just you. Coordinators are there to help you, but in cases like this, you just need to keep your head up and maybe look for some other teacher for advice for our issues. The only thing that matters at the end of the day is that you do the best you can and don't let anyone discourage you.
  • Question
    How does the grading work on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme?
    Community Answer
    About 75% of your diploma grade is taken from your final exams, whereas the rest is taken from your IA (or in the case of languages, WT, IOC, FOA, etc.). Everything you do in class in the meantime is there to help you score good marks on the final and IA's, so use it as much as you can.
  • Question
    Is all the stress worth it? I am in the IB and I can't stop crying, and stop feeling miserable because of how much I hate it.
    Community Answer
    If it's very harmful to your mental health, you can consider leaving the program. However, make sure to consider it rationally, after talking with your parents and advisors. Remember, your health is so much more important.
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