Q&A for How to Tell Your Friends That You Are Moving

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    What if my friend thinks I am joking?
    Community Answer
    Keep telling them. Be really serious. If they still don't, they'll realize it sooner or later.
  • Question
    What if I'm really scared to tell my BFF I am moving?
    Community Answer
    Muster up your courage and tell her. It will be worse if she finds out from someone else, or at the very last minute.
  • Question
    I'm moving in 60 days, and I'm sad about it. How do I tell my friends?
    Community Answer
    Tell them ASAP and then spend time with them -- as much time as you can. Set up ways to keep in contact after you move.
  • Question
    How can I do this if I can't get my words out without bursting into tears?
    Community Answer
    Rehearse what you want to say! You can practice in front of a mirror, your parents or siblings, or even a pile of blankets!
  • Question
    What if you just earned their trust, then you just move? What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Trust has nothing to do with whether you live close to someone or not. You're not doing anything wrong to your friend by moving, and they should understand. If you care about them, then stay in touch. You can call, email, or text each other regularly, and visit when you have a chance.
  • Question
    I told my friends I'm moving, but I'm not anymore. What do I tell them?
    Community Answer
    Just be honest and explain the situation - that you changed your mind, your parents changed their mind, you didn't find what you were looking for, or whatever it may be. It should be good news if they are your friends.
  • Question
    How can I start hinting at it before telling my friends?
    Community Answer
    It's probably better to just tell your friends, even if you tell them slowly, or one by one, but if you're not feeling comfortable with that, slowly start talking about the place you're moving to or talk about people you know who have stayed friends after one of them moved.
  • Question
    How do I tell my closest best friend I'm moving?
    Community Answer
    I'm in the same situation. My plan is to invite my closest friends over for a sleepover and tell them then. No matter what, if they are your true friends, you will stay in touch.
  • Question
    How do I get over the fact that I'm moving away from my closest best friend?
    Community Answer
    Remember that you can always connect with her digitally, and depending how far you are moving, you may still be able to see her regularly or at least once a year.
  • Question
    What should I do if I know my friend will react badly and be angry if I tell her I'm moving to a different school?
    Community Answer
    Let her know you will do everything you can to stay in contact with her. Remind her there is Snapchat, Skype, Facetime, texting, email and plain old phone calls that will make it easy to stay in touch with each other. Be sure to schedule regular visits with her as well.
  • Question
    I told my friends I was moving and they laughed, calling me rude names. How do I deal with this?
    Community Answer
    It's possible your friends were upset at the idea of you moving and they responded inappropriately. It's also possible they are not your real friends and you'll be better off after you move and find some new friends. I would just avoid these people in the future unless they apologize.
  • Question
    What should I do if no one cares that I'm moving?
    Community Answer
    God cares. He has a plan for you. Maybe that plan involves connecting you to some true friends wherever it is you're moving to.
  • Question
    What if my friend doesn't want to be my friend anymore?
    Community Answer
    It's possible this friend is just angry that you are moving and doesn't know how else to cope. You can force someone to continue to be your friend, but you can express your affection and desire to stay connected.
  • Question
    The end of school is coming up and I've already told them I am moving. How do I say goodbye.?
    Community Answer
    Spend as much time with your friends as possible before the year ends. After the year ends, keep in touch. After all, it's not really goodbye with all the ways you can stay connected.
  • Question
    What should I do if they are mad at me?
    Community Answer
    Give them time. Later, you can go talk to them again. Tell them that you don't want to move at all. Express how sad you are about leaving them, and probably start to tear a bit, if you are really that sad.
  • Question
    What can I do if we all start to cry when I tell my friends that I am moving?
    Community Answer
    You can tell a funny joke or story, and try to focus on the funny memories that you share as friends. You can also make sure that you have everyone's contact information, so that you can keep in touch even once you move.
  • Question
    How do I tell a good friend that I have already moved? I still live in the same city, but a lot was happening at the time and telling her fell through the cracks.
    Dankus Memeus
    Community Answer
    Explain the situation to her! If you really feel bad and regret it, express that. An apology might be necessary as well. If she's a good friend, she should understand you situation, even if she is a little upset.
  • Question
    What do I do if I might be moving but I am not sure?
    Community Answer
    The best option would be not to tell your friends until you are positive that you're moving.
  • Question
    What should I do if my parents are forbidding me from telling anyone?
    Community Answer
    Tell your parents that its really important that you tell your friends. If they still refuse, you can tell your close friends but tell them not to tell your parents.
  • Question
    When is a good time to tell my friends that I'm moving?
    Community Answer
    Tell them when you're certain that you are really going to move. Then, choose a time when everyone's together (maybe throw a party and invite the people you're closest to) or meet up with friends one-on-one to share the news.
  • Question
    How do I tell my friends I'm moving away when they just had another friend move away?
    Community Answer
    Try breaking the news to them one at a time to avoid a huge reaction. It helps to talk to them one on one because they will feel special and like you're taking the time to listen to their feelings.
  • Question
    After I tell them, what if my friends become distant and work on friendships with people who are not moving away?
    Community Answer
    They might be upset about you leaving, and trying to make it easier on themselves by focusing on other friendships. Try talking to them about this. Tell them you really value their friendship and that you hope you can stay in touch online, and maybe visit each other in the future.
  • Question
    How do I tell my friends I moved after I've already moved? In my situation, we aren't exactly sure If we'll be moved out after Christmas break. Otherwise, if we do leave, I would've just disappeared.
    Community Answer
    If you aren't certain that you will be moving away, you should probably let some of your closest friends know that it is a possibility. If you do end up moving, the shock will be minimal.
  • Question
    What if my BFF doesn't believe me about moving to another state?
    Community Answer
    Ask a parent or sibling to confirm that you're really moving. She's bound to believe you eventually, when your house is getting packed up, you're saying goodbye to your other friends, etc.
  • Question
    My father is really set on me moving schools. Part of me really wants to go, but part of me doesn't. My mum is against it, but I don't know what I think.
    Community Answer
    List out the pros and the cons of moving schools and staying at the school that you are in. Have your parents join in too. Discuss it as a group and try to come to an informed group decision. If they've given you a choice, though, it will ultimately be up to you to decide.
  • Question
    How do I tell my friends that I'm moving if they're mad at me?
    Community Answer
    You can try getting their forgiveness first and then telling them, or you could just let them know even though they're angry. You don't want to just drop their friendships because of a dumb fight, so try to let them know one way or another.
  • Question
    Is it bad that I told my best friend that I'm moving through text?
    Community Answer
    It's not bad, but your best friend might feel a little cheated that she didn't get to talk to you about it in person, so I would make sure to discuss it with her next time you see her.
  • Question
    How do I tell them I won't be coming back?
    Community Answer
    Be kind and honest about it, but remember about making phone calls, face timing them and different social media that you can keep in touch with.
  • Question
    How do I tell a close friend I am moving if he or she is already going through a tough time and I don't want to upset him/her?
    Community Answer
    Take your friend out for coffee and ice cream and just explain the situation. It will be much worse if you don't tell him/her.
  • Question
    If I can't tell them in person, should I tell my friends via FaceTime or text?
    Community Answer
    It's always better to tell your friends in person, but if that's not possible, then I think FaceTiming would be better than texting. That way your friends would actually be able to see your face, which could make it more personal and meaningful.
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