Q&A for How to Tell Someone You Still Love Them

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    My ex and I are still good friends, and it has been years, a few moves, and meeting each other's new partners since we dated. Recently I feel this new connection to him, and feel that I really never stopped loving him. We are both single again, how do I tell him?
    Community Answer
    Since you're still good friends, you should be fairly comfortable talking to him; just tell him how you're feeling and see if he's amenable to rekindling the relationship you once had.
  • Question
    I broke up with my ex-boyfriend months ago, but lately I have been feeling very strong emotions towards him again. I still love him but I am afraid to tell him. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If he doesn't have a new partner, contact him to test the waters and see if he would be interested in meeting or talking. Maybe you will both get another shot.
  • Question
    What should I do if my ex-boyfriend still likes me and tells me so, but he's a jerk and I don't want to get back together with him?
    Community Answer
    Avoid talking to him or crossing paths if you can. If you do run into him, keep you conversation polite but brief. If he mentions his feelings for you, tell him you're flattered, but, frankly, you've moved on.
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    How do I get my separated wife to love me again?
    Community Answer
    Try to talk and listen to her, and find out what she needs from you. Apologize, and express that you will do anything to gain her trust again, and that you don't want your relationship to end. Above all, tell her how much you love her.
  • Question
    My ex boyfriend and I didn't last for long, but I still love him. He has a new girlfriend, and they seem happy. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If he's happy, then you should move on. You don't want do anything stupid and make yourself bad in his eyes.
  • Question
    I have this ex that I haven't seen in six years, but we still talk over the phone and text occasionally. I still love him, and I think that's the reason that any other relationships failed. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Why not meet up with your ex and have a heart to heart? Talk about how you still have feelings for him. The meeting might give you clarity about how you feel and why your relationship did not work out when you broke up six years ago. Be brave and do it, it will be cathartic, however the meeting ends, you will have more clarity when it comes to future relationships.
  • Question
    How often should I tell my first love that I still love him?
    Community Answer
    Once is enough. There is no use in continuing to bother him about it if he's not interested. If he does decide that he's interested, he can decide to get back to you about it himself.
  • Question
    I still love a man that I broke up with a few months ago. How can I tell him I still love him and tell him I was not cheating?
    Community Answer
    If you really love him, go for it. How you express your feelings makes him believe you haven't been cheating. Explain why you broke up. Tell him that you will not repeat the same thing again if you love him that much.
  • Question
    Me and my ex broke up because he was going into a different school (he was going to high school and I was in middle school for another year). How do I tell him I want to get back together?
    Community Answer
    Be upfront and honest and say that you want to go out again. It doesn't seem like you guys broke up for any reason other than going to different schools. Just tell him you still like him!
  • Question
    I have an ex girlfriend that I still love deeply, but all she says in response is "mmhmm." How can I prove to her that I still feel that way? I really want her back bad!
    Community Answer
    You've told her how you feel. It sounds like the problem isn't that she doesn't believe you, but that she doesn't feel the same way. Let it go, find someone else.
  • Question
    How do I tell someone I love her when we're separated by a car window?
    Community Answer
    Roll down your window and wave frantically until your beloved roll hers down, too (or has seen your frantic waving, if she's standing in the driveway). Once you have her attention, scream I love you or blow her a kiss.
  • Question
    How do I tell him if he doesn't date his exes?
    Community Answer
    The same way. If you feel the need to express your feelings, then express them, without any expectations from him. Just tell him you wanted him to know you still love him.
  • Question
    My boyfriend broke up with me because of distance. I go back and forth from one place to another. I still have such strong feelings for him. Should I tell him? I'm scared of being rejected.
    Community Answer
    You can tell him if you want, but if the circumstances haven't changed, i.e. if you're still going back and forth from one place to another, it's unlikely that he's going to want to get back together, since he had a genuine (and understandable) issue with this. It might be best for you to just try to move on.
  • Question
    My girlfriend asked me why I love her. What can I tell her?
    Community Answer
    The truth. If you can't come up with anything, you aren't in love with her. Her kindness? Her smile when she says your name? Her laugh?
  • Question
    My ex and I broke up because of my best friend and because I was never available. He's good friends with a girl and I'm jealous. I still love him, how do I tell him?
    Community Answer
    Just tell him how you feel and that you want to get back together. Don't tell him that you're jealous of some other girl, as that will be bringing unnecessary negativity into the conversation. He's allowed to be friends with whoever he wants. If he doesn't want to get back together, accept this and move on.
  • Question
    How do I tell my ex that I want her back when I can't find the right words?
    Community Answer
    Think about the real reason you want her back. It's easier to piece things together in your mind before you talk to her rather than saying everything on the spot. Then explain how you feel about her and how she makes you feel.
  • Question
    My boyfriend left me for another girl after we had been dating for 5 years. I still love him, but he's changed ever since he met that girl. Should i just move on or should I fight for him?
    Community Answer
    I think you should move on. If he's changed then he's not who you thought he was. Besides, if he's seeing someone else, he's definitely not serious. Find someone else.
  • Question
    How do I tell her that I still love her and I'm willing to change for her when she already blocked my numbers?
