Q&A for How to Talk to God Through Prayer

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    If I pray to Jesus and God about nobody being cruel and loving everyone, will this prayer work?
    Community Answer
    It may. Remember, He hears all prayers. However, sometimes the answer is no. Sometimes you need to take the first step and He will help you on your way.
  • Question
    Could I pray for something like getting a boyfriend or ask what my true talent is or what my meaning in life is?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can pray for whatever you want.
  • Question
    Is it possible to pray for things, like wings, horns, etc.?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is. However, God is like a parent, he only gives things if he knows that it's best for you.
  • Question
    When I pray about something, will it come fast?
    Community Answer
    No. Sometimes it takes weeks or even years for a prayer to be answered. There are times when the answer will come in the next five minutes. You can't predict when a prayer will be answered.
  • Question
    How can I be fully sure I'm one of few that will be saved? How can I be sure that Jesus will accept me on the day of judgment?
    Community Answer
    You just have to be connected and committed to God. Jesus said, "All who believe in me shall be saved for I am the way, the truth, and the light."
  • Question
    Did Paul have children?
    Community Answer
    The Bible does not specify whether he had children, but it is likely he was not married. Paul declared he had the gift of celibacy in 1 Corinthians 7:1-7.
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    Will God forgive me if I make a mistake during my prayers?
    Community Answer
    Of course! God is loving and knows what is in your heart. If you were perfect, you wouldn't need God.
  • Question
    If I continue to pray and ask God to allow his will to be done in my life on Earth as it is in heaven, is it certain that His will will be done?
    Community Answer
    God's will will always be done, however, He will never take away our free will. "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God," Ephesians 2:8.
  • Question
    How can I get the Holy Spirit without baptism?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, you cannot partake in God's graces without baptism. You will be happier, more fulfilled, and you will have a greater understanding of and belief in God if you are baptized. Plus, you get all your sins, including original sin, wiped away, and you will be pure in God's eyes.
  • Question
    Would God forgive me if I turn from the truth and later realize my mistakes?
    Community Answer
    Yes, if you realize, regret and try never to disobey God by sinning, He will forgive you. The truth in your actions and your general acceptance of God's word in being good and righteous brings about your forgiveness.
  • Question
    Does God love me no matter what sin I committed?
    Community Answer
    God is a just God who detests evil. If you disobey Him and take His love for granted by committing sins, it is obviously not acceptable humanly conduct.
  • Question
    Will God still accept me for my actions?
    Community Answer
    God accepts those who do good actions. Those who sin but regret doing it and make their best effort never to sin again and try their best to do good are accepted by God, per His judgement.
  • Question
    Could God get me to safety when I really need it? Can He accept my mistakes of doing sins? Will He answer more faster if I really really need it?
    Community Answer
    Hopefully, He will. He is a sinless God. He lives in Heaven and loves His creation. But sinning encourages evil and hatred. So, I doubt He will accept your mistakes. His answers are subject to His law. You can follow it and thank Him if He answers faster.
  • Question
    Have prayed and cried to God to help me and send my destiny helper to me because I am really going through pains and am not happy. I am tired and confused, have prayed still the problems remain the same.
    Community Answer
    Do something that comes to your mind. Don't wait around for help. Because He may want you to move under your own steam. Have faith and look at what you can do. Have it done your way. God will guide and strengthen you someway.
  • Question
    I am a Christian and I have been looking for a Christian church, but with a lot of ministries not truly following the will of God, it has made me stay away from going to church to worship Jesus.
    Community Answer
    You don't have to look at it the negative way by making observations and abandoning church by not softening your heart and doing anything about it. If you can, think of polite ways you could introduce God's will in the church duties. Do so as a way of example and be a spiritual leader. What good does a lamp do being under a table? And what good does your observation do without any concrete plan? It isn't easy however, so this is where you can be spiritual and spend your time really toiling in the name of God.
  • Question
    Why are my prayers not being abswered?
    Community Answer
    It has to be what should be based on all aspects and your willingness. Do not question. Work for it to happen and how you will cherish what is done.
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    How can I know if or when God is speaking to me?
    Community Answer
    You know because only you hear the voice. If it is only you, then the voice is saying something specifically to you. Ask God to speak with you. Listen and reply positively to whatever you hear in your head. It will come when God desires and you accept.
  • Question
    What if I haven’t read the Bible because I don’t understand it, is God still with me? Does God know I love Him? What if I don’t go to Church a lot? Is God still with me? Can I still talk to God?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Of course. The Bible is very long, and it truly helps Christians stay close to God, but it isn't mandatory to read the entire Bible. God will always love you and be with you, and He knows that you love Him as well. You don't have to go to church often if you're too busy, but try to go to Church as often as you can. You can always talk to God at any time. He loves you very much.
