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    This guy teases me and acts like he thinks I'm weird, but he gives other positive signs as well.
    Community Answer
    Young guys can act like this when they don't know how to admit they like someone, or when they're trying to fit in with friends. It's pretty immature, but he might act differently if you talk to him one-on-one.
  • Question
    I told him I liked him and he said "lol ok"... How can I tell what he's thinking?
    Community Answer
    That doesn't sound like someone who's ready to date. He could be nervous or just insensitive, but either way, the ball is in his court now if he wants to come up with a better response.
  • Question
    What if they flirt with you, but are already dating someone?
    Community Answer
    That's a bad sign. They may like you, but if they're already with someone, that means they don't take their current relationship very seriously - which means they may not take you seriously, either. It's best to not try and get into a relationship with this person, no matter how much they flirt with you or how much you like them.
  • Question
    My crush said they don't like me, but they act like they do. Do they like me or not?
    Community Answer
    If they say they don't like you, it's important to respect that, no matter how they behave around you. It's entirely possible for signs of friendship to be mistaken for a crush, and even if they do like you, saying "no" means they're not interested in pursuing anything romantic with you. If you're friends with your crush, now would be a good time to consider whether or not you're okay with just staying friends.
  • Question
    Should guys or girls ask the other person out?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't matter. Either way is possible.
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    What if we haven't talked to each other yet?
    Community Answer
    Go introduce yourself! You can try to play games with eye contact and catching nervous smiles, but a conversation is the best way to figure it out — and get your crush's attention.
  • Question
    How long does it take someone to ask you out?
    Community Answer
    Some people are too shy to ever ask their crush out. Don't be that person — go out and ask instead of waiting!
  • Question
    I asked them out and they said no, but they still do some of these things. What's up?
    Community Answer
    There are many reasons someone might not be willing to start a relationship, even if they like you. Once they've turned you down, it's best to move on.
  • Question
    What does it mean if they call you randomly on the phone just because they want to talk?
    Community Answer
    It means they like you!
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    How do I choose between two guys who like me?
    Bat 🦇
    Top Answerer
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    What does it mean if my crush looks at me often?
    Community Answer
    It's not possible to tell whether or not people like you just based on how often they look at you. Consider the other signs - does your crush tease you playfully, touch you frequently, find excuses to talk to you or see you whenever possible, or try to get your attention all the time? Just one sign isn't enough to tell; it's a combination of several behaviors.
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