Q&A for How to Take Care of an Aquatic Snail

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  • Question
    How do I acclimate aquatic snails to a new tank?
    Ken Colby
    Saltwater Aquarist
    Ken Colby is a Saltwater Aquarist and the Owner of High Tide Aquatics based in Oakland, California. With over 30 years of experience, Ken is the only local fish store owner in the United States that is certified by Humble Fish, the marine disease expert forum, as a Quarantined Fish Vendor. Ken creates in-person and online educational programming in partnership with other marine science and biology professionals. He also launched High Tide Aquatics’ YouTube channel in 2023, sharing recordings of events he’s hosted as well as "how-to" videos covering everything from coral fragging to kalkwasser dosing. He's been a member of the Bay Area Reefers club for over 19 years.
    Saltwater Aquarist
    Expert Answer
    Acclimating aquatic snails to a new tank involves a water transfer method similar to that used for fish. If the snails arrive in bags, start by removing about half of the water and replacing it with display tank water every 10 minutes, repeating this process three or four times. This gradual transition helps the snails adjust to the new tank conditions. Once in the tank, ensure there are no predatory fish that may harm them. If the tank has algae on the rocks, the snails can feed on it as a natural food source. In the absence of algae, consider providing supplemental feed to sustain the snails.
  • Question
    What's the best aquatic snail species for algae control?
    Ken Colby
    Saltwater Aquarist
    Ken Colby is a Saltwater Aquarist and the Owner of High Tide Aquatics based in Oakland, California. With over 30 years of experience, Ken is the only local fish store owner in the United States that is certified by Humble Fish, the marine disease expert forum, as a Quarantined Fish Vendor. Ken creates in-person and online educational programming in partnership with other marine science and biology professionals. He also launched High Tide Aquatics’ YouTube channel in 2023, sharing recordings of events he’s hosted as well as "how-to" videos covering everything from coral fragging to kalkwasser dosing. He's been a member of the Bay Area Reefers club for over 19 years.
    Saltwater Aquarist
    Expert Answer
    For effective algae control in aquariums, consider employing tropic snails, as they excel at managing algae growth. Another excellent option is turbo snails, known for their proficient algae-cleaning capabilities. These snail varieties can be vital in maintaining a balanced and algae-free aquatic environment.
  • Question
    My mystery snail is floating. Is it dead? Should I be worried?
    Community Answer
    Some snails end up floating to the surface simply because air bubbles get trapped in their shells. This will work itself out eventually on its own if you're patient.
  • Question
    If a snail escapes an aquarium, how long before it dries up and die?
    Community Answer
    Around 1-2 weeks.
  • Question
    Can I pick up and hold the snail? Can I let it crawl around on me, or will it bite?
    Community Answer
    Sure, you can let it crawl on my hand for a bit, it won't bite at all.
  • Question
    What do water snails do?
    Community Answer
    Aquatic snails eat algae and plant matter. Some snails can also help keep fish tanks clean.
  • Question
    How can I pick up a snail that is hanging on the wall of the tank?
    Community Answer
    Take the snail by the shell, and gently move/wiggle it around until it lets go. Do not pull the snail off the wall. If you do that, you could harm it.
  • Question
    My snail is barely moving and staying on the bottom of the fish tank. Is he sick? What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Water snails sometimes hibernate so don't worry, maybe it will take a few weeks or even months to awaken again. However, if it's a land snail, spray it with water and if it doesn't move after a few days, it's dead.
  • Question
    I have four baby mystery snails, but two of them haven't moved in about a week. How do I know the snail is dead?
    Community Answer
    If it hangs limply out of its shell, it is dead.
  • Question
    How often should I change water in my small tank with only one freshwater snail?
    Community Answer
    The tank should be cleaned and the water changed once a week.
  • Question
    How often do mystery snails need to eat? I heard they need a source of calcium for their shells - is this true?
    Community Answer
    Mystery snails need to eat as much as they can consume in 1 to 3 minutes, twice daily. They do need calcium for healthy shells. You can give them a calcium supplement or simply use hard water so that their calcium needs are met.