  • Question
    How do I pray for a prophecy and can it come to pass?
    Community Answer
    A prophesy of God mentioned in the Bible "will" come to pass. Because God has promised it. No one knows when because God's time is not exactly given to any one. He will do as He plans. We are given an outline so we live well. If that prophesy has a great significance in your life, pray in your own words. Say how it affects you and be willing to see events unfold in God's time and manner.
  • Question
    Will God answer my Prayers if I'm desperate for something. I pray every day with tears due to my feelings. Will He answer me in no time?
    Community Answer
    God hears you, He knows how it is to be forsaken. God may not always answer the way you want Him to, but He will give you strength to overcome that feeling. His thoughts and plans are so much higher than ours, so if you trust in Him He will give you rest.
  • Question
    Can God hear my prayer for someone who has my debt to be paid back?
    Community Answer
    God can definitely hear your prayer and will listen to you. However, whether your prayer is answered in the way you want it to be is up to Him and his plan. God has a plan for you and for the whole world, and if it is not a part of his plan for your life, your debt will not be paid. You must be faithful and remember that God will provide for you.
  • Question
    I need Jesus in my life but how?
    Community Answer
    You can start by reading the Bible, praying to Him, and finding a good church to go to. If you want Jesus in your life, then pray for Him to come into your heart. If you admit you are a sinner, ask forgiveness, and accept God's gift of eternal life, then you will be saved. Then you can continue to live your life and grow in your faith.
  • Question
    I was baptized When I was a baby but I did not get saved until i was in my 40s do I have to get baptized again?
    Community Answer
    You can choose to get baptized again or not. Being baptized is about showing others that you are a child of God and are following Him. You are still saved whether or not you get baptized. If you want to get baptized again to show your faith, go ahead!
  • Question
    Can i get baptized more than once ?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your religion and denomination. If you are Lutheran then no, just like other denominations. But, countless people look at it being baptized twice as a chance at a new life with God and starting their life over with God in their life, maybe stronger this time around. It's not strictly necessary because the Bible doesn't say that it is, but I won't get into detail since the Bible says so much on this one topic. It's your choice honestly, but if you were baptized once, then maybe you should talk to a pastor or someone in your congregation about it.
  • Question
    Can God help me get married to whom I want to get married?
    Community Answer
    God and only God has the spouse for you. You can talk to God and think about it. But you will know inside of you if he/she is the one. God has a plan for everyone. I suggest get the Bible app and find a Bible plan about future spouse or how to know if they are the one. But God won't just say yes or no, you need to let the Holy Spirit guide your own decision-making.
  • Question
    Being connected, Can you really see God with your physical eyes?
    Community Answer
    No you can't. If you did you would have died because he is that powerful-but we all will. When rapture will happen every human on this planet-and out in space- will see God. Read John 1:14 about seeing God and you can make bible verse research. But as of now, that's a no.
  • Question
    If a person allows sin to win in their lives, knowing they were disobedient, allowing them to fall away from grace by their actions, can they still find salvation if they have remorse and repentance?
    Community Answer
    Most congregations/denominations would say this is possible if you truly repent and make the effort to change your life for the better. Ask your own pastor - or at least, a particularly devout mentor - to ask if there are any special steps you need to take.
  • Question
    Do you have some prayers to help me to become employed?
    Community Answer
    Prayers are not like spells; there aren't specific ones to pray to get certain things. This is something that has been added on by people. In Matthew chapter 6, we are given one prayer: The Lord's Prayer. That's it. Prayer is meant to be a communication between us and God; a way of talking to Him. Check out Phillippians 4:6-7. In these verses, we are told we can bring anything to God in prayer. Prayers are personal; not canned.
  • Question
    How does a Christian get saved?
    Community Answer
    Realize that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23). Realize you can't earn your way to heaven (Ephesians 2:8-9). Realize you need a Savior; Jesus (John 3:16). Believe Jesus died to save you, was buried, and rose again (Romans 5, Romans 10:9). Pray and confess that you are a sinner, in need of a Savior. Thank God for sending Jesus to die for you, and that you believe that He was buried and rose again to save you. Ask Him to forgive your sins (Romans 10:13). Ask Him to come into your heart and life and be your savior. Read the Bible, starting with James or one of the Gospels. Pray and ask God to help you become closer to Him. Talk to a pastor or other Christian friend about what comes next.
  • Question
    I want a miracle baby, how will He answer me?
    Community Answer
    Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." (John 13:7) Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; (Proverbs 3:5) God will answer your prayers, but perhaps not the way you want, or in the way you expect. But God loves you, and will do the best for you. Your miracle baby may be unexpected, either your own biologically or another via adoption, fostering, sponsoring, etc. Don't think too narrowly about your need and be open to all possibilities.
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