Q&A for How to Throw a Shot Put

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    How do you strengthen your muscles for shot put ?
    Community Answer
    Lift some weights. You can jog with wrist weights on, it can strengthen your muscles.
  • Question
    How do I prevent injuries in shot put?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you stretch your throwing arm and torso very well. Stay hydrated and always follow the instructions of your coach. If you experience any pain, cease activity immediately and see a doctor, don't try to "play through the pain."
  • Question
    I have shoulder/muscle pain after throwing a 7.26 kg ball. What should I do to get permanent relief from this pain?
    Community Answer
    If it's just sore, use a roller where it hurts, and use a heating pad. If you believe it is not just sore and you may have an injury, see your doctor to make sure it is nothing serious.
  • Question
    How do I increase my shot put range by 4 meters?
    Community Answer
    There is a saying in shot put, dirty fingers and clean palm. Put the shot put on your fingers and place them on the side of your neck. Face the side while your body is facing the back and make sure your elbow knee and toes are lengths to the correct size. Bend your knees and twist your hips. When it's time to throw, throw at a 45 degrees angle and push your palm because t will give more length to your throw.
  • Question
    When throwing a shot put, is there an incorrect way to do it?
    Community Answer
    Yes, for example, if you throw the shot put in a base ball pitching way, you could get serious injuries to your arm and shoulder.
  • Question
    Are there different ways to throw a shot put?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there are many different ways. You can throw regular, throw from the front, shuffle from the back or do a leg kick throw, to name a few.
  • Question
    How do I strengthen arms in a day?
    Community Answer
    It is not possible to strengthen your arms in a single day. You can make sure your arms are at peak performance by taking a pre-workout supplement. Stretch your arms so you have full control of the muscle.
  • Question
    I am very skinny, how do I excel in such sport?
    Community Answer
    Try building up your muscles by using weights, but don't over do it at first. Doing this over a period of time will see your muscles grow.
  • Question
    Is it important to keep the shot put near the neck?
    Community Answer
    Depends. Some like to "granny" the shot put. Necking is very constructive for shot put, and is a common practice. The granny doesn't mix well with necking.
  • Question
    What is a good pulse rate for the cool down?
    Community Answer
    Around 97 BPM.
  • Question
    Can I bend my arm while throwing?
    Top Answerer
    You start with your arm bent at the elbow and then straighten it as you release the shot. Remember that you're not really "throwing" the shot, you're "putting" it. You push the shot away from you with your hand, arm and shoulder -- in fact, with your whole body. Do not throw it as if it were a ball. That's a sure way to injure your arm and shoulder.
  • Question
    Where can I buy a "shot put"?
    maya does stuff
    Community Answer
    You can buy a shot put online or at a sporting goods store. Just make sure you buy the right weight!
  • Question
    What is the first skill to learn for shot put?
    Community Answer
    For shot put, you should be focusing both on your technique and physical strength. You should be hitting the weight room often and following a strategy for how to bulk up your muscle before your throws. Yet without proper technique, you will quickly hurt yourself and fail to achieve your potential.
  • Question
    I have muscle pain after throwing shot put. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Immediately tell your coach. You may be doing something wrong. Also, your coach may advise you to stop putting for a while or even to see a doctor.
  • Question
    My foot has been bothering me when I throw a discus. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Rehab, stretch or get a chiropractor. Take it easy for a while.
  • Question
    How do you push the shot?
    the one and only king
    Community Answer
    Grip the shot, stand in the throwing circle, wind up, rotate hips/shoulders forward, extend your arm, release at the highest point, then follow through with arm and body.
  • Question
    Why do we play shot put?
    Community Answer
    It's a competitive challenge that is fun for people who are strong yet agile.
  • Question
    How can I break the world record?
    David Johnson
    Community Answer
    Breaking a world record is an extraordinary feat that requires a combination of exceptional skills, talent, dedication, and hard work. It is a pursuit that pushes individuals to their limits and beyond, testing their abilities and resolve. First and foremost, it is crucial to choose the right record to pursue. Select a world record that aligns with your abilities, interests, and passion. Find something that ignites your enthusiasm and fuels your determination. This will provide the foundation for your commitment and drive throughout the process.
  • Question
    Can you give me any drills to do before shotputting?
    Community Answer
    Watch John Bowman on YouTube. He has a short video on his channel entitled Beginner SHOT PUT Drills. This should help with form and overall performance.
  • Question
    What would be the heaviest shot (in kg) that a 17-year-old beginner should carry?
    Javel Paul
    Community Answer
    A 17-year-old beginner should start with a 4kg shot. This is light enough to allow you to practice the technique without straining your muscles. As you become more experienced, you can gradually increase the weight.
  • Question
    List 4 phases of the shot put.
    Javel Paul
    Community Answer
    The four phases of the shot put are the wind-up, the power position, the release, and the follow-through. During the wind-up, you take a few steps back and begin to spin your body. In the power position you bring the shot back and prepare to "put" it. The release occurs when you put (push) the shot, and the follow-through is when you finish the put and re-establish your balance.
  • Question
    What are other cool-down exercises for shot put?
    Javel Paul
    Community Answer
    Cool-down exercises for shot put can include stretching, jogging, and walking. You can also do some light weightlifting or yoga to help your muscles relax. Foam rolling can be great way to reduce soreness and improve flexibility.
  • Question
    What angle should I throw the shot put at?
    Top Answerer
    See Part 2 Step 3 above.
  • Question
    I have pain in my forearm during throwing javelin. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Don't ignore it. If it gets worse, you should rest your arm for weeks or months. If it persists, see a doctor.
  • Question
    Is there any trick to winning this game?
    Top Answerer
    There's no trick. The winner is likely to be the strongest competitor who also possesses good agility and balance.
  • Question
    Which major muscle is involved in shot put throwing?
    Rohit Bhaskar
    Community Answer
    When you throw a shot, the drive you put into it comes from your legs and travels upward. You crouch down and push off, employing your calf muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. Typically, you push off onto one leg, but strength in both legs is required.
  • Question
    How can I work out to get my arms stronger without weights?
    d. martinez
    Community Answer
    Try doing bodyweight exercises like pushups and pullups. Start small by doing pushups on elevated surfaces like on a table or the side of the couch while your feet are on the ground. When that gets too easy, go on the floor and push your body away with your knees on the ground, and do a full push up once your knee pushups get too easy. This works your triceps and makes them stronger. For pullups, start off by just hanging on the bar for as long as you can then progress by doing Australian pull ups where you hold on to a lower bar with your body leaning backward and both feet on the ground, then pull your chest to the bar. Once you get strong enough, trying pull ups on a high bar.
  • Question
    What are the weakness and strengths that one can do in shot put?
    Community Answer
    Strengths would be good height, getting low, explosion when it is coming off your hand, etc. Weaknesses would be not following through your throw, not using your left or right arm for more power, not getting height on the shot, etc.
  • Question
    How many practice throws should I do before a meet?
    Community Answer
    You really want to do your best before a meet, so try focusing on technique and only throwing at 60-70% effort. On the day of competition, keep your warmups low.
  • Question
    Does shot put help you gain muscle mass?
    Community Answer
    Shotput can help you gain muscles in your arms and legs, but what really helps is some sort of weight training on the side, like lifting, explosive squats, etc.
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