Q&A for How to Tell if Someone Is Ignoring Your Calls and Decide What to Do About It

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    What if someone said to call back, but didn't answer when I called?
    Community Answer
    If someone asks you to call back later, but then does not answer, they may not have seen or received the call, or they may have been busy at the moment you called. Try texting to see if they are available.
  • Question
    What do I do if the person refuses to speak to me?
    Community Answer
    Respect their wishes and then patch things up when they are ready to talk to you. Sometimes people just need some time to themselves to work things out.
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    What should I do if I tried apologizing, but they kept ignoring me?
    Community Answer
    They might need a little more time to get over what happened, accept your apology, and to forgive you. Sometimes, there is nothing more you can do, and the best thing you can do for yourself is to move on.
  • Question
    How can you tell if someone is ignoring text messages you have sent to them?
    Community Answer
    It would be best to ask them in person if they got your text messages, and if so, why they didn't respond to them. It's possible that they've been very busy, or they lost their phone, or something like that - but if there is no such explanation, they're probably just ignoring you.
  • Question
    How can I get through when the cell phone voicemail says the person I'm calling is not picking up any calls right now?
    Community Answer
    Just wait and call back later. Or send a text or an email instead. If it's an emergency, call a family member.
  • Question
    What should I do if someone is refusing to speak with me?
    Community Answer
    Move on because the person is no longer interested, and you can definitely lower your worth by being clingy. Stop being too available because that will show that you are desperate.
  • Question
    What can I do if my friend doesn't speak up on the phone?
    Community Answer
    Try to make conversation that the person will be actively engaged in and excited about -- this could help him speak up. Or, maybe you could just ask him politely to turn up the volume.
  • Question
    What should I do when my boyfriend always ignores my calls?
    Community Answer
    Do you call him too frequently? Is he ignoring your calls when he's at work or possibly involved in some other important activity, or is he ignoring your calls literally all the time? It would be worth talking to him about this regardless. Just calmly bring up the fact that he seems to be ignoring your calls and ask him why. Try to have a rational discussion about it and see if you can come to an understanding. If not, this is probably not the right relationship for you.
  • Question
    How do I get a friend to answer my messages when I'm worried about their mental well being?
    Community Answer
    If you think they might be a danger to themselves or someone else, tell them you're going to call 911 if you don't hear from them. If they don't respond, go ahead and call. It's better to be safe than sorry.
  • Question
    What do I do if a someone I met ghosted me after a few days?
    Community Answer
    They may be in a bad place mentally at the moment or they could have faked interested. Also sometimes they could just have busy lives, next time you see them you can ask them.
  • Question
    What should I do if the person I called always talks to someone else in the background while I am on the phone?
    Community Answer
    Hang up as soon as the rudeness starts, that way they'll know you have not only noticed but you're unwilling to put up with it. If it always, happens that would be a sign that the person is not interested in talking with you, so maybe stop calling them.
  • Question
    How can I deal with a moody person?
    Community Answer
    They may be in a bad place mentally at the moment. Tell the person that you don’t appreciate that they are always moody and that it has an impact on your relationship.
  • Question
    I don't know why a friend of 14 years suddenly decided not to return calls or text. We've been through so many things together, it is so hurtful, like I was insignificant. It's been 9 months. Do I call again?
    Evan Popchock
    Community Answer
    Did you two have a disagreement at some point during the relationship, or did you do something to offend him/her? I would start by sending them a well-written apology letter and see if that brings a response. If this doesn't work, I would try calling him (assuming he didn't block your number) and asking if the two of you can meet face to face to sort things out. If he/she still doesn't answer, it's probably best to just move on.
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