Q&A for How to Throw a Spiral

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    Should I throw the ball high in the air or low?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how far away your target is. If your target is close, no need for the ball to go high. If your target is kind of far, yes, you would need to make it go high a little.
  • Question
    How hard do you need to flick it?
    Community Answer
    Depends on how far your target is. But overall, it should just roll off your fingertips. The force should come from you stepping into the throw with your legs, so you don't really need to put much strength in the 'flick'.
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    How do I take a three step drop and stay balanced?
    Community Answer
    Practice. Learn to keep your feet set the right way and use good form when passing.
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    How do I complete a pass to a tightly covered receiver?
    Community Answer
    Fast balls. Aim for the center mass of the receiver. It will be easier for him to make the reception and hold the ball close to his stomach.
  • Question
    I can throw spirals well at about 20 yards, but when I try to throw forty yard passes, it wobbles. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    When throwing a spiral, you want a small space between the ball and the palm of your hand (creating a pocket shape). Your arms may not be strong enough as well, so if that's the case, work on your upper core.
  • Question
    How do I keep the ball from turning on a deep pass?
    Community Answer
    Work on your follow through and stepping through your throw, and you'll be throwing a perfect deep ball spiral in no time.
  • Question
    I can throw a perfect spiral, but as soon as I put my equipment on, I can't. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Spend more time practicing your spiral while wearing your equipment to get used to the padding.
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    How do I throw effectively under pressure and stay calm?
    Community Answer
    For me, if I ever need to be calm I chant in my head something uplifting like, "there is no such thing as fear." Or if you are scared of disappointment just tell yourself you are too good to miss and that should help you calm down.
  • Question
    Should I have 2 or 3 fingers on the seam?
    Community Answer
    It's actually not about how many fingers are on the seam. It's about making sure your thumb and index finger are behind the ball, and that your other fingers will be able to roll the laces when you release your throw.
  • Question
    Does it matter where I place my fingers when throwing a spiral?
    Community Answer
    Throwing a spiral is easier when your fingers are between the laces, with your pointer finger near the tip. But if you find another way to do it, you can do it that way. The trick to a perfect spiral is practice.
  • Question
    Is a heavy ball or a light ball better for a grandma?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the the grandma. Generally lighter would be better for arm strength but it is easier to throw a spiral with a heavier ball. Your grandma should try both and see which one she likes better.
  • Question
    I take my time and practice good form, but for some reason the back end always drifts out when I throw a spiral. Is this due too adding to much flick?
    Community Answer
    The ball is supposed to spiral a little at the end; it's not from too much flick, you're actually putting the perfect amount of flick.
  • Question
    I throw the football correctly but it goes all over the place, what should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Keep practicing with a target.
  • Question
    I just made the football team for middle school, I'm one of the shortest quarterbacks. If there are linebackers and the safety's taller than me, should I throw the ball high?
    Top Answerer
    Don't throw the ball high. That's dangerous. A short quarterback's best bet is to throw on the run.
  • Question
    What does "between the laces" mean?
    Community Answer
    The laces are the white lines on the football. Your fingers should go in between those laces.
  • Question
    How do I throw a spiral if I have small hands in comparison with the football?
    Top Answerer
    Hold the ball with both hands until you begin your throwing motion. As you throw, point the ball downfield, and let your fingertips be the last part of your hand to touch the ball.
  • Question
    If I put my middle finger between the laces, where would I put it?
    Community Answer
    On the seams.
  • Question
    I tried these techniques, but the ball still wobbles. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Is your arm at a 90 degrees angle? Are your feet flat on the ground? Are your neck and head straight? Is your ball behind your head but not too far? Have someone check your form.
  • Question
    What can I do to increase arm strength to throw a spiral farther?
    Community Answer
    Hit the gym and work on biceps, triceps and deltoids. That should help you throw the ball farther.
  • Question
    Should I keep my fingers stiff during the release?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you should keep your grip tight.
  • Question
    When I follow through, does the ball have a better chance of spiraling than when stopping the follow through?
    Top Answerer
    No, following through has no effect on the spiral, but it does increase the power of the throw and decrease strain on your arm.
  • Question
    How do I prevent my wrist from moving while I'm throwing the football?
    Community Answer
    Try not to throw the ball exactly like a baseball. The follow-through should not make your wrist bend down, because your hand is on the side of the ball. When you throw, your arm should come down across your body instead, preventing your wrist from moving.
  • Question
    When I'm a receiver, how should I catch the ball?
    Top Answerer
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    Is it good to scramble a lot?
    Top Answerer
    Scrambling is a good talent to have, but most passing plays work better if you can stand in the pocket.
  • Question
    Why does my ball go sideways when I throw it?
    Top Answerer
    If you will directly face your target and throw with a fully overhand motion, the ball will go toward the target. If the ball sails too high, release it later in your throw. If it goes too low, release it sooner. Once you get comfortable with this, you can experiment with slightly different throwing motions.
  • Question
    How would you throw it like a bullet; very straight?
    Top Answerer
    It's mainly a matter of arm strength: lots of weights and push-ups.
  • Question
    When I am throwing the ball, I understand that if I throw it straight at the person, then it will fall short. Where should I throw the ball? Do I look above the player's head and throw or above?
    Top Answerer
    If you will simply play catch with someone or play quarterback in a casual game, that should answer most of your basic questions.
  • Question
    How do you create spin on the football when throwing it?
    Top Answerer
    The ball will spin if your fingertips are the last part of your hand to touch the ball as you let it go.
  • Question
    When I throw the ball, does it need to be a spiral?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. A spiraling ball will not "wobble" in flight, will be less affected by wind and will be easier for the receiver to catch.
  • Question
    Every time I throw a football, it turns once it leaves my hand. How do I prevent this?
    Community Answer
    When you throw, your palm might be facing down, causing the ball to spin sideways. Let the ball roll off your fingers and keep the back of your throwing hand away from your face.
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