    Top Answerer
    First of all - give it time. You're just going to have to wait. I can sense this is still fresh and you may be angry, upset or frustrated - or all of these. But if you want to have any chance at all, at least a month should pass with you doing absolutely nothing to contact her. No phone, no text, no e-mail, no contacting her friends. If there is any feelings left in her, you will kill it if you rush it. Next, if she blocked you like that, it may be time to accept that it is over. People don't do this lightly. Finally, why change? Don't 'change for her', you're not Play-Doh that she can make into the shape she likes. You are you and you have to hope that she likes the shape you are in.
  • Question
    I was in a relationship with this guy I have feelings for. We broke up 2 weeks ago because he had to move back to Canada, and I cant really go to anyone because no one knows I like boys. What do I do?
    Top Answerer
    You could try and find a few members of the LGBTQ community near you, make friends, ask for advice. Or count on your friends to help you cope with your emotions. You don't have to come out before you can ask your friends for emotional support. "Hey, I'm feeling down, but I don't want to talk about why, sorry, can we hang out a bit?"
  • Question
    My ex and I are super good friends, and I still have feelings for him, but I have a new boyfriend now. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Only break up with your current boyfriend if you have really good reasons to. Ask yourself, "Why did I break up with my ex? Is this likely to become an issue again? Is it worth it to throw away the current relationship?" The grass always looks greener on the other side, don't act impulsively because something else suddenly seems appealing.
  • Question
    What if I don't know if my ex has a new person in their life?
    Community Answer
    Get in touch with them and find out. You can always just try to have a casual chat and see if they mention anybody. Their social media accounts might also give you some clue. Of course, you could alss just be direct and tell them you still have feelings for them and ask them if they're available!
  • Question
    I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago and I still love him. When we broke up, he told me he doesn't want me anymore, but I still feel a connection. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Move on. You may still feel a connection, but it sounds like he doesn't, otherwise he wouldn't have said he doesn't want you anymore. Find someone else, or just take some time to be single and focus on yourself. Check out the article How to [[Get Over Him].
  • Question
    I broke up with my ex boyfriend 10 months ago because he is living in another country at the moment. We're still good friends and talk often. How should I go about telling him that I still love him?
    Community Answer
    Next time you talk to him, tell him you feel deeply about him still and think it was a mistake to break up. Ask him if he'd be prepared to try again, and see if the two of you can make it work long distance.
  • Question
    My relationship ended because the guy I was dating said I love you and I wasn't ready to say it back. A few months have gone by and I realize that I love him. How do I tell him without it being weird?
    Community Answer
    Who cares if it's weird or awkward? He loved you and you love him. Find a way to see him and tell him how you feel. No risk, no reward.
  • Question
    Our relationship ended badly. He started dating my best friend 2 weeks after our relationship ended. They broke up, and I still have feelings for him, but I'm afraid of getting hurt again. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You should move on. This doesn't sound like someone who deserves a second chance. Give it some more time; see how you feel in a month or two. If you still like him, consider being friends for a while and seeing where it goes.
  • Question
    There is a guy at my school that I still like. It's been six months already and he told me he didn't want a relationship. I said we were on the same page but I still like him. Can I ask him to talk?
    Community Answer
    You can definitely ask him to talk. But if he told you he didn't have romantic feelings for you, it's pretty unlikely he changed his mind. If he told you he just wasn't ready for a relationship at that time, then you might have more luck. But there's no harm in talking to him regardless, as long as you don't try to pressure him into anything he's not comfortable with.
  • Question
    We broke up 3 days ago, but I still want him. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Wait three more... months. The pain is still far too fresh. Love doesn't just go away like whoosh, gone. Take time to heal, cry, shout, let it out of your system. After a while--at least three weeks!--see how you feel. And, most importantly, see if the reasons why you broke up are still the same. If they are, getting back together will only mean facing those same reasons again, with the same pain all over again.
  • Question
    How do I show the the boyfriend I love that he means the world to me? He got angry when I didn’t call him for a birthday celebration for one of our fur babies and now he won’t talk to me because he told me I was selfish.
    Community Answer
    Apologize and if he accepts your apology then it should be fine. However, if he keeps fuming and places fur babies above you, then he has a problem and needs to get over it and learn to put people's emotions before a fantasy birthday party for a dog!
  • Question
    My ex has a new girlfriend but I still like him a lot, it was my fault that we broke up. I want to tell him but I don't know how and I found someone else but I don't know how to let my ex go.
    Theodora Boyer
    Community Answer
    Maybe he has moved on. That can be possible and maybe you should do the same. Exes are exes for a reason. It is sometimes normal to feel that way when someone that you loved has moved on. If by any means option 1 isn't your case, you should go for it and tell him how you feel and hope for the best.
  • Question
    I broke up with my ex-boyfriend 10 months ago because he is living in another country at the moment. We're still good friends and talk often. How should I go about telling him that I still love him?
    Community Answer
    That can always be rough! It is difficult to keep relationships when one is not around. If you still love him, try saying this, "I still love you" and then proceed to talk about the chances of getting back together and giving it another chance. Maybe you could visit him for a short vacation, to fix things up.
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