  • Question
    How many sea snails can be in a tank at once? I have about 20 of them, and I was wondering if they can be in a tank together.
    Community Answer
    It depends on the size of your tank. Do not exceed 20 snails per gallon of water.
  • Question
    Can I leave my snails in the tank when changing the water?
    Community Answer
    Yes. I did it quite frequently. Some snails are more sensitive though, so double check how hardy your snails are. Malaysian trumpets are so hardy that they can survive out of water for 3 days or so, survive in freezing cold water for a week, boiling water for a good few hours, and can even survive a bleach bath.
  • Question
    Can I put a tree limb in the tank for them to climb on?
    Lucy Thurgood
    Top Answerer
    Yes, but make sure you boil it first if you collect it from your backyard.
  • Question
    Is a filtration system needed for a snail tank?
    Community Answer
    A filtration system is optional for snails. If you don't have a filtration system, you should change out about 20% of the tank water every 4-5 days. When you change the water, make sure you are using water treated with non-copper based aquarium conditioner or a similar product.This has worked successfully for stream snails.
  • Question
    I have some very small snails and I can't find them within the tank. Should I be worried?
    Community Answer
    Your snails should be visible in the water. Some snails are able to climb out of tanks that don't have a lid. It's possible your snails escaped from the tank.
  • Question
    Do snails leave their shell?
    Lucy Thurgood
    Top Answerer
    No, you're thinking of hermit crabs.
  • Question
    Can I keep snails with bettas, but have plastic plants?
    Lucy Thurgood
    Top Answerer
  • Question
    What food do you reccomend for apple snails?
    Community Answer
    Calcium block, courgette, pepper, shrimp, pleco tablets.
  • Question
    I just bought 8 snails: 4 tiger and 4 zebra snails. I have no live plants except mass balls. How much algae should I feed?
    Community Answer
    Two to three algae wafers per day. Also, they will eat algae that's in the tank.
  • Question
    Why did my snail's shell start breaking apart?
    Community Answer
    Snails shells start breaking apart because there is not enough calcium in the water. Try adding cuttlebone or eggshells for more calcium.
  • Question
    I have got my snail from the pet store and it has not moved, should I be worried?
    Top Answerer
    It is probably getting used to its environment, as it has just been moved to an entirely new place. It will slowly move out of its shell, but if it doesn't in a few days, pick it up and smell it. Yes, that is odd, but a dead snail will smell horrible. Don't continually poke or bother the snail, though.
  • Question
    Do snails outgrow their shells?
    Community Answer
    No. Unlike hermit crabs, snail shells grow right along with the snails.
  • Question
    Can I put the snails in tap water? I need to keep them inside a temporary holding place for two days.
    Community Answer
    Not unless you dechlorinate it first: How to Dechlorinate Water
  • Question
    I found a big snail in a lake. This is day 2 with the snail, and it already has two babies. What kind of snail is it? It has a shell that kind of looks like ice cream, but it is just a solid brown.
    Community Answer
    That snail is most likely a pond snail. They are considered pests, and might take over your aquarium.
  • Question
    Is aquarium salt good for snails?
    Community Answer
    Not for freshwater snails, no. However, saltwater snails will require aquarium salt properly mixed into the water.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my snail is male or female?
    Community Answer
    Snails are generally hermaphrodites, meaning they can function as males or females.
  • Question
    Do they live in saltwater or freshwater?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the type of snail you purchase. Talk to a qualified expert at the pet store where you intend to purchase your snails.
  • Question
    Will using a fin rot treatment containing 2-Phenoxyethanol 5.66 o/o kill or harm my snails?
    Community Answer
    It's best to talk to an aquarium and fish expert on a topic like this. Visit your local pet store and ask someone with a specialization in fish and aquatic management.
  • Question
    How do I get calcium in their diet?
    Community Answer
    Fish shops do sell calcium blocks. If it's a snail-only tank, add one. if there are other greedy piggies in with them, add two. They also need some nice veggies.
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