Q&A for How to Take Care of a Praying Mantis

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    Does a praying mantis need water?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Yes, but you don’t need to give it a water dish. Just lightly mist the sides of the tank with water once a day so that it can drink from the droplets.
  • Question
    Can a praying mantis recognize humans?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    It’s hard to say whether a mantis can recognize individual humans. They have excellent eyesight and will watch you closely. They are also unlikely to be aggressive toward humans (in other words, they don’t tend to mistake your fingers for food), so you can let them walk on your hand or perch on your shoulder without fear.
  • Question
    How long can a praying mantis live?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Larger species can live for 4-6 months, while smaller varieties may only live for 4-8 weeks. Females typically live longer than the males.
  • Question
    How do I get one from the wild and how do I handle it?
    Community Answer
    To obtain one from the wild, check in large bushes or anywhere cockroaches, butterflies, and other small insects may be. Look very carefully as they are great at camouflage. I found mine on a hummingbird feeder. In order to handle it, slowly and steadily place your hand (palm up) in front of the mantis. It may take a couple of minutes, but once the mantis deems you aren't a threat, it will slowly crawl into your hand. I have heard some mantises enjoy when you slowly stroke their abdomen.
  • Question
    Do praying mantises eat spiders?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but make sure that the spider is much smaller than the mantis. If the spider is bigger, it might eat the mantis instead.
  • Question
    My praying mantis has not eaten for three days. I am in California, it is winter. I got her three days ago, one of her legs will not move. I found her on the ground, almost dead. She is almost recovered. What else can I do?
    Community Answer
    Leave it until she is fully recovered. Handling it or feeding it may result in injury. She'll eat and move when ready, just keep caring for her.
  • Question
    Should I give water to a baby mantis daily?
    Community Answer
    Just spray the sides of the cage with a spray bottle when you see the cage has dried out.
  • Question
    How often do I feed my mantis? Or how many insects do I feed it over the 24 hours?
    Community Answer
    You should feed it things like flies or potato bugs three times a day. If you see that your praying mantis starts crawling around its cage quickly, its a good time to feed it.
  • Question
    How many mantises are there in one egg case?
    Community Answer
    The amount in the egg sac can range from 100-200. It all depends on what kind of praying mantis you have.
  • Question
    I have an egg sack. Can I keep it in a jar in the house?
    Community Answer
    Yes, just keep a close eye on it, and make sure to have room for the baby mantises when they hatch.
  • Question
    What do the eggs look like?
    Community Answer
    They are usually in a grayish sack attached to a twig. The sack has a ridge along the top. They will house 60-400 nymphs, depending on your species.
  • Question
    Is it okay to keep 4 females and 1 male in one home?
    Community Answer
    Nope, they will eat each other, unless it is a communal species (like violin mantis).
  • Question
    We found a mantis missing a front limb. Can it survive in the wild?
    Community Answer
    No. They need both front limbs to hunt. If they can't hunt, they can't survive.
  • Question
    I'm getting a juvenile, are they big enough to eat crickets?
    Kaitlin Dean
    Community Answer
    As long as the crickets are smaller than the mantis, you should be okay. I would suggest you get the small crickets from the pet store.
  • Question
    Is it rare for a female praying mantis not to eat the male when it is breeding?
    Community Answer
    In the wild it happens under 30 percent of the time, but it is more common in simulated environments.
  • Question
    What should I do with a wild one?
    Community Answer
    If you want to keep it, help it make the transition slowly by creating a nice enclosed environment for him. Be sure it has enough air and lots of leaves, twigs and grass to eat and climb upon.
  • Question
    How big are baby praying mantises?
    Community Answer
    This depends on how long you have had them. When they are first born, they are 1/8 inch.
  • Question
    Can small mantises eat small ants?
    Community Answer
    I can tell you that my Mantua has eaten ants, the smaller ones. I was concerned, just as the author indicated, that a larger ant might actually eat the mantis. Ours is fairly small.
  • Question
    How big does the cage need to be?
    Community Answer
    The general rule of thumb is that the cage needs to be at least 3 times its size from top to bottom (so it has room to molt), by 2 times its size in width. The height is most important. Really a 32 oz cup or jar should do the trick for a mantis of any age.
  • Question
    There is an egg sac on my back porch table. Can I scrap it off or remove it safely to bring inside?
    Elijah Gunn
    Community Answer
    It might not be a mantis sac. There is a good chance it is a spider sac so do some research to be sure.
  • Question
    Your article didn't clarify HOW to get a mantis to be friendly with another (for breeding). I don't want them to eat each other, so how can I do this?
    Community Answer
    This is kind of tricky. If you simply plop a male in with a female, chances are he will make an attempt to breed. There are no real ways to make mantises aware and kind to each other, but if you feed the female a lot right before breeding, it will reduce the chance of the male being eaten.
  • Question
    How many mantises are born from one egg?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what you are talking about. If it is an individual egg, only one mantis will hatch from it. But if it is an egg sac (ootheca), it will contain approximately 100 to 200 eggs.
  • Question
    How do I feed them flying insects?
    Community Answer
    Hold the insect in front of them with tweezers so that it can't fly away and the mantis can catch it easily.
  • Question
    I gave my praying mantis a cricket. After eating it, her abdomen became really big. Is this dangerous for her?
    Community Answer
    Most likely your praying mantis just stuffed herself. I would hold off on any more food until her abdomen returns to its normal size though.
  • Question
    What do you feed baby mantises?
    Community Answer
    I usually feed mine fruit flies, micro crickets, and gnats. All of the above will work.
  • Question
    How long can a mantis go without eating or drinking?
    Community Answer
    A mantis could go about 2 weeks without food, but it shouldn't, so feed it at least every two days.
  • Question
    At what point do they start to eat each other, and how do I avoid it?
    Community Answer
    Keep the mantises together until around their second molt. You will never be able to fully prevent cannibalism, but if you constantly have a good supply of food in the enclosure, it will help the risk go down.
  • Question
    How much sunlight does a mantis need? What kind of nutrients/fertilizer does it need?
    Umaroth TheDragon
    Community Answer
    A mantis usually needs about 5-8 hours of sunlight. It is appropriate to darken its habitat at night. It will get all the nutrients it needs from its food. It does not require fertilizer.
  • Question
    What can I do if my praying mantis has not been eating for three days and is very weak?
    Community Answer
    Bring it to an exotic vet.
  • Question
    can I feed it spinach and other veggies, like carrots?
    Community Answer
    Praying mantises eat insects. They need insects such as flightless fruit files, maggots, mealworms, green flies, dubia roaches, crickets and locusts. These can be found at most pet shops and online suppliers. Don't feed them anything else.
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